

La FARFO lance son livret des activités du 150 e PAGE 7

February 8 février 2017

V. 7 N. 13

Bowling for a good cause

You could hardly make your way towards the bowling lanes at Olympia Bowling and Nativity Lanes on February 4, as the 39 th annual Bowl for Kids’ Sake took place. See more pictures on page 6

Pictured are Jillian Hendry, Tjana Saucier, Anne Bourdon and Brittany Hagen. — photo Francis Racine

saying there weremore of themdumped in the river after we left. There’s a reason why the garbage cans are chained in the park. We found a lot of cans that resembled the ones the City uses, at the bottomof the river.” With such utter negligence, it’s no wonder the River Institute was founded back in 1994. In the mid 1980s, the International Joint Commission identified the St. Lawrence River at Cornwall as an Area of Concern in the Great Lakes Basin. In response, a group of local citizens, government representatives and theMohawks of Akwesasne joined forces to create the St. Lawrence River Institute of Environmental Sciences, an independent, non-partisan institute for environmental research and education. Although the institute’s main purpose was Protecting a national treasure


It’s a fact that most Cornwall residents don’t even know about; under their noses calmly flows the world’s thirteenth largest river. Yet, although its breathtaking beauty is enough to stop any tourist dead in his or her tracks, the St. Lawrence River’s fragile ecosystem is often threatened as a result of manmade blunders. “We found a lot of things down there, dur- ing the cleanups,” explained Neil Dempster, internship in Support of Methods and Protocol Development for the St. Lawrence River Institute of Environmental Sciences. “We pulled out a lot of shopping carts, only to get a phone call not long after from someone

The River Institute was founded back in 1994. In the mid 1980’s, the International Joint Commission identified the St. Lawrence River, at Cornwall, as an Area of Concern in the Great Lakes Basin. — photo Francis Racine

the research of water quality, water chemis- try, freshwater toxicology, biodiversity and food web dynamics, it soon became obvious that education of the general public was also needed. “All our research is useless if the people in the community can’t understand it,” explained Karen Cooper, communication action officer for the institute. “There’s a good amount of our resources that goes towards educating the residents of Cornwall and area.” The institution therefore offers several educational opportunities for young and old people. “We have several workshops and events for students,” explained Cristina Charette, a biologist and education coordi- nator at the institute. “It teaches them all about the river. When the students are too young, we bring the river to them, with a small pool. It’s very hands on and they love to get involved.” But Charette is quick to point out that several workshops are also held for seniors in the area. “We want to get everyone involved,” she added. Studying endangered species Erratum Une erreur s’est glissée dans un article intitulé La paroisse Sainte-Croix rend son dernier souffle , publié dans Le Journal du 17 janvier 2017. On aurait dû y lire «Il reste donc trois paroisses de langue française à Cornwall, soit Saint-Félix-de-Valois, la Cocathédrale de la Nativité et la paroisse Sainte-Thérèse-de-Lisieux.» Le Journal s’excuse de l’erreur.

Having 24 dedicated staff members means that residents of the city are more than likely to come across an employee of the institute when either walking next to the river or cruising on it with their boats. “A lot of our researchers are actively on the field, doing field work,” said Cooper. There, they assess a number of things, such as water quality, fish population as well as endangered species, among other things. Under Matt Windle, aquatic biologist, the institute is currently spearheading a project aimed at protecting the American eel, a currently endangered species in the St. Lawrence River. Not long ago, well over a million American eels were known to swim the waters of the St. Lawrence River in the Cornwall area. Today, these eels are endangered, with the population a mere fraction of what it once was. The creature is currently listed as endan- gered under the Ontario Endangered Species Act, 2007.The identification and protection of critical habitat has been listed as a priority for the recovery of the species. The American eels begin life in the Sargasso Sea, extending south and east of Bermuda, where adults return to pawn.The young eels that manage to make their way to the St. Lawrence River, past predators, dams and the eel fishery, are survivors. In all, these survivors journey 5000 kilometers to reach the area. American eels aren’t the only endangered species researched by the River Institute. The Little brown bat, scientifically known as the Myotis lucifugus, is also listed in the Endangered Species Act. The bats, which have a glossy fur that

