CWU Trustee Retreat Agenda Thursday

CENTRAL WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY Board of Trustees July 26, 2018 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY - General Education Implementation Progress

In February 2018, the Faculty Senate voted to approve the newly populated General Education (GE) program, but to delay the implementation of the new program to fall 2019. The process was bifurcated because questions remained regarding how the implementation of the program will impact the academic quality and stature of the program. This allowed the Senate to approve the General Education Program, while providing time for decisions about implementation to be refined and brought to the Senate in the fall. Additionally, many of the implementation questions could not be answered until the populated program itself was approved. The implementation of the General Education Program is conditional on another Senate vote on the implementation plan in fall 2018. A taskforce, with membership from faculty and administration, was established to address implementation issues, and has made significant progress on each area. The taskforce is developing an implementation plan in each of the following areas: - GE policies and procedures related to program administration, management, and assessment. o The taskforce has outlined the structure and roles of the GE committee and director, and identified policies that need to be created and updated (90% complete). o The taskforce has also drafted policies and procedures to govern the new GE program (60% complete). § These policies and procedures will be reviewed by the standing General Education Committee in early Fall and presented to Faculty Senate for a vote in late October. - Ensuring the optimal number of course sections are offered for teaching out the existing GE program and on-boarding the new GE program. o The taskforce has collected information from departments about the number of sections of GE courses with section capacity to be offered each quarter in AY19-20 to enable analysis of course offerings in each area (30% complete). o In May, the taskforce requested a sense of the senate vote to support the decision to allow students in the current GE program to chose to stay in the program or, for a limited time, switch to the new GE program in AY19-20. § After receiving support for this decision, the taskforce has coordinated with Academic Advising to determine a process for advising current students around transitioning programs and how to best advise new students (30% complete). § The taskforce has worked to map courses in the existing and new programs to facilitate the transition (95% complete). - Addressing advising and retention in the transition to the new GE program.

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