Venezuela. Miss Horton has been private secretary to her father for several years. After a brief honeymoon at La Jolla, the newly wed took up their missionary work in Tyrone, New Mexico, a needy mining town. Next year they hope to go to Vene zuela, South America, for their life work. RENEW! We will issue 100,000 copies of T he K ing ’ s B usiness during April, May and June. The magazine will be for a select list of Christian workers throughout the world. TATE are now in the beginning of the V ' rainy season, and thank God that through the discomfort we receive the blessedness of joy in service. M r . H ardy ’ s Bible class meetings were a blessing to the young people who were able to attend, and many of the young converts were strengthened. G od is blessing the gospel in the oil fields, as usual. Our labors for this month have been centered around Taft, and in conjunc tion with Rev. W. M. Holderby, the field has been stirred as it never had been before, between forty and fifty people con fessing Christ as Saviour. We are rejoic ing in the harvesting here of our previous word in the camps near here and at Mari copa. Our testimonies were given to the n PH E first of February we began afternoon Bible classes for the many who have come to know the Lord. We need your prayers. T he walls of opposition are being broken down and hundreds of men are coming in vital touch with the Gospel. Some of the
We want every subscriber whose subscrip tion has expired to renew now, and we want every friend to help us at this time. You can easily secure some subscriptions if you try. Will you not undertake this as a spe cial work for our Lord? T he K ing ’ s B usi ness is to be made bigger and better. We want to make the magazine second to none. We are standing in the breach, in defense of the gréait fundamental doctrines of the Word of God, and want to rally to our help those who believe the good old Gospel of a crucified, risen, glorified and coming Lord. Will you help ? men on the streets, and oftentimes the men of our audiences consisted of gamblers, prizefighters and others of questionable character. W h il e standing in front of the Photoplay Theatre one night, inviting the men into the meetings, I noticed a man passing who seemed depressed, and I approached him with an invitation, but he refused on ac count of his clothes being dirty, so I talked with him there. He told his story of being hurt and unable to work until just recently, and of his family who were dependent upon him. We gave him the address of a friend who we thought might be able to give him something to do, and after meeting him three or four times and pressing God’s claim upon him, the Spirit drove home the Word and he accepted Christ as his Saviour. anarchists have already yielded, and are now trusting in the Saviour. A mong the many who have confessed Christ as their Lord and Master of late we have listened to many sincere and simple testimonies. One man said, “Some have told me that I come here simply for the
The Work in the Oil Fields Ralph C. Isbell, Superintendent
The Spanish Work L. H. Jamison, Superintendent
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