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Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 8 février 2017

varies from a light brown color to almost black, are threatened by a disease known as white nose syndrome.The disease is caused by a fungus believed to have been inadver- tently brought to the area from Europe. “We think it was brought in their habitats by cave explorers,” stated Dr. Brian Hickey, Program leader, Education and Research scientist as well as head of the Bat project. “In essence, the fungus dehydrates the bats.” The fungus grows in humid cold environ- ments, such as the caves and mines where little brown bats hibernate. In Ontario, bat populations have dropped by more than 90 per cent. Dr. Hickey, himself a carpenter, has built several bat boxes, which he installed throughout Eastern Ontario. “They are made of wood and aren’t that big,” he said. “They used to attract bats out- side of caves. There’s no fungus in them.” Assessing fish health in the St. Lawrence River The River Institute recently received a Seed grant of $75,000 from the Ontario

Trillium Foundation. The grant will sup- port the development of a new Fish Health Assessment Laboratory, which, in turn, will enable researchers to evaluate the overall fish condition and impacts of contaminants on fish in the St. Lawrence River and other freshwater ecosystems. “This grant presents an exciting opportu- nity for growth at the River Institute”, stated Dr. Jeff Ridal, executive director and chief research scientist of the institute. “The Fish Health Assessment Laboratory will provide the tools needed to develop our ability to link fish health issues to environment changes. It also allows us to increase our capacity to provide lab services for in-house programs and provide services to others.” The laboratory will be headed by Dr. Dominique Lapointe, a research scientist. “Although fish labs exist in universities and government departments, there is no inde- pendent laboratory equipped to evaluate fish condition in its broadest sense in the Ontario section of the St. Lawrence River,” she said.

Jared Baker, a Field and Laboratory technician at the St. Lawrence River Institute of Environmental Sciences, hard at work in one of the institution’s laboratories. — photo Francis Racine

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The Journal Cornwall


Wednesday, February 8, 2017

The importance of reading

50’s – 60’s St. Valentine’s Day Dance and Roast Beef Dinner The Knights of Columbus invite you to their annual St. Valentine’s Day Dance and Roast Beef Dinner on February 11, at theKnights of Columbus Hall, 205 Amelia Street. Dinner starts at 5pm. Entertainment provided by the AM/FM Band. Tickets are available at the Knights of Columbus bar or office. Centre Charles-Émile-Claude Activités tous les jours au Centre Charles-Émile-Claude: exercices, yoga, danse en ligne, fléchettes, sacs de sable, chorale, bridge et plus encore. Du lundi au vendredi de 9 h 00 à 16 h 00. Venez- vous amuser ! Hospice fundraiser The Royal Canadian Annual Hospice Fundraiser will take place on February 11 from 8pm to 12 am at the Cornwall Legion.The event consists of a Valentine’s Day Dance and dinner. On themenu; roasted chicken with all the trimmings, salad, homemade desserts and coffee/tea. Tickets are on sale at the Cornwall Legion. Le Club des Aînés de Ste-Thérèse- de-Lisieux invite les aînés de la région à se joindre à eux lors de leurs activités qui ont lieu tous les mercredis après- midi, pour jouer aux cartes ou aux dards (fléchettes) en dégustant café, thé, liqueur et biscuits. Information: Roger Cardinal, président : 613-528-4025. Café-Causerie L’équipe psycho-sociale invite les femmes à se joindre à leur rencontre mensuelle de bavardage et de plaisir. L’activité permettra d’échanger sur divers sujets dans une ambiance dé- tendue. Les rencontres auront lieu au bureau de l’Équipe psycho-sociale, au 610, avenueMcConnell. Information : Josiane Briand-Pilon au 613-938-7112, poste 232. Moccasin Model Club The Moccasin Model Club at St. Mathews Lutheran Church, starting at 7:30 p.m. All model railroad enthusiasts are welcome to attend. Information: 613-936-1660. communautaire community link Le lien The Club des Aînés de Ste-Thérèse-de-Lisieux

On January 27, students from the Community Homework and After-School Program (CHAP) at Tri-County Literacy Council celebrated Family Literacy Day with Helen Sloan, a local author. Sloan read her children’s book A Place of Belonging, which follows the journey of a lost dog named Boo, who tries to find a place where he could belong. CHAP is funded by RBC and was able to purchase copies of the book for each child in the Program, to encourage and show children the importance of reading. — supplied photo

