Vol. 29, No 03 • 20 pages • EMBRUN • July 17 juillet 2014
13,000 COPIES
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RIRES AU rendez-vous! Les rires ne se sont pas fait attendre la fin de semaine dernière lors des premières de deux courtes comédies qui sont présentées tout aucoursde l’étéà laFermeDrouindeCasselman. Ci-dessus, Philippe Goudreau (à l’avant), ainsi que Nathaly Charette et Richard J. Léger Voir en page 15.
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Photos: Annie Delorme-Cayer
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You enjoy walking? WE’LL PAY YOU $$ to do so The Reflet-News is currently looking for people to deliver newspapers and flyers at the following locations:
Vous aimez marcher? NOUS VOUS PAIERONS $$ pour le faire
Le Reflet-News est actuellement à la recherche de personnes pour livrer des journaux et circulaires aux
endroits suivants: CASSELMAN
CASSELMAN CRYSLER LIMOGES AND RUSSELL Certain rural routes also available
CRYSLER LIMOGES ET RUSSELL Certaines routes rurales aussi disponibles
CONTACT / CONTACTEZ Jacques Blouin 613-443-2741 jacques.blouin@eap.on.ca
Une motion du maire ne trouve aucun appui gŏđŏ
ment donne lieu à des poursuites juridiques alléguant qu’une soumission a été retenue ou refusée pour des motifs politiques», a poursuivi le maire Levac qui a ajouté que les employés ont la responsabilité de travailler pour lebiende lamunicipalitédeCasselman selon les lois existantes, sans avoir à trans- mettre aux élus tous leurs faits et gestes quotidiens. Enfin, il a terminé sa motion en soulignant le fait que les employeurs qui portent une attention particulière au bien- être de leurs employés sont de plus en plus en mesure d’établir avec eux une relation de confiance et de loyauté. «Les employés peuvent maintenant défier leur employeur en alléguant des plaintes telles qu’une éva- luation injuste et négligente, a-t-il expliqué. Le maire est responsable du bien-être éco- nomique, social et environnemental de la communauté. Il doit poser des gestes pour maintenir des conditions favorables pour chacun afin d’éviter la confusion et faciliter la gestion de risques.» Cette motion du 10 juin dernier n’a trouvé aucun appui parmi les conseillers présents ce soir-là. Francyn LeBlanc, Marcel Clé- roux et Mario Laplante s’y sont opposé. Le conseiller Michel Desjardins était absent.
ANNIE LAFORTUNE annie.lafortune@eap.on.ca
CASSELMAN l La mésentente règne tou- jours au sein du conseil de l’hôtel de ville de Casselman. Le maire, Claude Levac, a déposé une motion qui n’a reçu aucun appui des deux conseillers présents lors d’une récente réunion du conseil. M. Levac avait déposé unemotion concer- nant les demandes qui avaient été faites par le conseiller Mario Laplante à la fin de l’an- née 2013. On se souvient que M. Laplante demandait alors que tout appel d’offre, offre d’emploi, publicité, modification à un contrat, toute dépense de plus de 5000$ par les directeurs de service et le directeur général soient approuvés et autorisés par le conseil. Il demandait également qu’une copie de toute lettre ou avis envoyé à un contribuable, employé et futur promoteur résidentiel ou commercial soit envoyée à chacun des élus. La motion du maire soutient que les em- ployés peuvent être responsables et trans- parents auprès des membres du conseil
Photo Annie Lafortune
Le maire Claude Levac et les conseillers Mario Laplante et Marcel Cléroux.
sans avoir à communiquer leurs correspon- dances et qu’ils sont suffisamment respon- sables pour respecter le budget. Selon M. Levac, les résolutions de M. Laplante n’en- courageront pas les employés, dont le tra- vail est régi par des codes d’éthiques et des lois provinciales et municipales, à demeurer à l’emploi de la municipalité. «Ces résolu- tions pourraient entraîner des confronta- tions entre les employés et les membres du conseil», a-t-il expliqué. M. Levac a poursuivi en insistant que
ces mêmes résolutions jetteraient encore plus de confusion dans la séparation des pouvoirs et des responsabilités entre les sphères administrative et exécutive de la municipalité de Casselman, et que la mise en œuvre (de ces résolutions) serait une ingérence politique du conseil municipal dans la sphère administrative de la muni- cipalité de Casselman, exposant cette der- nière à des poursuites juridiques. «Il y a un risque important que l’implica- tion du conseil en matière d’approvisionne- Un homme de Casselman a perdu la vie dans un accident de la route lié à l’alcool au volant, dans la nuit du 12 juil- let. L’incident est survenu sur le chemin Concession 9, dans la municipalité de La Nation. Renaud Savage, âgé de 24 ans, était à bord d’une voiture en compagnie de cinq autres personnes dont le conducteur, Mi- guel Demers, âgé de 23 ans, d’Alexandria. Le décès de Renaud Savage a été constaté sur les lieux. Un deuxième pas- sager a été transporté à l’hôpital dans un état critique. Au moment de mettre sous presse, sa vie était en danger. Un troisième passager a été grièvement blessé, mais on ne craint pas pour sa vie. Deux autres pas- sagers n’ont pas subi de blessures. Le conducteur, Miguel Demers, a été arrêté le 13 juillet. Au moment de mettre sous presse, il devait comparaître mer- credi afin de répondre aux accusations suivantes: conduite avec facultés affai-
blies causant des lésions corporelles (deux chefs); conduite dangereuse causant la mort; conduite dangereuse causant des lésions corporelles (deux chefs) et vol de voiture. Décès lié à l’ivresse au volant
Liberals seek challenger to Conservative MP Lemieux
and competent community leaders,” Lanth- ier stated.“The party, under Justin Trudeau’s leadership, has developed a new open nominations process for the search.” Lanthier noted that the “Green Light”pro- cess for the party is designed to determine if would-be candidates are committed to the values of the Liberal party. The association’s nomination committee’s candidate search parameters also empha- size that potential nominees must be able to represent the linguistic and ethnic de- mographic profile of the riding with at least bilingual ability. The nomination guidelines are also designed to encourage possible fe- male candidates. More details for interested candidates is available either by email to mnlanthier@ xplorenet.ca or president@gprliberal.ca or online at www.gpr.liberal.ca.
