Reflet _2013_09_19


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The Terry Fox run

Thank you to my Zumba instructors Caro- line Rail in Russell and LeanneMacLeanwho warmed up the participants in Embrun. Face painting was by Sharon Elliott of «It›s An Art Thing.» Russell Ag. Society provided tables, Russell Lions Club and Russell Arena provided signage. Special thanks to all the businesses who allowed me to put up post- ers, lawn signs, and pledge forms. Thanks go out to Euphoria and Mother Teresa Catholic School for use of power for our PA systems and to the band «Happy to Be Here» who performed in Embrun. Thank you Izzy and Barb. Special thanks to Labelle

You know the saying, if you build it, they will come; well, if you host it, they will come and you did to the 33rd Terry Fox Run held Sunday, September 15. There were 220 of you that came out to support this event. You ran, walked, roller-bladed, biked, all in memory of Terry Fox or a loved one. Together, we raised $12,218.50 and count- ing; pledges were still coming in online. The school events will also go into our grand total. We must first and foremost thank Russell›s Scotia Bank Manager Greg Hobbs and the wonderful staff. They came out

CASSELMAN La Résidence St-François de Casselman, organise une 8 e collecte de fonds pour la Société Alzheimer, le jeudi 26 septembre, à 10h, au sous-sol de la résidence. Il y aura café et pâtisserie en échange d’un don de 2$ ou plus. Groupe d’exercices, programme varié au CEPEO, 750, rue Principale, Casselman. Tous les lundis, à compter du 23 septembre, à 9h30. Inscriptions sur place. Le Centre NOVAS offrira deux ateliers. La gestion du Stress, aux femmes franco- phones de la région de Prescott Russell, de 13h30 à 16h, le mercredi 25 septembre à Casselman, lieu à confirmer aux participantes. Pour vous inscrire ou plus d’informa- tion, appelez Laurraine poste 226 au 613 764-5700, sans frais 1 866 772-9922. Souper de fèves au lard et macaroni à la salle des Chevaliers de colomb de Cassel- man, le vendredi 20 septembre, à 17h. 613 764-5676 ou 613 764-5781 CURRAN Cours de danse en ligne avec Maurice et Diane, le mercredi 25 septembre, à 19h, à Curran. Renseignement 613 675-2951 ou 613 679-2533 CRYSLER Groupe d’exercices, programme varié au Centre communautaire, 16, Third, Crysler. Tous les mercredis, à compter du 25 septembre, à 9h30. Inscriptions sur place. Come join us at the Crysler Community Centre for our: Monthly Crysler Commu- nity Supper this coming Friday Sept. 20/13 from 5 to 7 p.m. and our weekly Bingo every Wednesday evening starting at 7 p.m. La Paroisse Notre-Dame-du-Rosaire vous invite à son souper PAROISSIAL le di- manche 6 octobre, de 16h à 18h30, au Centre Communautaire de Crysler. Our Lady of the Rosary Parish invites you to their PARISH SUPPER on Sunday Octo- ber 6th, from 4:00pm to 6:30pm at the Crysler Community Centre. EMBRUN Souper de spaghetti, organisé par les Chevaliers de colomb, le vendredi 27 sep- tembre, à 17h, au 5, rue Forget, Embrun. Les Filles d’Isabelle organisent un Whist Militaire le dimanche 6 octobre, à 13h30, à la Salle des Chevaliers de colomb, 5, rue Forget, Embrun. Réservation avant le jeudi 26 septembre. Renseignement Irène 613 443-3097 ou Fleurette 613 443-3109. Soirée Las Vegas avec Micheal Johns comme Elvis au Centre récréatif d’Embrun, le samedi 12 octobre. Billets disponibles à la Caisse populaire 613 443-2992 ou Cassel- man Cement 613 764-5655 LIMOGES Marche-thon de Limoges au profit de la paroisse. Départ: 29 septembre, à 13h, en face de l’église. Très bonne activité pour toute la famille. Tout est permis : marche, course, bicyclette, patins alignés, poussette pour bébé - les chiens en laisse sont les bienvenus. Feuilles de commandite au htm RUSSELL Village Voices Women’s Choir Registration and Introduction to the Choir, Tuesday September 17 from 7:00 to 9:30 p.m. Mother Teresa Catholic School. 1035 Concession St., Russell. Info: Karen, 613 818-5890 or SAINT-ISIDORE La ligue de Quilles du mardi soir en couple ou seul est à la recherche de nouveaux joueurs. Débutant le mardi 1er octobre à 20h à la salle de quilles de Saint-Isidore. Renseignements 613 524-2311 ou 613 524-2189. RÉGION Assemblée générale de l’automne 2013 d’Estario (ERO-RTO district 45). Nous vous invitons le 10 octobre à 9h00 à la salle des Chevaliers de colomb Club Powers, 954, Giroux, Rockland. Nous vous recevrons avec café et muffins suivis des rapports de votre association. Le tout se terminera par un excellent repas. Coût 25$ R.S.V.P. et y joindre votre chèque à EstaRiO 45 a/s André Perras, 1098 St-Jacques, Rockland, ON K4K 1B5 au plus tard le 27 sept. 2013.

