Running is in the Blood
by Cheri Kemp
Perseverance: continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition: the action or condition or an instance of persevering This is the Meriam Webster Dictionary definition of perseverance. And that noun is what describes the dedication of the following employees who train for and par- ticipate in Marathons and Ultras. The preparation involved in training for run- ning events such as these require a sacrifice of personal time; dedication to train- ing despite the heat of summer or cold of winter; and a willingness to allow the toll taken on the body of the person training. But, the feeling of accomplish- ment outweighs all the negatives that might be felt at times while training. And training can be grueling, but nothing compared to the actual event. I spoke with Dan Stumpenhorst (QA Line Tech A-Shift) as well as Matthias Kemmeren about their little hobby of preparing for and running in Marathon’s as well as Ultras. A marathon is 26.2 miles. An Ultra is anything over the length of a Marathon. An Ultra can be anywhere from 30 miles, to 50 miles, or even 100 miles.
Jared, Dan & Josh Stumpenhorst
To date, Dan Stumpenhorst has participated in two Marathons; seven Ultra’s. Five of the seven Ultra’s were 50K which is 31.06 miles and two were the 50 mile Ultra’s. All of the Ultra’s have been on trails, not flat courses so the endurance needed is greater due to the up and down of the hills and trails. Currently Dan is on a waiting list (yes, there is a waiting list!) to participate in a nine hour endurance course where you run laps on a one mile trail for nine hours. “I train on the hiking trails at Franklin Creek State Park. There is about a 15 mile loop that I run. It gives me time to think and to plan my garden in my mind while I run. A Marathon is like a fashion show. People are in all their nice gear and it is all about the pace. An Ultra is like a hippie camp. The Ultra is just all about finish- ing, no matter how long it takes.” When asked why he wanted to begin running as a hobby, Dan stated he started running in 2005. “My sons and I have been doing the Reagan Run 5K (in Dixon Illinois) since 2005. Also, I sat behind a desk all day and I was gaining weight, not maintaining! I never ran as a kid except to run around the neighborhood. Now I find that run- ning helps to deal with stress.” Dan, joined by his two sons, Jared & Josh, participated in the 50 mile Ultra last April 2018. “It took about 14 hours to complete the run. I wear a vest with a reservoir to hold water so I can sip water as needed and carry pickles, olives and trail mix to help fuel me. The trick is to learn how to fuel your body because all the blood flow is going to your extremities and not to your stomach to digest food. We eat small amounts so as not to upset our stomachs but still need to have enough to fuel us as we run. In these long distances there is a point where you might actually become delirious. You learn just how far you can really go.” After participating in an Ultra Dan said he is some what stiff going up and down steps and needs a nap, but by the second day is feeling pretty much back to normal. “That speaks to your training. If you train right, there are no problems after the run. While training and participat- ing in Marathons or Ultras you meet some awesome people who are so supportive.” Later this year Dan is going to be on the crew that will accompany a friend who is running a 100 mile Ultra. By being on the crew, you assist along the way if the runner needs a change of clothes or shoes as well as food for fuel. Considering how many hours it takes to run 100 miles, you can encounter all kinds of weather and temperature changes as you move from day into night. While working on the crew for this Ultra Dan is also going to run a few
20 Crest Ink April, May & June 2019
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