A monthly column of names in the news
Hong Kong). Ministering along with Dr. Bob Pierce at these Pastors’ Con ferences will be Dr. Paul S. Rees, pastor of the First Covenant Church in Min neapolis and Rev. Richard Halverson, associate director of the International Christian Leadership organization. For the fifth year the conference will give pastors a chance for rest, Bible study, discussion of common prob lems, counsel from experienced Chris tian leaders, prayer and personal heart-searching.
cipal cities on the island of Java: Djakarta, the capital; Soerabaja; Solo; and Bandoeng, a holiday resort city sometimes known as the Paris of Java. And though the strong influence of the Mohammedan religion could be seen from the mosques and minarets studding the cities, yet an unprece dented response was seen both in at tendance and in recorded decisions for Christ, with 252 decisions made on the opening night of the crusade. Along with Formosan pastors who were former headhunters and Viet namese motorcycle missionaries, some 4,000 other Asian pastors will again be meeting throughout the Orient this month for special conferences con ducted by World Vision. The itiner ary sounds like Cook’s Tour of the Orient (scheduled are Formosa, Java, the Philippines, Japan, Korea and
Chiseling away at the monumental task of translating the Holy Scrip tures, 'the American Bible Society an nounced that it has added 17 lan guages within the space of one year, bringing the total to 1,109 languages and dialects into which at least one book of the Bible has been translated. Though the addition of the 17 lan guages was unusually high, there was one other disquieting statistic. There still exist some 1,000 languages and dialects which have no written form and in which not even a single book of the Bible is available. Within one of the most densely pop ulated areas of the world (1,033.8 per sons per square mile), David Morken and Navigators’ Orient Director Roy Robertson recently held evangelistic meetings at the invitation of national church committees, in the four prin
In Africa, Prime Minister Nkrumah, leader and champion of the newly in dependent state of Ghana, had a ready reply for reporters who asked him if missionaries would be allowed to re main. Said the Prime Minister: “Ab solutely. We are what we are today because of them. Why should we want them to go away now?” a new publication for couples' classes and the home 7 HOME BUILDER
For all young marrieds. . . .for all young parents.. . .for everyone interested in building a Christian h om e ....h e re is a BRAND-NEW quarterly magazine chock-full of information and inspiration—a magazine designed to encourage Christian living in the home and to promote the work of young married couples'
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