KSC Catalog (2023-24)



By Margo Peyton As a parent, one of your life’s most memorable and cherished moments is when you share those iconic first experiences through your child’s eyes. I can easily remember those first wobbly let-go’s of my fingers, unsure steps that landed Jen and Robbie on their butts a few times before mastering the art of balance and walking. The first time, they saw their shadows on the sidewalk and thought they had an imaginary friend following them, who they tried so hard to touch and then to lose. I cherish the moment they met in the mirror and thought as I stood behind them that I had acquired another child they were eager to meet. There are all those moments we

dreamt of: watching them ride their first bike, standing on my feet learning her first dance, and feeling full of fear upon their first time behind the steering wheel of a car. Those moments are fleeting and move on, never to be repeated. However, one of life’s experiences is filled with never- ending firsts, and that is scuba diving. ENDLESS ‘FIRSTS’ So many parents have shared their decades of dreams about their best- ever dive buddy. That first moment was when they could stand fin to fin, look at each other, and gear up, buddy check, giant stride, and 5-point decent into the blue with the best buddy in their world. As a parent, you

cherish sharing their first experience with zero gravity and exploring a new world together. Diving becomes your thing, just for you and your buddy (or buddies). Diving with my kids continues to create a never-ending list of firsts: The first octopus, the first night dive, the first whale shark, the first bubble ring, the wreck dive, the summersault, and getting that first finger heart. I can’t tell you how much fun it has been to create our own sign language to communicate underwater in ways we never could on the surface. I have cherished sharing that 45-60 minutes of uninterrupted awesome time together on each of hundreds of dives. We will forever remember

www.familydivers.com 803-419-2556 dive@familydivers.com



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