Patient Success Spotlights
“Bowling At It Again!”
“My journey with Avenues PhysicalTherapy started about four years ago when I was referred to thembecause Ihadpain inmy leftshoulder fromdoing theeasiest of tasks. I had a hard time opening jars, throwing baseballs, rolling my bowling ball,scratchingmy lowerbackwithmy lefthand,andpickingupmygrandchildren. During three months of physical therapy, Kelsey Kean and Eric Nelson had me doing these tasks and items again so well, that after my last physical therapy session, I threw my first 300 bowling game in my league. However, about a year and a half ago I started having the same difficulties with my left shoulder, but this time physical therapy was not giving us the same results, so Kelsey suggested that I should be seen by an Orthopedic Surgeon. The last week of May 2018 I had my shoulder surgery. I requested this physical therapy clinic because of how much they had done for me already. Thanks to the physical training, Eric has me able to touch and scratch my back, pick up my grandchildren, play with them, throwing the ball and playing catch, being able to turn wrenches again as a mechanic and yes, even throwing my bowling ball and being a true left-handed persononceagain. Iwould just like to thank theWHOLEstaffofAvenuesPhysical Therapy foreverythingyouhavedone for me. Especially toKelsey, Ericand Linda, for your help and down-home caring.” - Jim V.
“Elbow Me No More Pain!”
“After my right elbow reconstruction surgery, I was apprehensive about physical therapy because of past experiences with grueling sessions and pain. My work as an Information Technologist depends upon the use of my arms, so I was looking forward to a fully functional right arm. I am right-handed, and I was eager to write legibly once again. Additionally, I wanted to be able to do things I did before my surgery such as, getting involved with sports activities and playing musical instruments. Kelsey and his office made me feel comfortable at the outset and structured their sessions to gradually ease into more difficult exercises. I didn’t experience significant elbow pain during the sessions and there was no pain and soreness in the final days of therapy. I am now back to full duty work and I am looking forward to getting more involved in sports and playing music. I credit Avenues Physical Therapy for helping me achieve my goals and getting my right arm back in shape. Thank you!” - Christopher A. Katie has joined the Avenues family this summer as our newPatientCareCoordinator. She has been in the medical field for over six years and loves interacting with patients every day. She is a college graduate with an Associates of Occupational Studies Allied Health Degree- MedicalAssistingandhasher N.C.M.A. (Nationally Certified Medical Assistant.) Katie is married toherbest friendand has a toddler boy. During her free time, she likes to read, spend time with her family, and help her mother with their custom glass etching and decal business, CustomDesigns99. WELCOME TO THE TEAM KATIE!
“Walking and Exercising Pain Free!”
“About 12 years ago, I had orthopedic surgery on my left knee. The physical therapy that I received from Linda and the team was successful. When I was told that I needed physical therapy again I returned to AvenuesTherapy. In April 2018, I had pulled my left groin and my left knee was chronically weak and hurting, when I walked. Exercising or any other strenuous activity caused the pain to be worse. By strengthening my knees, legs and hips has enabled me to resume my exercise routine and go about my day without pain. I plan to continue the exercise plan given to me by Linda and the Avenues team. I’m happy to say that I have met my goal of walking and exercising without pain in my left knee, hip and groin.” - Charlotte E.
This Could Be You! CALL TODAY! 307-634-0298
Kelsey Kean, PT, MPT Walynn Smith, PT
Eric Nelson, PT Linda Froelicher, PT, MSPT
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