L’Hôpital de Cornwall excelle : Réseau Trillium

L’Hôpital communautaire de Cornwall est membre du Réseau Trillium pour le don de vie (RTDV) depuis juin 2013 et participe au programme ontarien de signalement courant. Le personnel de l’Hôpital communautaire de Cornwall signale tous les cas de risque élevé de décès imminents au RTDV, qui détermine ensuite l’admissibilité potentielle à un don d’organes et confirme le consentement auprès de la famille du patient. La performance des hôpitaux au chapitre des dons est mesurée de deux façons : le taux de signalement courant et le taux de conversion. Le taux de signalement courant mesure la fréquence à laquelle un hôpital avise le Réseau Trillium pour le don de vie, de l’éven- tualité d’un don d’organes ou de tissus. Sans cette première étape cruciale, de précieuses possibilités de sauver des vies sont perdues. Le taux de conversion indique le pourcentage de donneurs d’organes potentiels qui sont effectivement devenus donneurs d’organes. Au cours du deuxième trimestre de l’exercice financier 2016-2017, l’Hôpital communautaire de Cornwall a été un des dix hôpitaux ayant atteint un taux de conversion de 100 % . « Nous sommes à la fois fiers d’avoir atteint ce taux de conversion et touchés de penser aux vies qui ont été sauvées grâce à des dons d’organes », a déclaréla directrice générale Jeanette Despatie. – Francis Racine

Publié le mercredi par • Published on Wednesday by: La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par • Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell, Hawkesbury, ON # convention : 0040012398


625, ch Montréal, Cornwall, Ontario K6H 1C3 Tel.: 613-938-1433 • Fax.: 613-938-2798

Directeur Marketing et Développement Marketing and Development Manager FRANÇOIS LEGAULT Directeur de l’information • News Editor GILLES NORMAND Dir. Production et Distribution Mgr. THOMAS STEVENS Dir. Infographie et prépresse • Layout & Prepress Mgr. Publicité • Advertising: Nouvelles • News: Classées • Classified / Distribution:

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Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 8 février 2017

Temporary traffic lights turned off

The temporary traffic signals at Cumberland and Water Streets were turned off and covered on February 1, the intersection returning to its original state. These temporary signals were installed by the Federal Bridge Corporation’s contractor to address additional traffic on Cumberland Street during the construction of Brookdale Avenue. Now that Brookdale Avenue has reopened, traffic volumes on Cumberland Street have eased. In the coming months, the City’s Engineering Department, together with other departments, will assess the need for permanent traffic signals at this intersection, both from a vehicular and pedestrian point of view. A report will be presented to City Council in May. In the meantime, the intersection will operate as it did originally with a stop sign controlling southbound traffic at Cumberland Street and through traffic on Water Street having the right of way. — photo Francis Racine

INSCRIS-TOI MAINTENANT À L’ÉCOLE SECONDAIRE CATHOLIQUE LA CITADELLE ! SÉANCES D’INFORMATION Le 22 février 2017, 9 h 45 (portes ouvertes - élèves) Le 23 février 2017, 18 h 30 (parents) | 613 933-0172

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The Journal Cornwall


Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Bowling for a good cause



You could hardly make your way towards the bowling lanes at Olympia Bowling on February 4, as the 39 th annual Bowl for Kids’ Sake took place. The event, organised by Big Brothers Big Sisters, was held at Olympia Bowling and Nativity Lanes in Cornwall, as well as in Chesterville. “The money raised goes directly into the seven free mentoring programs that are offered to families in Cornwall and SD & G,” explained Amanda Brisson, executive director of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Cornwall and District. “We have over 120 children waiting for a Big Brother or Big Sister.” The Tim Hortons Bowl for Kids Sake event, previously known as the Bowl for Millions event, has been happening for 39 years. Last year’s event raised just over $65,000, with 198 teams and 1000 bowlers taking part in it. — supplied photo

Conseiller en publicité Vous avez de l’entregent? Vous êtes motivé? Vous aimez les défis? La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. est à la recherche d’un conseiller afin de desservir les clients du Journal de Cornwall . EXIGENCES L’expérience dans le domaine de la vente est un atout. Vous devez être bilingue et en mesure de travailler en équipe. Vous posséder un permis de conduire valide ainsi qu’une voiture. Vous êtes disposé à faire des heures supplémentaires au besoin.


Are you outgoing? Are you motivated? Do you love challenges? La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. is looking for a salesperson to serve its Cornwall Journal customers. REQUIREMENTS Experience in sales is an asset. You must be bilingual and be a team player. You have a valid driver’s licence and must have your own vehicle. You are willing to work extra hours and go the extra mile when required.

