March 2018 Oracle FINAL.compressed

NEW OWNERS RECEPTION We welcomed over 150 enthusiastic people to our new owners reception. After an introduction of The Board Members, Our General Manager and our Activities Director new owners from each phase introduced themselves and told us where they were from. Many said that after a few days at ORPS they were hooked and bought into our community. Wine and cheese was enjoyed by all. Thank you to our Phase Representatives who all helped out. A special thank you to M ARNIE E LLISON , Phase 6, who organized our event and her group super phase volunteers S ANDI G OODWIN , L YNNE L IVINGSTON and S HERYL N ELSON (Phase 5) who ensured the day was a success. A tremendous amount of time and energy was put into our celebration for new owners. The Picnic in the Neighborhood Each phase hosted a picnic and you will see by some of the photos they were as unique as the phases themselves. This takes a committee of phase representatives plus interested phase owners and renters to plan, set-up, plan activities and clean up. Our sincere thanks to all who helped and attended. New Phase Members Each phase is looking for new members as some of our terms of three years will be finished at the end of next season. Please consider this one opportunity to work with a tremendous energetic group of men and women. Personally I think it vitally important to think about succession planning and welcome new blood every three or four years as new members offer new ideas and new energies. We need you! Committee Meetings Did you know owners can attend any committee meeting? It is a super way to learn about what is happening within the Resort. Each committee is in an advisory role to the Board and attending the meetings helps you understand why certain decisions are made. Consider attending some meetings next season. It is the way to educate yourself.

COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE This Committee is responsible for ensuring timely and accurate internal and external communications within the Resort. When I took the role on thee years ago I was excited to be given the opportunity to help. However our committee is experiencing some of the same communications issues that were identified in our first year. Our attempt to set up process improvements have hit many obstacles in dealing with some resort staff. It takes countless personal follow-ups and phone calls to make seemingly simple events occur. Other committees are experiencing similar “Communication” issues. To this end we are looking at making a submission to the Board next month with specific recommendations so this does not continue to happen. It has been frustrating and disheartening for our volunteers who spend many hours attempting to keep you informed. We have been able to hold three more Lunch and Learn Sessions on Thursdays in February at 12:30 in the Owners Lounge. The three held in November 2017 were successful. This is one area where improvements have been made. Our next meeting is Monday, March 5 at 10AM. in the Owners Lounge . If you are interested in being part of the solution to improve communications in our resort, please join us at our next meeting. All are welcome to attend.

J OAN C RAVEN , Chair Communications Committee.

Communications Committee Executive: Chair: J OAN C RAVEN







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