RESCUE I t was a beautiful morning, with scarcely a cloud in the sky. We glanced out across the valley, be yond the papyrus swamp, the hos pital hill, and on up to the lofty heights of the towering volcanoes. We were reminded of the Psalm, “ I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord.” It was 7:25 and time for our little brood of ten-—we five and the five missionary children we are boarding-y-to gather around the breakfast table. Maria and Susanna, her little 9- year-old daughter, had gotten up from their bed of dried banana leaves covered with a grass mat, at the sec ond cock crow. Susanna’s brothers and sisters would remain behind with Baba, and later, when he went to Bible school, they would stay with the woman in the next hut. It was easy for Susanna to get ready to go with her mother to the shopping cen ter ten kilometers away. No need to wash; she could do that at the Rut- churu River. No need to cook break fast. As usual, she would take a large hunk of cold bread from the alumi num pot. It was easy for her to dress. All she owned was one square yard of colored cloth which she wrapped around her body and tied underneath her arms. No shoes. No beads to day. Susanna must accompany her mother to the shopping center where Maria would exchange the 80-pound bundle of fire wood for supplies. By the time the white children were getting ready for breakfast Susanna and her mother were already at the little dilapidated bridge by the rush ing Rutchuru River. Breakfast was suddenly interrupted when the kitchen door burst open and then came the awful news: “ Bwana, mutoto moya anaanguka by Lois and
Billy Graham’s Calling Youth to Christ Won special commendation from the Moody Monthly — “ The straightforward Gospel is presented here in a fashion geared to be especially ap pealing to the minds and hearts of youth.” Beautifully bound and jacketed as a gift book. Only $1.50 Also by Billy Graham
from the Rutchuru River Edwin Pelletier
ndani ya mai ya Rutchuru!”—a lit tle child has fallen into the Rutchuru River! We grabbed the phone to call Dr. Trout, Mel Lyons and the hos pital. They were a mile away from the scene. We thought that perhaps we might be able to locate the vic tim and save her by artificial respir ation. We learned that a man had passed by the scene of the tragedy and had come at top speed to inform the Bible school men, all 70 of whom had gone on the run to the spot. We were ready to go when we glanced again out across the valley to the curving highway, where a long, fast- moving line was appearing. A call came from the hospital. “ They-just brought the little girl by and they are coming directly back to the Bible school village.” Praise the Lord! It seems that as Susanna attempted to follow her mother across the pole bridge, she slipped and fell into the river, and the roaring torrents car ried her away. Maria ran back to the shore and followed down the very densely foliaged bank, past the rapids and the falls to Madamo Paul’s cabin. Giving up in despair, she ran back to the bridge and stood there crying for her child. Sudden ly she heard a rustling in the bushes behind her, and thinking it was a leopard, she turned quickly about, and Susanna, bruised and bleeding and naked, rushed into her arms! The stream had carried her down around the bend a hundred yards where a tree had fallen into the river. Her contact with the tree was severe: a bruise on the forehead, a ragged gash under her arm, but somehow her lit tle arms managed to hold on to the limbs. She pulled herself out, scram bled to the bank, and ran back into her mother’s arms. END.
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M issionary Candidate’ s Need by Hudson Taylor
1. A life yielded to God and controlled by His Spirit. 2. A restful trust in God for the supply of all needs.
3. A sympathetic spirit and a willingness to take a lowly place. 4. Tact in dealing with men and adaptability toward circumstances 5. Zeal in service and steadfastness in discouragement. 6. Love for communion with God and for the study of His Word. 7. Some experience and blessing in the Lord’s work at home. 8. A healthy body and a vigorous mind.
101 new and beautiful, titled, hymn slides in natural, full-color. These are authentic pictures of the Holy Land, attractively lettered with favorite hymns of the Church. Must be seen to be appreciated. To send for sample slide on approval, together with list of hymn and scene titles, write to: PALESTINE HYMN SLIDES, JUANITA STUDIOS 92 North Los Robles Ave., Pasadena 1, Calif. 29
NOV EM B E R , 1954
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