Échelle de commissions sur les ventes intéressante Avantages sociaux

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Benefits program

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Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 8 février 2017

La FARFO lance son livret des activités du 150 e

ACFO - Centre C-E Claude - 146 Chevrier TAS Convenience Store - 1001 Montreal Rd Food Basics - 1315 Second East No Frills - Eastcourt Mall 711 MAX - 472 Leitch Drive FreshCo - 525 - 9th East Jean Coutu Pharmacy - 5 - 9th East OLCO - 18267 Cty Rd. 2, Glen Walter Shopper’s Drug Mart - Cornwall Square Lotto Centre - Cornwall Square MacEwen C-Store - Second W. & York Short Line Convenience & Video Store - 1300 Second West A-Z Convenience Store - 340 - 4th West Pop Shoppe - 101 Emma C-Store/MacEwen Gas Bar - 5756 Hwy 138 Mitchell’s Variety - 3034 Pitt Mac’s Convenience Store - 1292 Pitt Desjardins Caisse populaire - 840 Pitt Carl’s Smoke Shop - 272 Pitt Food Basics - 960 Brookdale Benson Centre - 800 - 7th West Giant Tiger - 609 Pitt Mac’s Convenience Store - 439 - 13th West disponible Est aux endroits suivants : at these fine places: Is available


recrutement de nos membres. » La contribution d’entreprises, d’orga- nismes à but non lucratif et communau- taires, certains de la région, a été soulignée. « Il y a eu un premier lancement à Ottawa ce matin, a ajouté M. Legault. On fait un mini lancement à Embrun cet après-midi, parce que la région de l’Est est aussi importante que la région d’Ottawa. » Paroles qui ont certainement plu aumaire de Russell Pierre Leroux, qui s’est empressé de féliciter les groupes de la FARFO et de poursuivre : « On a besoin d’activités à tous les âges. Je suis content que vous ayez un

Dans le cadre de la journée d’activités du Club de joie de vivre +50 pour le Carnaval d’Embrun, la Fédération des aînés et des retraités francophones de l’Ontario (FARFO) a lancé son nouveau Livret des activités du 150e, accent sur les per- sonnes aînées francophones en Ontario. Ce livret vise à permettre aux centres et aux clubs de célébrer le 150e de la Confédération dans diverses communau- tés de l’Ontario, dont la région de l’Est.

Le livret lancé par la FARFO propose des activités de rassemblement et de réjouissances autour du 150 e de la Confédération. Selon la FARFO, ces activités favoriseront un sentiment d’inclusion et d’intégration des aînés francophones dans leur communauté. Lors du lancement, on retrouvait l’agente de projet de la FARFO, Andréanne Gougeon, Bernard Vinet de L’Amicale du Village de L’Orignal, le président de la FARFO régionale de l’Est Raymond Legault, Liliane Matte du Club de l’Âge d’Or de Saint-Albert, le maire de la Municipalité de Russell, Pierre Leroux et Roger Paquette du Club Renaissance de Saint-Isidore. — photo Vicky Charbonneau

En effet, le jeudi 26 janvier 2017, une cen- taine de personnes assistaient au lancement officiel du tout nouveau livret préparé par et pour les aînés francophones de l’Ontario. Suite aux allocutions protocolaires, le livret a été remis à la foule qui elle, regroupait plusieurs membres de différents clubs et centres de la FARFO, venus, entre autres, de Saint-Isidore jusqu’à Alexandria. « Je suis très fier, en tant que président, de lancer ce livret qui sera un excellent outil de promotion pour les clubs de la région, a déclaré Raymond Legault, le président de la FARFO régionale de l’Est. En effet, ce livret servira tout d’abord à présenter les activités du 150 e qui seront organisées dans chaque club ainsi qu’à aug- menter notre visibilité et peut-être aussi le

groupe qui peut vous aider. Il faut que la qualité de vie soit là pour tout le monde. » Selon les organisateurs, cet outil pourrait même servir de planificateur de vacances ou de voyages pour ceux et celles qui vou- draient visiter l’Ontario en cette année de réjouissances. « En mettant l’accent sur les personnes aînées francophones au sein de nos com- munautés, a ajoutéM. Legault, nous serons adéquatement représentés durant toute l’année 2017 et nous pourrons dire haut et fort que nous avons contribué de façon significative au développement du Canada. » Les 60 centres et clubs de la FARFO repré- sentent 10 400membres, présents aux quatre coins de l’Ontario.



