Avenues PT: Effective hip and knee pain relief

Health & Wellness Newsletter by Avenues Physical Therapy

Health &Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body


INSIDE: • 30+ Years Of Back Pain Under Control • Who Needs Physical Therapy? • Patient Success Spotlights • Welcome To The Team Katie

to cope with the pain and discomfort by introducing you to targeted exercises and stretching techniques that can enhance your ability to recover from the injury. When you are dealing with a knee or hip injury, every step requires more effort than typical. This can really drain your energy level as you attempt to go about doing even basic tasks, such as taking care of your home or walking around the office. What Can Physical Therapy Do to Help? Physical therapy is not a one-stop cure-all for pain management. This is a long-term solution to pain and suffering through the use of targeted exercises and stretching techniques that are designed to strengthen the targeted areas and help the body recover and heal. By identifying the exact points on the body that are not moving as they ought to be, it is possible to make a plan to increase flexibility, motion, strength and even improve coordination. (continued inside)

Mark Twain once said that growing old is an issue of “mind over matter,” but if you struggle with knee or hip pain, then you know that this isn’t true at all. Hip and knee pain can really take the spring out of your step, causing you to move slower and leaving you with pain that becomes more difficult to cope with, step after step. There is an endless list of reasons as to why knee or hip pain may develop, from a slip or fall-related accident to a sports injury or even a car accident. Don’t Wait Until It Is Too Late! When an injury develops, seeking the support of a physical therapist is the best course of action. Working with a physical therapist soon after an injury develops can help reduce your recovery time and improve your ability

Health & Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body


Photo Courtesy: LE CLERCQ L. Jones- AUG. 1978

Call IN & Win!

After more than 22 years at its Central Avenue location, AvenuesPhysicalTherapyClinicmovedto itsnew location at 611 W. 18th St. (between Bent and O’Neil Avenues) on August 13, 2018. We are excited to be located in the Stanfield Building and yes we have plenty of parking. Being on the West Edge of Cheyenne is convenient for those who work downtown, while still serving the Avenues area. Many of you may recall the Stanfield Building as an office supply store. Here is a brief summary of the history of theBuilding, courtesy of Marcene Vanderhaar. According to theSanbornmapsof1923, this lotcontaineda private wood structure known as the Bon Ton Livery stable owned by A. W. Trout. From 1932 to 1934 it was known as theBonTonGarage. By1937, the landwas listedasvacant. The landremainedvacantuntil1952whenDonaldandLucille Stanfield built the “Stanfield Building.” At this time, Donald StanfieldwastheownerofWyomingTypewriterandEquipment in Downtown Cheyenne. Wyoming Restaurant and Hotel Supply occupied half the building and the other half served as a service department and warehouse for Mr. Stanfield. In the late 1950’s, Don Stanfield moved his office equipment store into the building to sell items such as typewriters, duplication machines, furniture, safes, etc. At the same time, the Stanfields maintained a store for office supplies, greeting cards, gifts, etc. at 1706 Capitol. In 1962, Don Stanfield took over both 609 and 611 W. 18th and consolidated his stores into one called Stanfield Office Supply. In1979,anadditionalbuilding(605W18th—currently occupiedbyCapitolCommunications)wasusedforshipping and receiving.

Trivia Edition

Answer the following trivia question correctly for your chance to win a $10 GIFT CARD! “What was the original name and/or address of the clinic in 1985?” *HINT: A visit to our website could prove useful. Call In & Win Hotline: 307-634-0298 *Contest for past and present patients ONLY

In1966,JimFarrisandDonStanfieldmergedtwobusinesses, Nesbit Stationary and Office Supply located at 112 W. 18th and Stanfield’s Office Supply to form a corporation known as Commercial Office Supply. Both businesses remained open under their own name with Don Stanfield serving as Vice-President of Commercial Office Supply and President of Stanfield Office Supply (selling mainly furniture and equipment). In 1985, Jim Farris bought the inventory of Stanfield’s, increasing his inventory of office furniture. The space at 611 W. 18th street was leased for the purpose of expanding its furniture sales and maintaining a receiving and shipping departmentandbecameknownasCommercialOfficeSupply – Office Furniture Division. DonaldStanfield(Vice-PresidentandTreasurer)passedaway on January 7, 1988. At that time the building passed to his estatebutCommercialOfficeSupplymaintainedapresence thereuntil1999. Thebuildingremained intheStanfieldfamily and the space was leased to various businesses.



