Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201611-201612


Ian & Karen Multelwit Queensland Enhancing lives one day at a time

Armed with this epiphany and the most lucrative Melaleuca incentive of all time—Double Pacesetter to Senior Director—Ian along with his wife Karen reassessed their business. “We knew that in order to achieve our goal, we would need to make some changes” explained Karen. “So we started at the beginning—by digging deep to reveal exactly why we are building this business, then inviting our leaders to do the same. Helping our Leaders voice exactly why they want to change their lives not only helped them re-focus, it helped us keep a finger on the pulse as to how to keep them motivated through the tough times.” Ian adds that through these deep and meaningful conversations, he challenged many of their leaders to take stock of their current situation “I looked at some of my Directors, Directors 2s and Directors 3s and said—‘is this really it for you? Is this the life that you are content with? Do you really want to look back 12 months from now and still be stuck in the same position as you are in now?’ By helping them see what Senior Director would really mean to them, I found that I was able to help re-ignite their ambition.” The next step as Ian explains, was to get back to basics “Too many of our leaders were looking too far to the future. Sure, it’s important to begin with the end in mind, but not by telling yourself that the goal is too big to be achievable before you even start! Instead, I had my leaders approach their goals one day at a time.” In his mission to help his leaders move forward, Ian created urgency, focusing on Critical Activities 1 & 2. “I would ask them the question— ‘how many people are you going to call within the next 24 hours? How many appointments are you going to book?’ Once they established their own goal, I held them accountable to it, asking them to call me back at the end of the 24 hours to report and reassess. Based on their response we would set the next 24 hour goal. By asking them to just focus on the next five people they are going to speak to, I saw a huge shift in our organisation.” Indeed, Ian and Karen experienced a ground-breaking month of growth as a result of this 24 hour tactic. By helping their leaders to reconnect with their ' why' , and re-focus their efforts on daily activity, their mission of helping others achieve Senior Director will come true—one day at a time. “ By asking them to just focus on the next five people they are going to speak to, I saw a huge shift in our organisation. ”

‘Quiet desperation’ were the words newly advancing Senior Director 4 Ian Muntelwit used to describe the mindset of the people that he wants to help. “Every single day, I see husbands and fathers like myself stuck in a never-ending routine; get up, go to work, come home. Get up, go to work, come home. This monotony sees them lose touch with their families, their hopes, their dreams,” says Ian. “I know this, because I used to be one of them. Just putting one foot in front of the other with no deviation and never getting ahead. It really weighed heavily on my shoulders.” Sharing these thoughts with the Standing Senior Leadership Council in Byron Bay last month, the group of Senior and Executive Directors listened raptly to Ian as he laid bare one his biggest fears—never reaching his full potential. “I have a fear of dying with the music still in me” says Ian. “I started building this business because I wanted to transform my life, and I have done that. I’m living the lifestyle of time-freedom and choice of a Senior Director that I’ve always dreamed about! So when I see others locked into that bubble of quiet desperation, I have this burning desire to help them break the cycle and finally breathe and live again! I can’t be content until I’ve achieved this.”



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