The Journal Cornwall


Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Cornwall celebrates Hockey Day

You can now place a personal classified ad for FREE in Le/The Journal. Maximum 40 words. The ad will appear 2 consecutive weeks at a time. Commercial classified ads are accepted for only $5.00 (+ HST) a week (prepaid). Classified Ads FREE consécutives à la fois. Les petites annonces commerciales sont acceptées pour un coût de 5,00 $ (+ TVH) par parution (payable à l’avance). GRATUITES Petites annonces Vous pouvez maintenant placer une petite annonce (classée) GRATUITEMENT dans Le/The Journal . Maximum 40 mots. L’annonce paraîtra 2 semaines

In celebration of Hockey Day in Canada on February 18, the City of Cornwall’s Canada 150 Committee will be offering some special activities that day at some outdoor rinks. Hockey Day in Cornwall will touch down at four rinks to celebrate the game at the grassroots level. It will also give a chance to recognize the numerous volunteers who give their time tomaintain the various rinks around the city. “It’s important that we show our thanks to these volunteers,” said Lorne Taillon, Leisure Arts Coordinator for the City of Cornwall. “Without them, we wouldn’t have nearly as many outdoor rinks for families to enjoy.” The festivities will take place at Menard and Memorial Parks at 12 pm followed by Grant and Alexander Parks at 1:30 pm. There will be a shooting accuracy contest, skate tying competitions, a puck memory challenge and other fun free activities. Participants will have a chance to win some free prizes, including Colts and Nationals tickets, free skate passes and

coupons at Play It Again Sports. There will also be free hot chocolate and visits from some special guests. Attendees are encouraged to show up in their favourite team colours. One lucky superfan will win a prize for their team dedication!

Hausse des ventes au détail pour un 4e mois de suite, à 45 milliards $

OTTAWA (Presse canadienne) - Les ventes au détail ont augmenté pour le quatrième mois consécutif en novembre au Canada, de 0,2 %, pour s’établir à 45,2 milliards $. Statistique Canada attribue la hausse de novembre à l’augmentation des ventes des concessionnaires de véhicules et de pièces automobiles et à celles des marchands de matériel et fournitures de jardinage, surtout. Les ventes ont augmenté dans 5 des 11 sous-secteurs qui représentent 45 % du total des ventes au détail. Les magasins d’alimentation ont affiché un recul de 0,5 % en novembre. La diminution des ventes des supermarchés et autres épiceries, de 0,9 %, a plus que contrebalancé la hausse de 1,4 % des ventes des magasins de bière, de vin et de spiritueux. L’agence fédérale a observé des augmentations de ventes au détail dans sept des provinces canadiennes en novembre. Au Québec, elles ont progressé de 0,3 %.

New public concerns policy The Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) has a new policy for dealing with public concerns about district matters. UCDSB trustees approved the new policy during their Jan. 25 board session. The new policy puts more emphasis on transparency and accountability between the UCDSB and the public. The policy includes a new Public Complaints Resolution Procedure to take effect throughout the district for handling queries from residents about Upper Canada district procedures and issues. – Gregg Chamberlain

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Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 8 février 2017

32 ans dans l’industrie de la bande dessinée

Plusieurs personnes ont visité Fantasy Realm le 4 février dernier, afin de participer aux festivités du 32 e anniversaire du magasin. Situé au centre- ville de Cornwall, le magasin de bandes dessinées était initialement situé au deuxième étage d’un dépanneur. « J’ai été témoin de plusieurs changements dans le monde de la bande dessinée depuis que j’ai commencé. Quand j’étais plus jeune, j’avais l’habitude de garder secret mon passe-temps, la lecture de bandes dessinées. Mais de nos jours, je l’exprime publiquement. » M. Sauvé a donné comme exemple l’intérêt grandissant pour les objets de collection. « Quand j’ai commencé, tout était au sujet des bandes dessinées, a-t-il expliqué. Mais sont alors arrivées les Cartes Magic et les cartes Pokémon. Ensuite, il y eu la Big Bang Theory et The Walking Dead, qui ont donné à l’industrie de la bande dessinée un bon coup de pouce. » Sur la photo, trois visiteurs profitent d’un petit gâteau et d’une bande dessinée gratuite. — photos Francis Racine

OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Le/The Journal in Cornwall has over 600 sq.ft. of open space for rent on first or second floor. Room for storage.