Are you moving like you should be? Your hips and knees are essential to everyday movement; whether you are sitting, standing, walking or running, you need your hips and knees in great shape. Sometimes, when your hips and knees are in pain, it can cause you to change the way that you are moving, causing you to change the flow and pace of your gait, which is the way that you walk. Other times, prolonged pain can cause you to stop doing movements that are indicative of healthy joints. If you’ve experienced any hip or knee pain and are considering whether physical therapy isagoodchoice foryourhealthneeds,consider the following: • From a standing position, are you able to lean over and touch your toes? If so, then this indicates that you have proper hip and low back flexibility. If not, then you may need to improve your flexibility and joint range of motion, and physical therapy could be helpful. • In a sitting position, can you comfortably cross your legs, leaving your ankle to rest comfortably on the opposite knee? If this is painful, or one knee constantly must be lower than the other, then this may be indicative of knee concerns that could be addressed with physical therapy. • From a standing position, with your feet planted flat on the floor, can you push your body into a squatting position? You should be able to squat all the way down so that your buttocks are almost touching your heels. If you aren’t able to do this, then physical therapy may be helpful in improving your range of motion. • Standing near a wall or countertop, arrange your feet so that you are standing with the heel of one foot touching the toes of the other, as if on a balance beam, and see how long you can stand still. Can you balance for 10 seconds? If not, then physical therapy may be able to improve balance and coordination. The goal of any physical therapy program is to restore range of motion and

Enjoy a therapeutic massage by our very own, Donna Channel, LMT, CMT. Each person can receive this service at a discounted price today! Attention Pain Sufferers! FORMORE UPDATES, LIKE US ON SOCIALMEDIA! We invite you to view and like our page on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram! We’d love to hear how physical therapy has impacted your life and how we can help even more! Print sudoku http://1sudoku.com improve flexibility and strength while reducing the general experience of pain. Unfortunately, hip and knee injuries often tend to linger. Every movement relies so heavily on the hips and knees that it makes it difficult to allow these joints to actually rest following an injury. Physical therapy provides targeted exercises that support the joints with precise movements that help reinforce strength and range of motion. For more information, contact your physical therapist to learn more about options that will suit your health needs. If you are suffering with joint pain, call us today to learn more about how we can relieve your pain, returning you to a more active, pain-free life!

Call us today at 307-634-0298 to schedule an appointment!


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2 9 MASSAGE THERAPY $5 off of a 1/2 hour massage OR $10 off of a 1 hour massage Coupon must be presented at the appointment. No duplicates. 7 2 6 8 4 7 2 8 5 4 9


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SCHEDULE YOUR MASSAGE BY CALLING 307-634-0298 TODAY! Limit one coupon per person. EXPIRES 10-28-18



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Kelsey Kean, PT, MPT Walynn Smith, PT

Eric Nelson, PT Linda Froelicher, PT, MSPT

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Patient Success Spotlights

“Bowling At It Again!”

“My journey with Avenues PhysicalTherapy started about four years ago when I was referred to thembecause Ihadpain inmy leftshoulder fromdoing theeasiest of tasks. I had a hard time opening jars, throwing baseballs, rolling my bowling ball,scratchingmy lowerbackwithmy lefthand,andpickingupmygrandchildren. During three months of physical therapy, Kelsey Kean and Eric Nelson had me doing these tasks and items again so well, that after my last physical therapy session, I threw my first 300 bowling game in my league. However, about a year and a half ago I started having the same difficulties with my left shoulder, but this time physical therapy was not giving us the same results, so Kelsey suggested that I should be seen by an Orthopedic Surgeon. The last week of May 2018 I had my shoulder surgery. I requested this physical therapy clinic because of how much they had done for me already. Thanks to the physical training, Eric has me able to touch and scratch my back, pick up my grandchildren, play with them, throwing the ball and playing catch, being able to turn wrenches again as a mechanic and yes, even throwing my bowling ball and being a true left-handed persononceagain. Iwould just like to thank theWHOLEstaffofAvenuesPhysical Therapy foreverythingyouhavedone for me. Especially toKelsey, Ericand Linda, for your help and down-home caring.” - Jim V.

“Elbow Me No More Pain!”

