Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201611-201612

Keep Your Head in the Game North American Executive Director 6 Val Heard Every business builder has days when they don’t feel like building their business. That’s normal. The key is what you do on days like this. Executive Director 6 Val Heard has some excellent advice on how the right mindset leads to action and success. “I treat my business like a job,” Val says. “If I had a job, I’d have to go to my job or I’d be fired. But it’s about more than just a job. This is about the rest of my life. It’s my financial future and the legacy I leave to my children. It’s about my team and the commitments I’ve made to them too.” Val’s mindset is a key factor to her success. She understands her business is about more than how she feels on any given day. If she finds her motivation waning, she takes a minute to review her “why” and reflect on all the good her business does for her family. How it’s helping her kids learn about working for and reaching goals, and the importance of helping others and fulfilling commitments. Her focus on her long-term goals and her understanding that Melaleuca is a business and not just hobby are how she stays active each day. “Don’t set aside your business for any amount of time, even a day,” Val says. “Stay consistent and treat it like a job.” Val is also quick to point out that consistency doesn’t mean your business consumes your life. The beauty of a Melaleuca business is that you can build it around your life.

“I treat my business like a job. If I had a job, I’d have to go to my job or I’d be fired. But it’s about more than just a job. This is about the rest of my life. It’s my financial future and the legacy I leave to my children.”

When you have a healthy mindset, you don’t let small setbacks weigh you down or slow your progress towards your goal. It’s okay if some days your calls don’t result in an appointment. The key is that you took action toward your goal. You gave people the opportunity to improve their lives. That movement forward is a win. And like a drop in a bucket, all those daily actions are moving you closer to your goal. Sometimes you’re laying the groundwork for future success. “North American Director 4 Jeff Havel is a great example of this,” Val says. “We were talking a couple months ago about how his cheque that month wasn’t going to show all of the work he’d done, but he’d set himself up to advance the next month. And he did. He went from Director 2 to Director 4.” Continued on next page »

She recommends breaking down your goals into smaller actions, like your five daily phone calls. “Those five phone calls a day can change the face of your business in a short amount of time,” Val says. And when you go to pick up the phone, remember that you’re not trying to sell someone a product. You’re offering them a solution that you’ve seen work in your own life and in the lives of those around you. “If I have someone who’s really struggling with picking up the phone, and it weighs way more than they could ever pick up, then we talk about their belief in the products,” Val says. “I ask them, ‘Do you believe in the products? Do you believe that every single person on your list needs what Melaleuca has?’ And of course they say ‘yes.’ When we help people switch their mindset to helping others, then the phone doesn’t weigh as much as they once thought it did.”

Take Daily Action Val knows that with the right mindset and daily action, you can see amazing growth in your Melaleuca business.



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