Grimard hammers together recreation issues gŏđŏ
a need for “unity, transparency, and the de- velopment of a vision” for both council and the City of Clarence-Rockland. “Unity is the main value for success in any team,” he said. “In a city council, when there are divisions, disrespect and rudeness spo- ken publicly on the part of elected o#cials, it is very di#cult, if not impossible, to get things done at the appropriate pace. To me, unity implies that one must forget himself as an individual for the good of the group. Unity does not mean uniformity but it means that all are walking together toward the same goal.” Grimard said he wants to create transpar- ency about city a"airs through “a simple and honest channel of communication among city council, management, sta" and residents.” Grimard also emphasized that council needs to work together to create a vision for the community “which will inspire the management, employees and the citizens of our city.” He noted that part of that vision means allowing city sta" to work without constant interference or badgering from council. “The municipality currently possesses a team of employees, including managers and professional directors who are very quali!ed in furthering the advance of our city,”he said.“My responsibility as councillor will be to inspire them to go further by giv- ing them the resources to do so.” Grimard is challenging incumbent Coun. Bernard Payer for the Ward 3 seat.
ROCKLAND | At the start of his o!cial election campaign, Ward 3 candidate Carl Grimard has constructed a solid founda- tion based on Clarence-Rockland’s key recreation issues. “I say ‘Yes’ to keep and develop the Jean- Marc Lalonde Arena,” Grimard told a cheer- ing audience of several dozen supporters during his Aug. 27 campaign launch at the Boston Pizza. “I say ‘Yes’ to a"ordable fees for our children’s sports activities.” Grimard’s campaign platform includes en- couraging more economic development in the Clarence-Rockland area through use of a community consulting group or even fol- lowing the example of neighbouring Rus- sell Township and the United Counties of Prescott-Russell and creating an economic development o#cer position for the city. He also supports continued development
Carl Grimard nailed down a strong campaign platform supporting public recreation needs in Clarence-Rockland as he launched his o"cial campaign for the Ward 3 seat in next month’s civic election.
of the Morris Village project “ensuring rec- reational green spaces for our city” and a redesign of St-Joseph Street “which will en- sure the safety of our children and the im- provement of tra#c %ow.” Grimard’s campaign platform also calls for “reasonable fees for various city permits and processes” for the bene!t of residents and others. During his speech, Grimard emphasized
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$++(ŏ/,!! ŏ6+*!/ L’ORIGNAL | The counties council approved new school speed zone designations and res- trictions for parts of two of its county roads in Prescott-Russell. St-Jean Street in Rockland, also known as County Road 21, has a designated school speed zone near its Patricia Street intersection to help safeguard students walking to school. County Road 7 in The Nation municipality now has a school speed zone designation between Machabée and Lavergne Streets to help protect children. The speed limit in designated school zones is 40 kilometres an hour during school hours, Monday to Friday.
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M. Daniel Nadon, propriétaire de Daniel's nofrills à Casselman, présente le chèque- cadeau de 100$ à Mme Sophye Doran. Mme Doran a identifié M. Daniel Nadon de Daniel's nofrills,
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