The end of the current mandate for the Harper Conservative government is draw- ing close, which could mean either a sur- prise federal election this year unless the prime minister chooses to finish out the regular term. For members of the Glengarry-Prescott- Russell Liberal Riding Association it means time to start hunting up a candidate to chal- lenge incumbent Conservative MP Pierre Lemieux at the polls. GPR association presi- dent Marie-Noelle Lanthier announced that the group is now open to nominations to create a short list of possible nominees for a riding association candidate forum later in the year. “We are actively looking for enthusiastic
..01) La photo qui accompagne ce texte dans la version imprimée de ce journal n’est pas celle de Renaud Savage de Casselman mais bien celle d’un autre homme du même nom et qui habite à Embrun. Le Reflet-News s’excuse sincèrement de cette malencontreuse erreur auprès de M. Savage d’Embrun et auprès de ses lecteurs. Une correc- tion sera apportée dans le journal de la semaine prochaine.
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Russell and Embrun arenas to undergo inspection
GREGGCHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
EMBRUN | People get physical checkups as they get older. So do municipal build- ings like local arenas. The arenas in Embrun and Russell will both undergo a structural review. Before breaking for the summer recess, township council approved a resolution authorizing administration to prepare a request for pro- posals (RFP) for engineering inspections of the two facilities. The original resolution concerned just the five-decade-old Embrun Arena. The recre- ational facility was built in 1962 and had an expected life cycle of 50 years. The arena is two years older than that now and the
Photos Francis Racine
The Rusell Arena
township needs to have an inspection done to determine whether or not it is feasible
to extend the life of the structure or if the municipality has to start looking at budget- ing for a new arena for Embrun. During discussion of the report, Mayor Jean-Paul St-Pierre noted that the present Russell Arena’s construction dates from the 1970s and that the township will soon have to look at a structural review of that facility
soon. Coun. Jamie Laurin said any struc- tural review for the Embrun Arena should include the Russell fa- cility also.
The arenas in Embrun and Russell will both undergo a structural review.
Council agreed to alter the original reso- lution and have ad- ministration prepare
an RFP for consultant bids on a structural review for both the Embrun and Russell are- nas.
Township daycare workers get pay raise
The Embrun Arena
Community grant approved This year’s Terry Fox Run will have a little extra financial help from the township. Before their summer break, council members approved a $300 community grant request from the organizing committee for the Terry Fox Run in Russell Township. The money will assist with rental of portapotties for participants in the annual cancer awareness fundraiser event. Since the Terry Fox Run be- gan in 1982 in Russell Township the annual participation rate has swel- led each year with the 2013 event seeing more than 220 runners, wal- kers, and cyclists taking part. Council accepted the administration’s recommendations and passed a resolution to adjust the salary scales for the township daycares, effective August 18 prior to final hiring decisions for the facilities before the start of September. cent effective the middle of August this year. Township council reviewed and approved a report from administration concerning the existing pay scale for employees at the municipal daycares. The report noted that the most recent revision of the salaries guide still did not make the township com- petitive enough with municipal and other daycares in neighbouring communities. “Since we are opening a new service for before- and after-school,” the report stated, “we will need a number of qualified individ- uals. In order to attract candidates, we have to assure that we can offer competitive sala- ries to them.”
