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&/#3&'r#3*&'4 TARIFS DE LA GLACE Les tarifs de la glace de l’aréna de Saint-Isidore ont augmenté depuis la fin du mois de juillet de cette année. Les augmentations de tarifs varient en fonction de l’utilisateur, qu’il s’agisse de clubs de hockey locaux ou de fonctions privées. L’augmentation des coûts d’entretien de l’aréna est une des raisons de l’augmentation des tarifs de la glace. – Gregg Chamberlain RURAL LOBBY The Nation Municipality joins with East Hawkesbury Township and other rural municipalities in Ontario in lobbying the provincial and federal governments for more rural infrastructure aid to deal with major projects like rehabilitating old bridges and installing new storm water and drainage culverts. – Gregg Chamberlain UCDSB DUAL CREDIT The UCDSB announced during its recent board meeting that two new dual credit options will be made available to secon- dary students during the 2022-2023 school year. The Heritage Carpentry course will teach students how to build foundations, floors, walls, and roofs. The Agricultural course will teach students about plants, soil, and fertilization as it relates to the agricultural sector. Successful students in these courses will receive college and high school credits. -Christopher Smith



François St-Amour wants to continue sitting at The Nation council table but not as mayor anymore. “I really do believe I can still be an asset,” said St-Amour, during a Monday, August 15 phone interview. Up until two months ago, St-Amour had expected that he would seek another term BTNBZPSPG5IF/BUJPO.VOJDJQBMJUZ5IFO he began reconsidering his options, and decided at last in June that he would seek UPCFDPNFDPVODJMMPSBHBJOGPS8BSE «I thought about it,» he said, noting per- sonal reasons for his decision not to seek the mayor’s chair again. «But I also do not want to quit my work for the municipality. *O5IF/BUJPOUIFSFBSFHPJOHUPCFTPNF big changes, with the new (ward) seats and everything.» St-Amour thinks his years of experience on council since he was first elected in 2010, and his involvement in local affairs as mayor for two terms, can help maintain «the corporate memory» on all the issues and needs of the municipality for the benefit of newcomers to the council table after the October election. 'PS8BSE 4U"NPVSOPUFEUIFQSJPSJUZ issues include increasing opportunities for recreation and dealing with infrastructure needs. j.PTUMZ JO 8BSE   JUT SPBET BOE

François St-Amour a décidé de ne pas se représenter au poste de maire de la municipalité de La Nation, mais il tente de retrouver son ancien siège à la table du conseil en tant que représentant du quartier 1. Les conseillers Francis Brière et Marie-Noêlle Lanthier ont décidé de briguer le poste de maire lors des élections municipales d’octobre. —photo d’archives

services,» he said, «and keeping the taxes as reasonable as possible.» Candidates list to date Two sitting members of council have decided to seek the mayor’s seat in October. 'SBODJT#SJÍSFXJMMHJWFVQIJT8BSETFBUUP other candidates in an attempt to become the new mayor. Challenging him is Marie- /PÌMMF-BOUIJFS XIPSFQSFTFOUT8BSEPO the present council. $PNQFUJOHXJUI4U"NPVSGPSUIF8BSE seat now is Tim Stewart. As of August 16

incumbent Alain Mainville is the sole confir- NFEDBOEJEBUFGPS8BSEBTJTJODVNCFOU %BOJL'PHVFTGPS8BSE/FXDPNFS3BZ - mond Lalande has filed his nomination QBQFSTGPS8BSE 'PSUIFOFX8BSEUIFDPOUFTUBOUTTP far are Yvan Bercier and Daniel Boisvenue. Marjorie Drolet is the sole declared candi- EBUFGPSUIF8BSEBTPGQSFTTUJNF Friday, August 19 is the deadline to file OPNJOBUJPOQBQFSTGPSUIF0DUPCFSNVOJ - cipal election.

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