Further assessments may be carried out once the student has arrived at the school, if deemed beneficial for the student. From their Statement of Special Educational Needs each student receives an individualised education plan, which is developed in consultation with parents, carers and professionals. This is reviewed once a term, with a full education review taking place every twelve months. In addition, we seek to increase the functional communication skills of all our students through the use of various communication methods including PECS and Makaton. Our education department is made up of qualified Teachers and Classroom Assistants. Students are taught in small groups and each student is supported on at least a 1:1 basis in the classroom, which supports them to stay on task and have the best opportunity to achieve. Teaching is divided into formal classroom settings and community–based activities, including shopping for food and leisure activities. We also have music specialists and an art teacher who visit the school once a week during term time. Students have been successful in music exams through Liverpool College of Music and students have sold their art work at local exhibitions. On reaching 16 years of age young people are encouraged to attend one of the local further education colleges in the area. This gives them the chance to experience an educational setting outside of Aran Hall, the opportunity to build new friendships and is an important step in preparing them for adulthood. ‘ The school offers pupils a well - structured learning experience with clear and appropriate systems of rewards that support and promote positive behaviour both in the short and long term. ’
The primary aim of education is to provide each young person with a broad and balanced curriculum that is relevant to their individual needs. The curriculum The School uses ASDAN as its main focus of curriculum delivery. This provides each student with an individualized curriculum that meets their specific needs. There are currently four programmes for students to follow, dependent on their age; Transition Challenge, Towards Independence, Employability and the Silver Award. Although most of the work towards these awards is done in class time, students work towards the Towards Independence Award both in the classroom and within the residential homes in the evening. Students work is externally moderated and the School has been praised by ASDAN ’ s regional officers for high quality, both in the extensive range of activities that the students have taken part in the clarity and way evidence is collected. To enable students to access all aspects of their education we have developed a strong behavioural management programme using the expertise of our Consultant Psychologist. The assessment identifies the function of the challenging behaviour the student presents and enables staff to develop a risk assessment and management plan which describes the problem behaviours and the safety measures that should be used to manage the behaviour should it occur. The plan also details the context in which the behaviour occurs, what motivates the behaviour and what events maintain the behaviour. A plan is written on how to manage these variables in order to reduce the frequency and the severity of the students challenging behaviour.
Estyn 2019
Updated November 2022
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