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EMBRUN | Russell Township council mem- bers wanted to make sure that municipal daycares have the best qualified staff pos- sible so they approved a pay raise before their summer break. The pay scale for staff at municipal day- cares will get bumped up by about 1.5 per
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police beat
Increase in accidents
Assault charge A 50-year-old Russell Township man is charged with assault following police in- vestigation of an incident June 27 in the village of Morewood, in North Dundas Township. The man’s name was not released. Police report states there was an alter- cation between him and his ex-spouse. He is due in provincial court in Cornwall on July 17 for a first appearance on the charge. Lock up vehicles The Russell County OPP have several recent cases of vehicle break-ins to investi- gate. Police urge residents to make sure to lock up their cars, trucks, and vans when leaving them unattended during shopping trips or if they are left parked outside the home during the night. Police also suggest that residents remove any small portable valuables from the vehicle rather than leave them inside or place them somewhere where they are either hidden or not easy to see at a quick glance. Job offer fraud Police have a case about a job offer that wasn’t. It’s a new con that some people need to be wary about. OPP are investigating a report from a Trenton-area man that he was offered a job by email. The complainant went through several phone “inter- views” and then was told he was the successful candidate. The alleged employer then said a cheque was needed for direct deposit payroll records. Police remind residents throughout Eastern Ontario to never provide any unknown person or out- fit with any personal, financial or legal identification information over the phone, by email, or in person without first doing an independent check to determine cre- dibility. Cycling Summer season means more people out biking along the highways, village streets, and backcountry roads. Police remind cyclsts they are expected to obey both the regular traffic laws and also the specific regulations dealing with cycling under the Highway Traffic Act. Infractions under the HTA involving a cyclist will re- sult in a minimum fine at least plus a $20 victim surcharge. Stiffer penalties may be possible for either repeat offences or more serious circumstances. Cyclists should wear a helmet at all times (mandatory under 18). They must have working front and rear lights mounted on their bike and a bell or other signaling device. They must obey all traffic signs and signals, and make use use of either hand or automatic turn and stop signals. They also must obey the restrictions of a one-way street desi- gnation and also yield to pedestrians in crosswalks. If a highway or road is posted as banned to cycling, they must avoid using that route. As bikes are classed as a slow-moving vehicle, they must keep to the right-hand “slow vehicle” lane on the highway.
“Last year speed was a factor in more than 11,000 collisions we investigated, so there is no question that speed threatens the safety of all road users,” stated Deputy Commis- sioner Brad Blair. During the past six-month period from January to June, fatal accidents on OPP-pa- trolled roads claimed 113 lives. Speed was the primary factor for 33 of those deaths,
GREGGCHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
The number of fatal accidents in Ontario this year where speed was a factor is al- ready double the number for last year with six months left to go. That has police
distracted driving for 24, and alcohol for the remaining dozen. Last year the OPP across the province filed almost 300,000 speeding charges, with close to 3,000 of them involving speeds in ex-
worried about what the final year-end total might be for 2014. The OPP’s provin- cial traffic statistics for the year show that the number of speed- related fatal accidents
During the past six-month period from January to June, fatal accidents on OPP-patrolled roads claimed 113 lives.
cess of 50 kilometres per hour along posted routes. Police urge both speeding drivers to slow down and also that other more responsible drivers report when they see someone breaking the speed limit.
in the province for the past six months is double compared to the same period last year. Speed has bumped impaired driving and distracted driving out of the running for top spot on the accident factor list.
Municipality to help with Memorial trees Russell Township residents who want to plant a tree or set up park bench to ho- nour a family member may soon be able to get some help from the municipality. The Parks and Recreation Department is developing a policy dealing with com- memorative trees and benches in local parks. The proposed policy would have township staff offer help in choosing a site for either planting a tree or setting up a bench in someone’s honour, complete with a marker plaque on the bench or flush to the ground close to the tree. There will be a charge for either the tree or the bench but that will include the cost for staff to plant the tree or set up and maintain the bench.
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communautaire Le lien community link The Casselman Le Groupe B&B de Casselman organise une visite guidé du Nouveau Gré- vin Montréal et de l’Oratoire St-Joseph un voyage le 20 août prochain. Crysler Crysler Ribfest and Dance, on July 19, dinner from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Please note advance tickets only. Tickets can be purchased at Home Hardware and the Old General Store or by calling Vince at 613-794-3422. Evening of dancing with the Rock Junkies included with dinner. John Crysler Memo- rial rink fundraiser. Embrun Le Club Joie de Vivre 50+, sorties prévues: Le 22 août à Sainte-Adèle, date limite le 15 juillet; au début septembre à Saint-Tite; le 29 septembre chez Constantin à Saint-Eustache; le 21 octobre au Show Chaud Casino à l’Olympia et Casino de Montréal; et le 30 novembre au Noël d’Autrefois et à la Fête des vins à Montréal. Renseignements: Jeanne au 613-443-3144 jeannebrisson29@gmail.com, Lorraine au 613-443-5637, lorraine23@ xplornet.ca. Limoges Le Comité des citoyens de Limoges organisera un souper fèves au lard (macaroni et pâté chinois) le vendredi 25 juillet à 17h au Centre com- munautaire de Limoges, 205, chemin Limoges. Moose Creek Portes ouvertes à l’église Notre-Dame-des-Anges! Venez visiter le plus grand lieu de culte de Stormont tous les dimanches de juillet, de 13h à 16h. Russell Family Pyjama Party with Canadian children entertainer Mary Lambert. Tuesday, July 22nd, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. Held at the Russell Library at 1053 Concession St. Russell ON. Tickets on sale at the Russell and Embrun Branch of the Public Library. Limited number of tickets. Info: 613 -445- 5331 www.russellbiblio.com Saint-Albert Cérémonie au cimetière le 27 juillet à 9h à l’église. Un repas fait maison suivra la cérémonie au centre communautaire. Collecte de fonds pour la paroisse. Marie, 613-764-5351 Wendover Le Club Optimiste de Wendover organise la 30 e édition du Festival Wes- tern du 15 au 20 juillet prochain avec plus activités au programme : 16 juillet, à 19h30, au Centre communautaire - Soirée d’humour avec trois humoristes; 17 juillet - activités gratuites pour enfants à l’école St-Joseph; Jeudi à dimanche - plusieurs excellents artistes sous le grand chapiteau; messe western dimanche matin à 10h30. Renseignements : Joanne 613- 882-3266 .
