IPA Inter-Regional Encyclopedic Dictionary Farsi (Persian)

ا َ شػت هحت ْ ف ِ ثبصگـت ث

Kohon, G. (ed.) (1986) The British School of psychoanalysis: The Independent tradition.

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Kohut, H. (1971), The Analysis of the Self. New York: International Universities Press.

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psychoanalytic experience. In Ecrits: A Selection, Trans A. Sheridan. New York: WW Norton,

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Selection, Trans A. Sheridan. New York: WW Norton, 1977, 30-113.

Laplanche, J (1989). New Foundations for Psychoanalysis. Macey D Translator. Oxford &

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Laplanche, J & Fletcher, J (1993). Jean Laplanche: Seduction, Translation and the Drives.

Fletcher J, Stanton M editors. London: Institute of Contemporary Arts.

Laplanche, J (1999). Essays on Otherness. Fletcher, editor. London & New York: Routledge.

Levenson, E.A. (2006). Fifty years of evolving interpersonal psychoanalysis. Contemporary

Psychoanalysis 42:557-564

Levy, R. (2014). "De l ’ ombre de l ’ objet a l ’ objet esthetique". Cahiers de Psychanalyse,


Lichtenstein, H. (1970). Changing Implications od the C: an inquiry concerning the Concept

of Psychosexual Development: an inquiry concerning the validity of classical psychoanalytic

assumptions concerning sexuality. J Am Psychoanal Assoc 18: 300-318.


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