Tents (Chez Lili) who provided me with tents at both ends for the past 15 years. I want to thank my stu- dent volunteers, Rob Fetzer, Liam Mann, and Ally Villeneuve. They encouraged the participants, ap- plauded, and hoot n’ hollered. Great job guys!

strong and stayed long and always with a smile (and a hug). Scotia Bank donated $5,000 to the local Terry Fox Run. Thank you all and thanks Su- zanne and Lynn for en- couraging everyone to participate. Thank you Peggy, Carolyn and Denise. Thanks to my crew Donna Lafrance,

“Together, raised $12,218.50 and counting; pledges were still coming in online. The school events will also go into our grand total.” we

This year›s Terry Fox Run was dedicated to local resident Walter Cholowski. His wife Marg has been a long-time volunteer with Terry Fox and Walter was instrumental in forming the committee «Dump the Dump». He worked tirelessly to ensure this com- munity was spared a dump site near village boundaries. It was a long and hard battle and now Walter is fighting his own battle with cancer. He is facing it with the same strength, perserverance and determina- tion. He epitomizes the same character traits that Terry had in the same spirit. We will be thinking of Walter and Marg in the days to come. As Terry stated, «I want to try the impossible to show that it can be done.» Thank you all; see you next year!

Carolyne Rowland, Judy McFaul, Marg Cholowski, Connie Johnson, Danielle Pilon. I could not do it without you. I have to thank Russell Township, Mayor J.P. St. Pierre, and Councillor Eric Bazinet for their presence at the event. Township provided the porta- potties. Unfortunately, two were vandal- ized. It is always upsetting when something like that happens at a charity event. Thank you to Russell and Embrun Fire Depts. for crossing our participants safely. Great coverage by our local newspapers thanks to Pamela Pearson and Candice Vetter. Also, thanks to the businesses that supported the Ad Page. Thanks to the para- medics on bikes along the trail provided by Daniel Emard. This ensured the safety of everyone. To Russell Foodland for the fresh fruit; it was all gone and much appreciated. To Giant Tiger and Les EauVillageous for do- nating water.

Cindy Saucier and Donna Lafrance for Site #82 Russell/Embrun

13 000 copies

Bertrand Castonguay , Président • President , Roger Duplantie , Directeur Général • General Manager , François Legault , Directeur • Director ,

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1158, Notre-Dame, C.P. / P.O. Box, 1170, Embrun, ON K0A 1W0 Tel.: 613 443-2741 • Fax: 613 443-1865

Publié tous les jeudis par / Published every Thursday by: La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par • Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell

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