Marvelville barrier free
Submitted photo
The Marvelville Community Club officially opened their new barrier-free ramp into the community centre building on July 1, Canada Day. The club has been raising money for the last couple of years and the project was completed just in time for the community’s Canada Day celebrations at the centre. Canada Day events included traditional games and challenges such as nail-hammering contests, three-legged races, and caber tossing, along with a ham dinner. Above, Canada Day Russell Township mayor J.P. St. Pierre, Community Club president Heather Presley and Ottawa councilor Doug Thompson cut the ribbon opening the new wheelchair ramp to allow barrier free access to the Marvelville Community Centre in Marvelville.
13 000 copies
Bertrand Castonguay , Président • President , bertrand@eap.on.ca Roger Duplantie , Directeur Général • General Manager , roger@eap.on.ca François Legault , Directeur • Director , francois.legault@eap.on.ca
François Bélair , Dir., Ventes et développement / Sales and Development , francois.belair@eap.on.ca Julien Boisvenue , Dir., Infographie et prépresse / Layout and Prepress, julien.boisvenue@eap.on.ca Publicité • Advertising : pubreflet.news@eap.on.ca
Nouvelles / News: inforeflet.news@eap.on.ca Classées • Classified : julie.potvin@eap.on.ca
1158, Notre-Dame, C.P. / P.O. Box, 1170, Embrun, ON K0A 1W0 Tel.: 613 443-2741 • Fax: 613 443-1865
Publié tous les jeudis par / Published every Thursday by: La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par • Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell
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Représentation nationale / National representation Montréal : 514 866-3131 • Toronto : 416 362-4488
Nous invitons les lecteurs à nous faire parvenir leurs lettres qui ne doivent pas dépasser 300 mots. Nous nous réservons le droit de les modifier ou de refuser de les publier. L’expéditeur doit inclure son nom, prénom, adresse et numéro de téléphone. Readers are invited to send us their letters that must not exceed 300 words. We reserve the right to modify them or to refuse to publish them. The writer must include their names, address and telephone number.
Don de 300$ du Club Richelieu de Casselman
Photo fournie
NOUS PAYONS LA TAXE POUR VOUS! SUR LES APPAREILS MÉNAGERS, MEUBLES, MATELAS ET ACCESSOIRES DE DÉCORATION. VALIDE JUSQU’AU 31 JUILLET. non applicable sur achats antérieurs Le Camp catholique annuel, organisé par le Comité pastoral jeunesse de Casselman, a eu lieu comme à son habitude à la fin juin. Le Club Richelieu Casselman a fait don de 300$ au camp, ce qui aide grandement l’organisation à réaliser divers ateliers dont les ateliers de sports et de musique. Marie Cousineau, présidente du Club Richelieu, est entourée ci-dessus des moniteurs et monitrices qui ont su assurer la planification et le bon déroulement du camp, ainsi que de 50 jeunes âgés entre cinq et 12 ans. La présidente du Club Richelieu, Marie Cousineau, est au centre de la photo, dans la deuxième rangée du haut.
BRANDSOURCE, c’est tellement chez vous.
