Invite to BestMe23


HABIT 3 is Mastering Meal Timing. Meal Timing is vital for regulating blood sugar and for those who demand more of their body. Skipping meals regularly can be as harmful to results as eating an entire gallon of ice cream! HABIT 4 Teaches You Ratios Along with Your Portion Size. Most healthy recipes list ingredients and explain how to make something. The missing puzzle piece is... how much do you eat of the recipes you make to get the results you desire? We are going to teach you! You’ll learn what percentage of each meal is protein, carb, and fat as well as how much of each is appropriate for a weight loss goal. Too little fuel can leave you tired, malnourished, slow to recover, and lower than the number of calories your body needs for fuel during the day. Too much fuel or the wrong fuel choices can cause weight gain, stomach discomfort, digestive concern, internal inflammation, and mood swings.

You will learn and master ratios, recipes, and a simple point system to track your progress.

Thank you for trusting us with your wellness journey,

The Mōdere Team




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