
Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal — Green Buildings — June 28 - July 11, 2013 — 21B


G reen B uildings

LF Driscoll manages Abington Memorial Hosp. project PWI Engineering designs new Cogeneration facility J

Energy Efficiency Spotlight August 30 Deadline: August 16 Green Building Services Spotlight Sept. 27 Deadline: Sept. 13 EDitoriAl DEADlinES ArE 14 DAyS Prior to PuBlicAtion DAtE

enkintown, PA — In 2008 Abington Memorial Hospital (AMH) began to pursue an aggressive energy master plan that would assist in lowering energy costs and reducing its environmental footprint. At that time energy prices were skyrocketing, oil and natural gas were at all time highs and electric prices were very unpredictable with deregulation approaching. AMH contracted P WI Engi- neering Inc. to do a full scale energy audit to identify areas for improvement. After months of research and surveying, a number of projects were ap- proved. At the center of it all was a new Cogeneration facil- ity that PWI would design to generate up to 66% of electric demand. It would also generate steam to supplement the exist- ing on-site boiler plant. LF Driscoll was selected to manage the project that would be located in the middle of the hospital complex. AMH’s Cogeneration facility uses a natural gas fired com- bustion turbine to generate electricity for less than it can be purchased from the grid. The process is also more ef- ficient than commercial power generation because AMH is able to recover the steam and heat for on-site processes. The project budget was $9.7 million; the estimated net savings were $2 million per year. AMHwas awarded $3 million through the PA Green Energy Works! Grant that was funded through theAmerican Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. PA received nearly $100 mil- lion from the U.S. Department of Energy to stimulate the economy and create jobs. n continued from page 20B tiered incentive structure that is directly related to the value of energy saved. Likewise, the Direct Install program is de- signed for smaller customers but uses pre-qualified contrac- tors who perform a “turnkey” program, with incentives of 70% of the retrofit costs, capped at $125,000. Additional details are avail- able at the BPU’s website, but the important concept to remember is that since you’ve already paid for it, why not get the benefits? Ken Sheehan is director of the Energy & Utility Law Group at Genova Burns. n By Ken Sheehan . . .

Editorial Requirements: Press releases and announcements: 250 words with photo. Expert articles: 460 words with photo. Expert articles (for spotlights): 500 words with photo.

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Combined heat and power unit’s gas compressor enclosed in an explo- sion- proof acoustical enclosure.

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