613 443-2191 • 1 888 88MAHEU • 1027, Notre-Dame, Embrun ON
21 e édition du Festival de la Curd gŏđŏ
un Festival de la Curd «sans fromagerie», mais cette année, le festival aura lieu dans un nouveau décor, puisque nous sommes en train de reconstruire la fromagerie qui a brulé en 2013», a confié la directrice des communications du Festival, Julie Dumoulin. Elle souligne que les gens pourront voir les étapes de la fabrication du célèbre fromage en grain via une vitrine longue de 200 pieds linéaires. Dès le mercredi soir, les humoristes
JULIE GODIN julie.godin@eap.on.ca
SAINT-ALBERT Le Festival de la Curd aura lieu du 13 au 17 août prochain. Le site de la fromagerie du village de Saint-Albert s’animera avec la venue de plusieurs grands noms dont Jean-Thomas Jobin, les Porn Flakes et Maylissa Ouimet. Ce sera
envahiront la place. En effet, Alexandre Bisaillon et Mikael Dallaire donneront le coup d’envoi aux festivités en montant sur scène à 20h. Ils cèderont leur place au
l’occasion pour les petits et les grands de se diver- tir, mais également d’en apprendre davantage sur la fabrication du si savou- reux fromage en grain. En plus d’attirer les
...cette année, le festival aura lieu dans un nouveau décor, Julie Dumoulin
La fin de semaine ne sera pas en reste puisque plusieurs activités et spectacles pour les amateurs de country et pour les enfants vont y avoir lieu. Le samedi soir sera meublé avec la prestation définitivement country de l’artiste franco-ontarienne originaire de Bourget, GabrielleGoulet. Elle sera sur scène vers 20h et mettra la table pour accueillir la prestation de l’auteur, compositeur et interprète de musique country, Chad Brownlee (21h). Celui qui a été en nomination aux prestigieux JUNO Awards promet de présenter tout un spectacle pour faire danser son public. Un spectacle de Shilvi fera découvrir le monde jazzé et farfelu de la jeune marionnette rouquine le samedi à 11h. Le dimanche, à 11h, c’est Jojo et les animaux
qui en feront voir de toutes les couleurs aux petits et aux grands en présentant son nouveau spectacle familial. Vers 13h30, Manon Séguin, la chanteuse franco- ontarienne, présentera quelques-unes de ses nouvelles chansons et des classiques de la musique francophone. Plusieurs autres activités auront lieu sur le site. Parmi elles, soulignons le labyrinthe super géant, les structures gonflables, les jeux, les animations, des maquillages et le tournoi de volleyball de plage. Les festivaliers pourront découvrir de nouvelles saveurs et techniques culinaires en fréquentant la section dédiée au Marché des saveurs. Des démonstrations et ateliers culinaires y seront présentés. Finalement, il y aura une exposition de tracteurs antiques et de machinerie agricole.
délirant Jean-Thomas Jobin, à 21h30, qui divertira le public avec son humour qui allie absurdités et calembours savoureux. La soirée du vendredi sera animée par Maylissa Ouimet qui présentera des nouvelles chansons de son répertoire. La jeune femme originaire d’ici montera sur les planchesvers20het serasuiviepar lecélèbre groupe les Porn Flakes et leurs invités. Ces derniers feront vibrer les spectateurs au rythme de la musique rock des années 1960 à aujourd’hui. Ils entraîneront sur scène avec eux Marc Dupré, Lulu Hughes, Les Belles Angels, Stéphanie Bédard (Star Académie) et Jérôme Couture (finaliste La Voix 2013). Soulignons que le jeudi soir sera occupé par le traditionnel bingo communautaire.
festivaliers sous le Grand Chapiteau pour voir les prestations des artistes invités, les visiteurs pourront jeter un coup d’œil sur les nouveaux aménagements du site de la fromagerie située au 150, rue St-Paul à Saint-Albert. «L’an dernier, nous avons eu
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Le nom de François Carrière immortalisé gŏŏđŏ editionap.ca
dignitaires. Après les allocutions, la famille a été invitée à visiter le navire, dont la taille et les installations les laissent encore pantois. Ce navire de patrouille semi-hauturier, qui peut se rendre à 120 milles marins des côtes, s’acquittera de missions de sûreté maritimes dans les Grands Lacs et la Voie maritime du Saint-Laurent. Il pourra tout autant servir à l’application des lois sur les pêches, au large des côtes de l’Atlantique et du Pacifique.
CHANTAL QUIRION chantal.quirion@eap.on.ca
Rares sont les Canadiens dont le nom s’étale fièrement sur la coque d’embarcation emblématique comme les navires de la Garde côtière canadienne. François Carrière, qui est originaire d’Alfred, est parmi ces personnes à qui on a voulu rendre hommage d’une façon tout à fait exceptionnelle. C’est d’ailleurs un grand honneur pour la famille de cet homme qui a payé de sa vie son dévouement au maintien de l’ordre. Agent de la Gendarmerie royale du Canada, son matériel de plongée a fait défaut alors qu’il était en mission dans une affaire de trafic de stupéfiants, le 30 novembre 1997. Il était alors membre de l’équipe de récupération sous-marine de la GRC en Nouvelle-Écosse. Il y habitait avec son épouse, Diane Papineau Carrière, et leurs deux enfants, Mélanie et Marc-André, alors âgés respectivement de 17 et 14 ans. Depuis, la famille est revenue à Rockland alors que Rolland et Jeannette Carrière, ses parents, demeurent toujours à Alfred. En 2011, le gouvernement du Canada annonçait la construction d’une nouvelle flotte de neuf navires et son intention d’honorer autant de citoyens émérites
• Aucun tapis • Plafonds lisses • Armoires de cuisine 9’ en PVC • Douche vitrée
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139 900 $
