Hamilton Insurance Group - February 2019

usual decrease in neurogenesis associated with aging, thus resulting in greater retention of neural matter — particularly in the hippocampus.” In short, exercises like swimming and running keep the part of our brain responsible for memory from shrinking. Spend Time With Friends and Family Humans are social creatures. Many studies have shown that being a part of a supportive social group can significantly benefit our physical and mental health. In fact, the American Journal of Public Health reports that people who have daily contact with friends and family cut their risk of dementia and mental impairment almost in half. Our mental diaries may be longer and fuller than they were in Wilde’s day, but if we fill those pages with hobbies, exercise, and close friends, our memories will remain sharp and vivid for the rest of our days.

your competitors. In a study done by the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, the type of critical thinking that takes place in mahjong can delay the cognitive decline that leads to dementia. Community Playing mahjong immediately plugs you into a relationship with fellow players. A sense of camaraderie and overall happiness can commonly be found in those who participate. Even if the interaction is online, you are still able to develop healthy relationships. Friendships Community interactions result in lasting friendships. Whether you win Puzzle Yourself Just like any other muscle, our brain needs a workout in order to stay strong. As Dr. Celeste Robb-Nicholson of Harvard Medical School writes, “Challenging your brain with mental exercise is believed to activate processes that help maintain individual brain cells.” Activities like solving puzzles, learning a musical instrument, or picking up a new hobby work wonders to keep your mind active and your memory sharp. These mental exercises are especially important after retirement, often to make up for the loss of stimulating challenges that work used to provide. Get Physical Taking care of our physical health has also been shown to help brain function. According to a study by Sydney University in Australia, aerobic exercise is particularly good at jogging our memory. The researchers note that “aerobic exercise acts by preventing the

Irish poet Oscar Wilde once called memory “the diary that we all carry about with us.” Of course, in Wilde’s time, the average life expectancy was less than 50 years old. As modern medicine continues to enable people to live longer, these “diaries” tend to become muddled. Fortunately, there are ways to counteract the natural dulling of our memory that comes with time.

Mahjong Is Where It’s At! Why This Game Is Taking Over Communities Across the Country

There are very few activities out there better than getting friends together and gathering tiles. If you can’t find others to participate, the internet has plenty of online lobbies, and there are simple apps to play on your tablet or mobile device. Regardless of your medium, mahjong is very therapeutic. If you don’t believe us, here are three reasons Mahjong requires immense strategy and even more attention to detail. Figuring out your plan of attack engages your brain on a level that ordinary daily activities can’t. By playing a game, you are forced to consider your hand and those of that prove our point. Critical Thinking

or lose the game, if you’re playing with a friend, it will positively affect your overall health and wellness because of the companionship formed. Friendship is key to sustaining a happy life. While it may seem complicated to play, it’s quite simple to learn. Just a few test rounds should do the trick. From there, you’ll be ready to reap the benefits of one of the world’s oldest games.


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