KSC Catalog (2023-24)

To share that 45-60 minutes of uninterupted time together makes you the coolest parent on the planet

that. It does not end when they grow older. I remember the first time I was so busy checking everyone else’s air, gear, weights, etc., on the dive boat that I was rushed to jump in and catch up as I reached the back of the ship. I realized I had left my computer on the bench at the front of the boat. I turned around, frustrated with myself, and my best dive buddy was holding my dive computer in her hands. She clipped my chest strap, defogged my mask, checked my air and weights, removed the lens cover from my camera dome, and said, “OK, Mom, you’re all set, and we are ready to go.” My bottom lip went out, my heart filled with pride, and I kissed her and grabbed her hand,

and we took a giant stride together into the blue. My daughter Jen is a PADI OWIS instructor, and I cherish the first time she looked after me. Strengthening bonds Robbie is now a PADI Tec diver who ultimately outranks me. When we are working together on trips, he often supervises divers from behind, ensuring all are accounted for and within sight. I am generally shooting videos or photos to capture all those memories. He and I are working when we are diving, but even then, Robbie is my best buddy. He knows his mom is a mermaid and can get mesmerized in the blue. One day, while filming, two eagle rays

danced off the wall, endlessly circling each other like two soulmates. I had been so caught up in the moment when I realized I had not turned around to check the location of my group. I quickly turned around, and there, hovering like a helicopter just in sight, was my son Robbie. As I approached him, I could see that parental-like look in his eyes. I was so happy to see him and so proud of that moment. He signed me two big OK signs with concern. I replied with OK and heart fingers. Diving with my kids is the luckiest feeling in the world. There are endless firsts to share with them and them with me.


www.familydivers.com 803-419-2556 dive@familydivers.com


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