EILERS continued
MEET THE NEWDIRECTOR By correspondence an Iowa farm lad took a Sunday school teacher training course. That was years ago, but today he is the new Direc tor of the Biola Cor respondence School. It happened like
gold ore and made their getaway before Zeke returned. Zeke remained in town until the afternoon of the next day. It was nearly evening when he reached his shack. And since he was tired and weary he went to bed soon after, dreaming about the many things he would buy with his gold. That was to be all the joy his gold brought him because the next morning he discovered that he had been robbed. He nearly went out of his mind. And to make things even more difficult, the words, “ Lay not up for yourselves treas ures on earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt and where thieves break through and steal,” rang over and over again in his ears. After he recovered somewhat from what had happened he tried to figure out how he might get that ore back. There was no way he could prove to anyone that he had any gold in the first place so how could he accuse anyone of stealing it? He recalled the two men to whom he had talked and he cursed himself for having been such a fool. Before long Zeke had settled down to more hard work in his mine, looking for another vein of gold, one that would be bigger and better than the first one. He put in longer hours than ever and in his eagerness to make another strike became somewhat careless. His carelessness caused an accident. Because of improper bracing, there was a cave-in. A big timber hit him on the head, knocked him un conscious and landed across his feet when he fell. Rock and dirt piled up and nearly buried him. By the time he came to, the car bide in his lamp had burned out. He was in absolute darkness. He tried to move and couldn’t. He kept wondering if this was the end and through his mind ran the words, “What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?” The physical pain was almost unbearable and th e t h o u g h t of death hurt even worse. He didn’t want to die. He thought of his boy hood days — his happy home life. How he wished that he had gone on to Oregon with his family. He
Dr. C. A. Sawtell
this. For a number of years Dr. S. H. Sutherland, President of Biola, en visioned Biola Evening Schools in outlying areas to help strengthen the local churches in their Bible teaching program. About three years ago God began burdening the heart of Dr. C. A. Sawtell to establish teacher train ing classes, tied in with a correspond ence school, to aid local churches with their Christian education pro gram. Last April these two men met and shared their dreams. The result? They combined their ideas and the Biola Board called Dr. Sawtell to direct the Evening and Correspond ence Schools. The exciting story of how "The President’s Vision Comes True” is told in a brochure entitled New Op portunities for You; a copy is yours FREE for the asking. Write: Eve ning and Correspondence Schools, Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc., 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California.
STUDIES FOR NEW CHRISTIANS NEW! For beginners in the study of the Word of God. 10 lessons include facts about the Bible, salvation, how to pray, grow, practical living, etc. FREE to all New Converts CHRISTIAN FOUNDATIONS NEW! By Gerald B. Stanton, Professor of Systematic Theology, Talbot The ological Seminary. A great help for rapid growth of young Christians. A good refresher for the most mature. . $3.50
STUDIES IN ■ ROMANS « By Chester John Padgett, D.D., Th.M. For all Christians . . . workers, stu- dents and pastors. Includes exposi tion and application. Textbook, quizzes, and exams. $5.00 • Send for BROCHURE listing 22 courses in detail. ! Mr. Chase A. Sawtell, Director—Dept. K C O R R E S P O N D EN C E S CH O O L Bible Institute oFLos Angeles, Inc^ 558 South Hope Street jM Los Angeles J7, Colifornio ^
Grand Rapids MICHIGAN Civic Auditorium Oct. 30 - 31, Nov. I
1957 Identical Programs at Both Conventions 3 Days * 8 Ses ions * 60 Workshops TO REGISTER, OR FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, USE HANDY COUPON BELOW
i A
f ABOUT . . . 1 □ Los Angles 1 □ Grand Rapids
Citv wi|y ■' 1 ■■ Home Churchy. ? National Sunday School Association * 542 S. Dearborn, Chicago 5 | 0 Enclosed is $ 2.00 fo r m y regis- • trat ion
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