À partir de / From
tx incluses / tx included
François Carrière
en créant la Classe héros. Lors d’une cérémonie à cet effet, Rolland Carrière avait pressé la ministre des Pêches et Océans, Gail Shea, de ne pas trop tarder dans la réalisation de ce projet. «Je ne suis pas éternel. J’ai 82 ans et je veux assister à la cérémonie lorsqu’on baptisera le bateau», avait-il dit alors. Le 26 juin dernier, c’était chose
À partir de 590 pi 2 - 1 et 2 chambres à coucher From 590 sq.ft. - 1 and 2 bedrooms
219 900 $
199 900 $
À partir de / From
tx incluses / tx included
À partir de / From
tx incluses / tx included
Photos fournies
faite. Le navire Constable Carrière entrait officiellement en fonction à Sault Sainte- Marie. Pour la famille Carrière, l’émotion était vive. «On était sur le pont et ils ont descendu une immense photo de François en même temps qu’ils s’apprêtaient à nous prendre en photo. Ça m’a saisi. C’était vraiment difficile de sourire», a rapporté la mère du héros. «C’est une gloire, sauf que ça fait mal. Je ne vous dirai pas combien de larmes ont coulé, là», a ajouté M. Carrière. Les 16 membres de la famille qui se sont rendus là-bas, ont eu 11 bonnes heures de route pour ressasser leurs souvenirs avant le grand moment. Seule Marie-France, l’une des sœurs de l’agent honoré, n’a pu prendre part à la cérémonie. Elle y était cependant de cœur car la famille Carrière est tissée très serrée. Après un moment de silence en mémoire des personnes décédées en mer, c’est Mélanie, la fille de François Carrière, qui a pris la parole devant les nombreux
«Notre gouvernement est fier d’honorer la mémoire de l’agent Carrière en nommant ce navire à son nom. Nous nous assurons ainsi que ses héroïques services ne soient jamais oubliés», a déclaré Steven Blaney, ministre de la Sécurité publique et de la Protection civile. Un homme passionné Comme ses frères, Serge et Gabriel, qui ont fait carrière au sein de la Gendarmerie royale du Canada, François Carrière avait une véritable vocation. Après des débuts professionnels dans la fonction publique, il a répondu à l’appel à l’âge de 32 ans. Il était apprécié de ses collègues et cité régulièrement en exemple pour la qualité de ses rapports. Homme d’action, il mettait tout autant de soin à manier les mots et l’orthographe, ce qui remplit sa mère de fierté, encore aujourd’hui. Sportif, il rendait aussi service comme entraîneur de hockey. On se souvient tout autant de lui comme époux et père aimant.
à partir de 1 428 pi 2 - sous-sol fini From 1 428 sq.ft. - Finished basement
1 154 pi 2 / Sq.Ft.
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Health group fills in needs
GREGGCHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
ALFRED | Who has the greatest need for health care support is becoming more and more clear to the people in charge of managing health service programs for Eastern Ontario. The directors for the Champlain Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) received an updated progress report on the Health Links project during their June 25 board meeting held in Alfred-Plantagenet Town- ship. Health Links is a plan for organizing health services for people in the Champlain LHIN region who have the highest andmost complex needs. There are 10 Health Links setups in prog- ress throughout different sectors of the Champlain LHIN. The LHIN deals with man- aging and allocating provincial funding for health services and programs for the City of Ottawa, the Five Counties region, Renfrew County, and the northern portions of La- nark and Grenville counties. Right now none of the Health Links is in full operation but the ones for Prescott- Russell, the Ottawa West-Arnprior region, and South Renfrew all have their business plans awaiting health ministry approval. The Upper Canada Health Link’s business plan is now at the development stage and will soon go to the ministry for review and approval. The other six Health Link areas are either awaiting ministry approval of their readiness assessments so they can begin working on their business plans or are in the midst of doing their readiness assess- ments. The latest update report on the Health Links project noted that 2.2 per cent of the entire Champlain LHIN population would qualify as “high need” health service clients. That totals 26,744 people out of a popu- lation of 1.2 million. The LHIN criteria for defining a high-needs client covers physi- cal and/or mental health conditions which require frequent emergency department visits, surgical sessions, one or more long- term care stays, more than 100 home care visits, referrals to a dozen or more special- ists during a period of time, and other fac- tors. High-needs clients make up the top 10 per cent of Champlain LHIN patient funding demands. The latest research on high-needs servic- es for the LHIN noted that Ottawa has the lowest rate for high-needs patients while the Health Links areas for Renfrew, Stor- mont, and Glengarry counties, the Cornwall area, and the Akwesasne have the high- est rates. Seniors are more prone to being high-need clients yet half of all the known people classified as being high need within the Champlain LHIN are between the ages of 18 and 64. Many high-needs patients may suffer from a multitude of chronic physical condi- tions and some may also be dealing with addiction problems or mental health con- ditions, including dementia. High-needs patients may average 24 visits to more than a dozen specialists within a year’s time be- cause of their condition.
