
" $ 5 6 " - * 5 4  r  / & 8 4 POST-CHRISTMAS LOCKDOWN FOR ONTARIO PR RESIDENCE COVID OUTBREAK ENDS STEPHEN JEFFERY STEPHEN JEFFERY outbreak numbers, positivity and reproduc- tive rate, was suspended while the lockdown took place.

Eastern Ontario joined the rest of the province in a lockdown that began just after midnight on Boxing Day. 1SFNJFS %PVH 'PSE BOOPVODFE UIF province-wide lockdown last Monday in an effort to prevent hospitals from becoming PWFSXIFMNFEXJUI$07*%DBTFT The measure took effect from 12:01 a.m., %FDFNCFSBOESVOTGPSEBZTJOUIF TPVUIPGUIFQSPWJODF JODMVEJOHUIF&BTUFSO 0OUBSJP)FBMUI6OJU &0)6 5IFMPDLEPXO XJMMSVOJOOPSUIFSO0OUBSJPGPSEBZT Remote learning will take place when students return from winter break January &MFNFOUBSZTDIPPMTUVEFOUTXJMMSFUVSOUP in-person classes on January 11, while high school students will return on January 25. The lockdown, similar to those imposed JO5PSPOUP 1FFM :PSL )BNJMUPOBOE8JOETPS &TTFYQSJPSUP$ISJTUNBT JOWPMWFTSFTUSJDUJOH indoor public gatherings and events, except for those with members of an immediate household. In-person shopping was banned in most retail settings, though curbside pic- kup and delivery are allowed to continue. Discount and big box stores that sell groceries are limited to 25 per cent capacity for in-store shopping. Supermarkets, grocery stores and other stores that primarily sell food, as well as pharmacies, will have a 50 per cent capacity limit. Both indoor and outdoor dining are

The measures would be evaluated during the lockdown period to determine whether it was safe to ease any restrictions or if they needed to be extended. *OBNFEJBDPOGFSFODF%FDFNCFS 'PSE said border regions that had been handling UIFWJSVTXFMM TVDIBT0UUBXBBOEUIF&0)6  XFSFJODMVEFEJOUIFEBZTPVUIFSO0OUBSJP lockdown to prevent potential cross-border spread from Quebec. The Quebec govern- ment announced plans to introduce its own shutdown of nonessential businesses from %FDFNCFSUP+BOVBSZ BOE'PSETBJE border regions, “will be at tremendous risk over the holidays of people flooding in across the border if they stay open”. Residents were asked to stay at home, with trips limited to necessities such as gro- ceries, medication, medical appointments, or assisting vulnerable residents. Small business grants of between $10,000 and $20,000 were announced alongside the lockdown to help cover decreased revenue. )FBMUI.JOJTUFS$ISJTUJOF&MMJPUUTUBUFE the shutdown is designed to prevent the health system from becoming overwhelmed. “This was not an easy decision before the holidays, but we have reached a tipping QPJOU uTIFTUBUFEi8FDPOUJOVF UPTFF sharp increases in hospitalizations and occupancy in intensive care units is reaching concerning levels.”

The COVID-19 outbreak at the Prescott and Russell Residence is officially over. The Hawkesbury long-term care home was the site of the deadliest outbreak JO UIF &BTUFSO 0OUBSJP )FBMUI 6OJU &0)6 'SPN UIFPGàDJBMEFDMBSBUJPO PGUIFPVUCSFBLPO0DUPCFSUPJUTFOE on December 21, more than 170 cases were detected. 'JGUFFOSFTJEFOUEFBUITXFSFBUUSJCV -

L’éclosion de COVID-19 à la Résidence Prescott et Russell a été déclarée terminée le lundi 21 décembre.

banned under the lockdown. Bars, restau- rants, and other food vendors are able to operate by delivery, takeout or drive-through services only. 1SJPS UP UIFTIVUEPXO  UIF&0)6XBT XJUIJO UIFPSBOHFiSFTUSJDUu [POFPG0OUB - SJPTDPMPVSDPEFE$07*% GSBNFXPSL5IBU framework, which determines restrictions based on a health unit’s rolling case average, Le premier ministre de l’Ontario, Doug Ford, a annoncé que toute la province fermait boutique à compter du 26 décembre, sauf pour les services essentiels. — photo fournie

ted to the virus, almost half the total EFBUIUPUBMGPSUIFFOUJSF&0)6*OUPUBM   SFTJEFOUTBOETUBGGNFNCFST UFTUFE QPTJUJWF GPS $07*% EVSJOH the two-month outbreak. Red Cross, Prescott-Russell paramedics and other external agencies were brought in to BTTJTUXJUITUBGàOHTIPSUBHFTBU UIF municipal facility.

Freinez la propagation. La COVID-19 peut causer la mort. Restez chez vous. Tenez bon. Sauvez des vies.

Consultez Payé par le gouvernement de l’Ontario

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