“After my right elbow reconstruction surgery, I was apprehensive about physical therapy because of past experiences with grueling sessions and pain. My work as an Information Technologist depends upon the use of my arms, so I was looking forward to a fully functional right arm. I am right-handed, and I was eager to write legibly once again. Additionally, I wanted to be able to do things I did before my surgery such as, getting involved with sports activities and playing musical instruments. Kelsey and his office made me feel comfortable at the outset and structured their sessions to gradually ease into more difficult exercises. I didn’t experience significant elbow pain during the sessions and there was no pain and soreness in the final days of therapy. I am now back to full duty work and I am looking forward to getting more involved in sports and playing music. I credit Avenues Physical Therapy for helping me achieve my goals and getting my right arm back in shape. Thank you!” - Christopher A. Katie has joined the Avenues family this summer as our newPatientCareCoordinator. She has been in the medical field for over six years and loves interacting with patients every day. She is a college graduate with an Associates of Occupational Studies Allied Health Degree- MedicalAssistingandhasher N.C.M.A. (Nationally Certified Medical Assistant.) Katie is married toherbest friendand has a toddler boy. During her free time, she likes to read, spend time with her family, and help her mother with their custom glass etching and decal business, CustomDesigns99. WELCOME TO THE TEAM KATIE!

“Walking and Exercising Pain Free!”

“About 12 years ago, I had orthopedic surgery on my left knee. The physical therapy that I received from Linda and the team was successful. When I was told that I needed physical therapy again I returned to AvenuesTherapy. In April 2018, I had pulled my left groin and my left knee was chronically weak and hurting, when I walked. Exercising or any other strenuous activity caused the pain to be worse. By strengthening my knees, legs and hips has enabled me to resume my exercise routine and go about my day without pain. I plan to continue the exercise plan given to me by Linda and the Avenues team. I’m happy to say that I have met my goal of walking and exercising without pain in my left knee, hip and groin.” - Charlotte E.

This Could Be You! CALL TODAY! 307-634-0298

Kelsey Kean, PT, MPT Walynn Smith, PT

Eric Nelson, PT Linda Froelicher, PT, MSPT


EASY EXERCISES FOR HIP & KNEE PAIN RELIEF SINGLE LEG STANCE Stand on one leg and maintain your balance. Next, hold your leg out in front of your body for 10 seconds. Return to original position. Then switch and repeat 6 times. Maintain a slightly bent knee on the stance side. TRY THESE EXERCISES FOR YOUR HIP & KNEES!

IT BAND - STRETCH SIDELYING Lie on your side. Pull ankle of upper leg back as if stretching your quad. Put the ankle of your lower leg on the outside of your knee. Apply pressure downwards to feel a stretch along the side of your thigh. Hold for 30 seconds repeat 3 times on each side.


Veggie Hummus Rolls Recipe

INGREDIENTS • 2 vegan whole wheat wraps • 1/2 cup diced red peppers • 1/2 cup diced yellow pepper • 1/2 cup diced red cabbage

• 2 large carrots, peeled • 6 - 8 tbsp. no-oil, low-salt hummus • 2 tbsp. raw sunflower seeds (or your choice of raw seeds)

DIRECTIONS Heat wraps for 10 to 20 seconds in the microwave. Spread each wrap with 3 to 4 tbsp of no-oil hummus (depending on the diameter of your wrap). Divide veggies and sprinkle on top of the hummus on each wrap. Make sure to stop your veggies about 2 inches down from the edge of the tortillas (this will help the wraps seal up better). Starting on the opposite end, roll upwards tightly and press down to seal. Eat as whole wraps or cut into 1 1/2 to 2 inch pieces to make sushi-like rolls.




Hikingoutdoorshasplentyofperks:niceviews, freshair,and thesoundsand smells of nature. It’s good for you, too. Hiking is a powerful cardio workout that can: • Lower your risk of heart disease • Improve your blood pressure and blood sugar levels • Boost bone density, since walking is a weight-bearing exercise • Build strength in your glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, and the muscles in your hips and lower legs • Strengthen your core • Improve balance • Help control your weight • Boost your mood. “Research shows that hiking has a positive impact on combating the symptoms of stress and anxiety. Step Up Your Hiking Workout. You can get more out of your hiking with these fitness-boosting strategies. Start slow. A short, local hike is best for beginners. Gradually work up to trails with hills or uneven terrain.

Use poles. Digging into the ground and propelling yourself forward pushes your upper body muscles to work harder and gives you a stronger cardio workout. Bump it up. Uneven terrain can work muscles while improving balance and stability. Weigh yourself down. Stock your day pack with extra weight. (Water’s a good option.) According to Miller, a 10- to 15-pound day pack will boost your calorie burn by 10% to 15% while strengthening your lower back muscles. If you want to assure your body is prepared for such activity, contact us today to schedule an appointment today! We will assess your range of motion and mobility to confirm you will enjoy a pain free and active adventure!


NEW LOCATION 611 West 18th Street Cheyenne, WY 82001

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