April 2022 - Biigtigong Current

Energy - Umbata ; Twin Falls/ Kagiano This has been a very busy file, as you are aware there are number of government changes coming down the pipes, it seems you almost get a handle on one change and then the Minister releases a new directive and your back at square one. I have been very busy on this file, due to the Market Renewal program which has me sitting on a weekly IESO webinar or Teams meeting with OWA. We are attempting to make some changes to the Twin Falls project and working with our legal team to see if we can get some better rates, a recent change came in that they will re-look at all stations less than 10 mgw for a 10 year contract. We are hoping that we can go for longer term, so that we have better planning. Biiwabikoke This is the mining arm Vincent takes lead on this file and I am the sounding board and advisory capacity for some of the activities that happen when working with these mining groups. We are still working on design of the commercial laundry facilities and putting in funding proposals, once we have actual letters of support from Barrick and PGM we will develop a business case to market banks for financing.


Giiwa I sit on the weekly working group for this file, as the liaison between the board and the Council, as you are aware this is a partnership with PRDC, Dbenjgan, Biigtigong and FWFN all have 25% ownership presently we are still in the design phase, and looking at all avenues besides what we have already committed to bring our equity portion up to qualify for the CMHC CoOp mortgage. We did receive a 600K grant from TD Trust over the next 3 yrs which we were able to apply as our equity. 106 Cumberland This is the satellite office that we are setting up in Thunder Bay, I along with Russell and Nicole Richmond are working on getting furniture. I have contacted KentSigns for Signage which they will be installing on the outside along with the other tenant advertising.Wi-Fi has been installed, Nicole will be renting an office from Biigtigong for her law practice, she is also planning on bringing in a couple of Law students to which we can have access to.I have asked that we use one for this summer to get all of the HR Policies, Work Descriptions and other requirements finalized for Dbenjgan, I will be providing outline of what we need them, and welcome any suggestions from Management. “However we need Furniture first”

Finance/HR Committee When required by Debi and Elaine

Council Governance Policy Working with JoAnne, Donald and Nicole to review existing guidelines and establish roles and responsibilities for Council, Chief, and Deputy Chief, We will be going back to council with recommendations in June, and the community after that.

- Sharon Ostberg

REMINDER Councilors, departments, program coordinators, and community members who have projects, upcoming events, stories and/or photos they would like to share in the next community newsletter can contact Cassandra Cress by emailing cassandra.cress@picriver.com. Submissions must be sent in two weeks prior to the issue release date, to ensure enough time for editing, formatting, and final review. All pieces will be sent back to review before going out to the public. Quarterly Issues Released: January, April, July & October 30th


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