
18D — March 18 - April 21, 2022 — The Best of 2021 — M id A tlantic Real Estate Journal



JDA Group’s philanthropic efforts via Mission 50 support entrepreneurial programs and community growth. It regularly donates meeting space to many civic and entrepreneurial networking groups. Nota - bly, Mission 50’s new Innovation and Commercial - ization Lab provides free space for entrepreneurship programs at Stevens Institute of Technology, Saint Peter’s University, New Jersey City University, and Hudson County Community College. It will donate $250,000 over 10 years to these school programs and will host their student pitch competition finals. In De - cember 2021, immediately following a nearby fire, Mission 50 donated space to displaced businesses. Mission 50’s goal: alleviate their abrupt stress and allow these entrepreneurs to continue to grow.

Wohlsen Construction has a long-standing tra - dition of giving back to the communities we live and work in. While COVID has continued to affect our communities, it has not stopped Wohlsen’s team members from giving back. Stretching over our geographic footprint from Connecticut to Northern Virginia, Wohlsen teams have risen to the occasion. Our efforts have included celebrating Na - tional First Responders Recognition Day by providing breakfast to the Claymont (Delaware) Fire Department – Engine 13, to our Connecticut team volunteering for the Greater New Haven Habitat for Humanity as well as participating in a toy drive for the local toy closet program. Members of our Pennsylvania offices participated in food drives to support a local rescue mission as well as purchasing holiday gifts for residents of a local non-profit retirement community. Our Maryland and Delaware team members gave back to their local communities by adopt - ing a family to provide holiday gifts and food donations as well as donating toys to the local children’s hospital.

From 2020, Greysteel’s employees donate to the organization of their choice.

Greysteel’s donations were an employer match based on what donations our employees donat - ed to. Some of the organizations are: Charity Water, Children’s Safe Harbor, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Cystic Fi - brosis and several others.

Holiday giving has been a hallmark of Tarabi - cos, Grosso & Hoffman, LLP’s annual charita - ble efforts and a cherished tradition of the firm since its inception in 2012. The importance of giving back to local community members in need has taken even deeper meaning over the past two years, as we saw countless families and small businesses devastated by the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic. This past holiday season, the firm was fortu - nate and grateful to be in a position to con- tribute to local families and organizations impacted by the pandemic. Some of the contributions included: Paying rent and utility bills for families expe - riencing hardship and property damage due to natural disaster; contributing holiday meals to Operation Feed the Troops; “adopting” several Delaware families with special medical needs for the holidays, including shopping for, wrap - ping, and delivering gifts; and supporting local restaurants impacted by the pandemic. We are extremely thankful to be able to give back to the communities in which we live and work.

IMC Construction views philanthropy as the cornerstone of our culture and philosophy. It is important to support the community which is why it is ingrained in our company culture. The IMC Charitable Foundation was formed to further provide charitable giving to help and empower nonprofit organizations in our community. Through the IMC Charitable Foundation, we connect with communities through outreach, education, sponsorship, and fundraising efforts locally where are proj - ects are located. Each year IMC gives back to over 120 local non-profits through monetary donations, special collection donations, and volunteer hours. As a company, IMC hosts an annual charity golf tournament in which all proceeds go to support non-profits within the community. At the employee level, IMC has the IMC Vol - unteer Program to encourage employees to volunteer and give back by offering every employee 3 paid volunteer days annually and providing them with multiple volunteer op - portunities throughout the year.

AKF believes in remaining involved in the communities where we live and work. This in - cludes participating in programs such as ACE Mentor, Boys and Girls Club, CANstruction, Children’s Hospital of Richmond Bowl-a- Thon, Cycle for Survival, Habitat for Human - ity, and Polar Plunge, among other initiatives. Remaining involved in our communities al- lows us to better power human potential in the buildings and spaces we design so users of those spaces can thrive.

We have a community service committee that organizes events for giving back to the community, some of those activities include Toys for Tots, Operation Christmas Child, volunteering at the food bank, helping with veteran events to help them mainstream back into the communities.

Landmark gives back to its non-profit clients through public service and more. After help - ing to create the Food Bank of Delaware’s new Farm, Landmark staff routinely volunteered to work on various tasks under the direction of the Farm Manager.

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