Valeur totale de 3300$. Total value of $3,300
à venir / to come
Rockland Ford SYLVAIN DUPUIS Rockland, ON
Maisons Anco Homes JASMIN (JAY) MEUNIER Ottawa, ON
Speedy Glass DAN COUTURIER Rockland, ON
Garage Loiselle CEDRIC LOISELLE Embrun, ON
Levac Propane JEAN-MARC LEVAC St-Isidore, ON
à venir / to come
Pharamacie IDA MICHAEL HANNA Clarence Creek, ON
Co-Op Embrun (Rona) GERRY HUPPÉ Embrun, ON
Oligo RAY WELBURN Embrun, ON
Wendover Family Restaurant RENÉE ROY Wendover, ON
Hearing Health Clinic GISÈLE PELLETIER Casselman • Orleans Osgoode • Rockland, ON
Papanack Zoo DOUG BAYFORD Wendover, ON
Value-Mart JACQUES ROY St-Isidore, ON
Marlin Travel CLAUDE LAPOINTE Embrun, ON
Bélanger Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram LUC BÉLANGER Rockland ON
Oil Changer LUC POTVIN Rockland, ON
A&W Restaurant STÉPHANE OUELETTE Rockland • Hawkesbury, ON
Hoffman Jewellers KAREN HOFFMAN Hawkesbury, ON
Grenon Independant ROGER GRENON Rockland, ON
Giant Tiger DONNA HOFFMAN Hawkesbury, ON
Aspirateur Central Cyclo Vac PIERRE-YVES PILON Hawkesbury, ON
Stereo Plus CLAUDE THÉRIAULT Hawkesbury, ON
Bijoutiers Heritage LISE LAVIOLETTE Rockland, ON
Maitre Charle FRANÇOIS JOANISSE Hawkesbury, ON
Maison de Xin AIPING NAN Rockland, ON
There is no fine print. See dealer for details.
160,000 KM/5-YEAR ▲ Whichever comes first. See dealer for limited warranty details.
Visit us at: GMC.GM.CA
VEHICLE PRICING IS NOW EASIER TO UNDERSTAND BECAUSE ALL OUR PRICES INCLUDE FREIGHT, PDI AND MANDATORY GOVERNMENT LEVIES. Prices do not include applicable taxes and PPSA. Consumers may be required to pay up to $799 for Dealer fees. *** For the latest information, visit us at GMC.gm.ca, drop by your local GMC Dealer or call us at 1-800-GM-DRIVE. *Offer applies to the purchase of 2014 GMC (Sierra 1500 Double Cab 2WD 1SA+G80/GMC Terrain 3SA). ▼ Based on a 36/48 month lease for 2014 GMC (Sierra Crew Cab 4x4 1SA+G80+B30/Acadia 3SA. Annual kilometre limit of 20,000 km, $0.16 per excess kilometre. OAC by GM Financial. Monthly/Bi-Weekly payments may vary depending on down payment/trade. A down payment or trade of $2,150/$3,495 and/or $0 security deposit is required. Total obligation is $14,106/$21,072. Option to purchase at lease end is $18,898/$17,188. Excess wear and tear and km charges not included. Other lease options available. ♦ $4,000 /$4,000/$500/$1000 is a manufacturer to dealer delivery credit (tax exclusive) for 2014 GMC Sierra 1500 Double Cab/Sierra 1500 Crew Cab/2014 GMC Terrain/GMC Acadia and is reflected in offers in this advertisement. Other cash credits available on most models. See dealer for details. ♦♦ $400 /$1,350 is a manufacturer to dealer delivery credit (tax exclusive) 2014 GMC Sierra 1500 Double Cab/2014 GMC Terrain and is reflected in offers in this advertisement. Such credit is available only for cash purchase and by selecting lease or finance offers, consumers are foregoing such credit which will result in higher effective interest rates. Other cash credits available on most models. See dealer for details. */ ▼ / ♦ / ♦♦ /***Freight & PDI, ($1,695/$1,695/$1,600/$1,600), registration, air and tire levies and OMVIC fees included. Insurance, licence, PPSA, dealer fees and applicable taxes not included. Offers apply as indicated to 2014 new or demonstrator models of the vehicle equipped as described. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in the Ontario BuickGMC Dealer Marketing Association area only (including Outaouais). Dealers are free to set individual prices. Quantities limited; dealer order or trade may be required. Limited time offers which may not be combined with other offers. GMCL may modify, extend or terminate offers, in whole or in part, at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details. ††2014 Sierra 1500 SLT Double Cab 4WD with GAT, MSRP with freight, PDI & levies: $52,599. 2014 Acadia SLT, MSRP with freight, PDI & levies: $46,639. Dealers are free to set individual prices. †Comparison based on 2013 Polk segmentation: Compact SUV and latest competitive data available and based on the maximum legroom available. ®Bluetooth is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG Inc. ¥Offer available to retail customers in Canada between June 3, 2014 and July 31, 2014. Applies to new 2014 Chevrolet, Buick and GMC models, 2015 Chevrolet Silverado and GMC Sierra HD Pickups and 2015 GMC Yukon, Chevrolet Tahoe and Suburban models, at participating dealers in Canada, excluding Chevrolet Corvette and all Cadillac models. Employee price excludes licence, insurance, registration, dealer administration fee, fees associated with filing at movable property registry/PPSA fees, duties and taxes. Dealer may sell for less. Dealer order or trade may be required. Offer may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. GMCL may modify, extend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without notice. See dealer for details. ¥¥Offer valid from June 3 to July 31, 2014 (the “Program Period”). Retail customers resident in Canada who own or are currently leasing a 1999 or newer eligible pickup truck that has been registered and insured in Canada in the customer’s name for the previous consecutive six months will receive a $1,000 Truck Owner Bonus credit towards the lease or finance of an eligible 2013/2014 Chevrolet Silverado, Avalanche, GMC Sierra; or a $2,000 Truck Owner Bonus credit towards the cash purchase of an eligible 2013/2014 Chevrolet Silverado, Avalanche or GMC Sierra. Retail customers resident in Canada who own or are currently leasing a 1999 or newer eligible Pontiac, Saturn, Saab, Oldsmobile, Cobalt and HHR that has been registered and insured in Canada in the customer’s name for the previous consecutive six months will receive $1,000 Bonus credit towards the lease, purchase or finance of an eligible new 2013/2014 Chevrolet, Buick or GMC model; or a $2,000 Bonus credit towards the lease, purchase or finance of an eligible 2013/2014 Cadillac model delivered during the Program Period. Only one (1) credit may be applied per eligible vehicle sale. Offer is transferable to a family member living in the same household (proof of address required). This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. The $1,000/$2,000 credit includes HST/GST/QST/PST as applicable by province. As part of the transaction, dealer will request current vehicle registration and/or insurance to prove ownership for the previous consecutive six months. GMCL reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Void where prohibited by law. