

Special council meeting goes sour fast

CLARENCE CREEK | Once again chaos ruled over a session of council for the City of Clarence-Rockland. During the Aug. 27 special session of council, Mayor Marcel Guibord demanded that the meeting be relocated to another roomwhich would exclude members of the public from attending. Several citizens at- tending the original session in the Clarence Creek municipal o!ce questioned the lega- lity of the mayor’s decision to exclude them but Guibord claimed it was all right and proper. “We have the right to go to a place where we are able to conduct the (city’s) business,”

said the mayor. The Wednesday evening was a conti- nuation of the Aug. 18 regular session of council. That had been suspended by the mayor in response to criticisms and ques- tions from Coun. Bernard Payer. Payer was also the reason for the change of venue in mid-session for the Wednesday special meeting. The councillor accused the mayor of being responsible for the abrupt end to the Aug. 18 regular session. “Why are you accusing me, and the people in this room, of being the reason for the results of that meeting?” Payer said. “If the meeting didn’t take place or "nish, it was your fault. L’ORIGNAL | Farmers in Prescott and Rus- sell counties will soon have a way to get rid of their used and unwanted plastic bal- ing wrap. The United Counties of Prescott-Russell (UCPR) and Groupe Convex’s Recycle Action program will join forces on a pilot project for recycling farm plastic. The UCPR council has authorized its eco- nomic development department to sign an agreement with Recycle Action for the project, with a projected annual cost of $35,000. The pilot project will run for either a two- or three-year period with Recycle

The councillor also suggested the mayor’s actions were dictatorial. Following that, the mayor and all the councillors present, save for Payer and Guy Desjardins, left the council chamber. The two councillors along with all the people attending the evening council meeting waited for the mayor and the rest of council to return. While everyone waited, an OPP o!- cer came into the council chamber and spoke to Coun. Payer. The o!cer asked the councillor if he would leave the room. Payer refused. After several minutes the mayor came back into the room and demanded that Payer leave. The councillor refused. That is

when the meeting was adjourned to ano- ther nearby and smaller room. “I asked him (Coun. Payer) to leave, because he was unable to behave,” said the mayor. “He didn’t want to. With all the uproar that has happened, it was not pos- sible to do what (city business) needed doing.” Coun. Desjardins sat in on the meeting in the other room, He reported several items were discussed. “The fact is that I could not allowmyself to miss the meeting,” said Desjardins later, “be- cause there are too many things involved that are important for the sta# and for the city.”

Counties launch farm plastic recycle project Action responsible for setting up and ope- rating the collection service for farm plastic used for hay baling and other agricultural purposes.. Recycle Action will look into a

possible combination of drop-o# stations in each municipality with a possible pick-up system for outlying areas. Final details will be announced.




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