Advanced PT. Don't Let Your Posture Pain You

HEALTH & FITNESS The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body


Is Posture Causing Your Shoulder Problem?

COMMON POSTURE ERRORS Left untreated, poor posture in the shoulders can lead to long-term effects, such as tendinitis, nerve constriction, or even spine misalignment. Posture is also a contributing factor to kyphosis, or “postural hunchback,” in which the shoulders and neck become abnormally curved. Slouching in a chair. It is so simple to do, and we all do it. We’re sitting at work, and around hour 4 we get tired. We slouch. We make ourselves comfortable– and we may even stay like that for the rest of the day. However, slouching in a chair is a bad habit to get into, especially if you work at a desk job. The strain increases tension on the muscles, which will eventually cause pain. The best way to avoid this is to get into the habit of sitting correctly (upright, legs uncrossed, feet flat on the ground, legs a few inches away from seat of the chair) every day. This may not be easy at first, as your body may not be accustomed to the way it is supposed to sit. Exercises such as Bridges, Back Extensions, and Planks can help to correct your slumped stance and strengthen your natural posture: “Text neck.” The term “text neck” is colloquial; however, it describes a position in which the head is tilted downward and the shoulders are hunched over (as if someone was looking down at a phone screen and texting.) This is also commonplace in desk jobs, as many people will experience “text neck” when hunching over their keyboards or sorting through files. This could be a sign of a tight chest and weak upper back, and over time this posture could worsen into rounded or hunched shoulders. Chest stretches, pull-ups, and seated rows are helpful exercises to correct your “text neck,” and strengthen your upper back and shoulders. (continued inside)

Do you have a daily struggle with your shoulders? Do normal tasks, such as sitting at your desk, bending down to grab a fallen item, or standing to cook dinner, cause a flaring pain between your blades or in the tissues between your shoulders and neck? Chances are, this discomfort could be due to your posture. If you believe your stance could be contributing to your shoulder pain, call Advanced Physical Therapy to schedule an appointment and discuss your treatment options. HOW DOES IMPROPER POSTURE AFFECT THE SHOULDERS? Shoulders are a common pain area for poor posture. When we slouch, hunch, or lean forward too much, our muscles and tendons are being pulled in ways that they are not used to, thus causing inflammation and pain. The shoulders take the brunt of this pull, making them a common area of complaint. Many patients who seek out physical therapy for their shoulder pain have a condition referred to as “shoulder impingement.” This happens when your rotator cuff tendons press on your “coracoacromial arch,” or the arch of your shoulder. When this happens, you may experience pain when sleeping in certain positions, reaching for something, or moving your shoulder in circular motions. Poor posture is the most common cause of shoulder impingement, but other causes could be related to:

• Osteoarthritis • General weakness in the shoulder

• Compression, due to trauma • Repetitive reaching movements

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