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See your GM dealer for details. ‡The 2-Year Scheduled Lube-Oil-Filter Maintenance Program provides eligible customers in Canada, who have purchased, leased or financed a new eligible 2014 MY Chevrolet, Buick or GMC vehicle (excluding Spark EV) with an ACDelco oil and filter change, in accordance with the oil life monitoring system and the Owner’s Manual, for 2 years or 40,000 km, whichever occurs first, with a limit of four (4) Lube-Oil-Filter services in total, performed at participating GM Dealers. Fluid top offs, inspections, tire rotations, wheel alignments and balancing, etc. are not covered. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. General Motors of Canada Limited reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details.or a $2,000 Bonus credit towards the lease, purchase or finance of an eligible 2013/2014 Cadillac model delivered during the Program Period. Only one (1) credit may be applied per eligible vehicle sale. Offer is transferable to a family member living in the same household (proof of address required). This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives available on GM vehicles. The $1,000/$2,000 credit includes HST/GST/QST/PST as applicable by province. As part of the transaction, dealer will request current vehicle registration and/or insurance to prove ownership for the previous consecutive six months. GMCL reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Void where prohibited by law. Additional conditions and limitations apply. See your GM dealer for details. ∞0% purchase financing offered on approved credit by TD Auto Finance Services, Scotiabank or RBC Royal Bank for up to 60 months on an eligible new or demonstrator 2014 GMC Terrain. Terms vary by model. Rates from other lenders will vary. Down payment, trade and/or security deposit may be required. Monthly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Example: 2014 GMC Terrain SLE-2 MSRP including freight, PDI & levies is $29,423 at 0% APR, the monthly payment is $490.38 for 60 months. Cost of borrowing is $0. Total obligation is $29,423, plus applicable taxes. Offer is unconditionally interest-free. Licence, insurance, registration, PPSA, applicable taxes and dealer fees not included. Dealers are free to set individual prices. Offers apply to qualified retail customers only. Limited time offer which may not be combined with certain other offers. GMCL may modify, extend or terminate offers, in whole or in part, at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details.**Offer applies to eligible current owners or lessees of any model year 1999 or newer car that has been registered and insured in Canada in the customer’s name for the previous consecutive six (6) months. Credit valid towards the retail purchase or lease of one eligible 2013, 2014 or 2015 model year Chevrolet/Buick/GMC/Cadillac car, SUV or crossover delivered in Canada between July 1, 2014 and July 31, 2014. Credit is a manufacturer to consumer incentive (tax inclusive) and credit value depends on model purchased: $750 credit available on all eligible Chevrolet, Buick and GMC vehicles; $1,000 credit available on all Cadillac vehicles. Offer is transferable to a family member living within the same household (proof of address required). As part of the transaction, dealer may request documentation and contact General Motors of Canada Limited (GMCL) to verify eligibility. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. Certain limitations or conditions apply. Void where prohibited. See your GMCL dealer for details. GMCL reserves the right to amend or terminate offers for any reason, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Offer applies to eligible current owners or lessees of any Pontiac/Saturn/SAAB/ Hummer/Oldsmobile model year 1999 or newer car or Chevrolet Cobalt or HHR that has been registered and insured in Canada in the customer’s name for the previous consecutive six (6) months. Credit valid towards the retail purchase or lease of one eligible 2013, 2014 or 2015 model year Chevrolet/Buick/GMC/Cadillac car, SUV or crossover delivered in Canada between July 1, 2014 and July 31, 2014. Credit is a manufacturer to consumer incentive (tax inclusive) and credit value depends on model purchased: $1,500 credit available on eligible Chevrolet, Buick and GMC vehicles; $2,000 credit available on all Cadillac vehicles. Offer is transferable to a family member living within the same household (proof of address required). As part of the transaction, dealer may request documentation and contact General Motors of Canada Limited (GMCL) to verify eligibility. This offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain other consumer incentives. Certain limitations or conditions apply. Void where prohibited. See your GMCL dealer for details. GMCL reserves the right to amend or terminate offers for any reason, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice.
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