Biola Broadcaster - 1968-04

by Stuart Briscoe Torchbearers’ Fellowship England


stances. They may be deeply in debt, thoroughly discontented, and down­ right discouraged. How much of an influence are you having on their lives ? David’s mighty men loved him. One day, while he longed for a cool drink from the well by the gate of Bethlehem three of his men over­ heard his soliloquy. Without saying a word, they fought their way through the enemy camp to the very center of Saul’s garrison. There they filled a bottle full of water for their leader. It was a real “commando” at­ tack. You can imagine David’s sur­ prise when he heard of their feat. He could see the marks of battle fa­ tigue written on their faces. He knew what they had gone through. They did this because they loved him. Even so, today Christians ought to be a people who have such an impact in their community that others love them for who and what they are. A Christian has something absolutely tremendous to offer this world. David’s faithful men not only loved him, but also they obeyed him. One day David told his men that the Philistines were on their way to for­ age a field of lentils. He wanted them to do something about it. Shammah went down to stand in the midst of the field to defend it. Who’s interested in a field of lentils? All that’s good for is to make soup. The soldier defended the field be­ cause his captain told him so. He did so in obedience. People will never obey unless they first of all respect their leader. Do you realize that you have to earn respect if you are going to be a leader? Learning to respect you, they will learn to respect your God. 11

I T IS WONDERFUL TO REALIZE how the Lord delights to work in the life of one who is willing to be used in spir­ itual leadership. Are you aware that the Lord has a special place for you? This is one main reason for study­ ing the parallels in David’s life. The Lord gave His servant real power with men. His band was really great. Be sure to spend time reading II Samuel 23 which illustrates this in a very fascinating manner. David had been in exile and was now in the cave of Adullam. I Samuel 22:2 tells us of whom this strange group consisted, “Everyone that was in ■ distress, and everyone that was in debt, and everyone that was discon­ tented, gathered themselves unto him.” If Saul saw a strong valiant man, he simply took him (I Sam. 14:52). Having been utterly reject­ ed, David had no choice as to the cali­ ber of manpower. I believe that when a man is chosen by God, although he is rejected by some, he has an at­ traction about him which is really a divine compelling. He will draw men and women with needs. Sometimes God’s greatest work is done through those who aren’t always physically attractive. When the miracle comes, it is then more pronounced. Ask your own heart, “Am I prepared to be so available to God that I’m ready to go to those utterly unat­ tractive? Is my quality of life such that it automatically draws others who have a need?” Do others recog­ nize a quality of existence in you that is attributable only to God? It is not something of yourself at all. I believe this is the sort of leaders the Lord wants. Use a sheet of paper and write on it all those whom you know to have distressing circum-

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