Central air conditioning. Parking. For more info or a visit, call Roger at 613-938-1433

LOCAL À LOUER Le/The Journal à Cornwall a un espace de 600 à louer au rez-de-chaussée ou au 2 e plancher. Espace additionnel pour

entreposage. Air climatisé central. Stationnement. Pour renseignements ou une visite, appeler Roger au 613-938-1433

The Journal Cornwall


Wednesday, February 8, 2017



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Conseiller en publicité Vous avez de l’entregent? Vous êtes motivé? Vous aimez les défis? La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. est à la recherche d’un conseiller afin de desservir les clients du Journal de Cornwall . EXIGENCES L’expérience dans le domaine de la vente est un atout. Vous devez être bilingue et en mesure de travailler en équipe. Vous posséder un permis de conduire valide ainsi qu’une voiture. Vous êtes disposé à faire des heures supplémentaires au besoin.


Are you outgoing? Are you motivated? Do you love challenges? La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. is looking for a salesperson to serve its Cornwall Journal customers. REQUIREMENTS Experience in sales is an asset. You must be bilingual and be a team player. You have a valid driver’s licence and must have your own vehicle. You are willing to work extra hours and go the extra mile when required.

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Full time position, salary based on experience. Fringe benefits.

Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 8 février 2017

YOUR HOROSCOPE for the week of February 5 to 11, 20177


ARIES You should negotiate cautiously this week. You need only raise your voice slightly to be heard and respected. Don’t hesitate to shed some weight off your shoulders by having a good talk. TAURUS Exercise is excellent for your health— when you do it with moderation. You’ll share the joy of an inspiring activity with other people. GEMINI You’ll experience a significant amount of action this week, especially if you have young children. In your love life, there’s talk of a trip or a romantic escapade that you’ll engage in with much passion. CANCER Winter’s harshness will drain your vitality. Nonetheless, the time is ripe for inspira- tion and the creation of a great work of art. LEO There will be many people around you, enough to stress you at times. Some rest will be necessary before the weekend, to build up your energy. VIRGO Don’t be surprised if you’re given new responsibilities at work. You’ll feel appreciated and people will want to do business with you. You’re a trustworthy individual. LIBRA You’ll feel like taking a wonderful trip. New adventures, each more fabulous than the last, await you. You’ll consider taking a class of some sort. SCORPIO You’ll be very emotional, especially if you’re having financial difficulties. Fortunately, the solution to your problem isn’t far off, and abundance will be back shortly. SAGITTARIUS Negotiating with family members is always tricky. You’ll be more vulnerable if your emotions are involved. Take a step back to see things more clearly. CAPRICORN You’ll have a fair amount of success in your professional life. You’ll manage to gather many people for a particular event, for which you’ll receive an excel- lent deal. AQUARIUS All your senses will be awakened, your spirit will be filled with passion and you’ll be successful in all your endeavours this week. People will cheer you on. PISCES You’ll find yourself at home or with your family most of the time this week, but your loved ones could force you to take on heavy responsibilities.


ACROSS 1. Farm animal 4. Taunt 8. Muffet’s snack 12.Live 13.Per 14.____ the last laugh 15.Light purple 17.Service con- cluder 18.Dog’s hounder 19.Proclamation 21.Fishing gear 23.Defeated team 27.Texas dish 30.100% 31.Twosome 32.Fink 33.Lariat 35.Feeling rotten 36.Umpire’s cry 37.Bother 38.Registered 40.Storage space 42.Workout room 43.Essential 45.Snacks 49.Roman garment 52.Daughter’s hus-

band: hyph.

27.Gator’s kin 28.Drag 29.«Leave ____ 30.Request 34.Painters, e.g. 39.Portent 41.Digging tool 42.Lamp spirit

54.Stunned 55.Adorn 56.Age 57.Remove from print 58.Trickle 59.Watch secretly DOWN 1. Lower leg 2. Kind of test 3. «____ Only Just Begun» 4. Half of twenty 5. Crossed a brook 6. Like summertime tea 7. Excites 8. «____ My Line?» 9. Pork product 10.Adam’s partner 11.Wish 16.British noble 20.Settlement 22.Greasier 24.Make ready to publish 25.Guideline 26.Hawked

Beaver»: 2 wds.


44.In addition 46.Malt drinks 47.Field cover 48.Rock back and forth 49.Small amount 50.Be obliged to pay 51.Toothpaste option 53.Gremlin


Copyright © 2014, Penny Press


HOW TO PLAY : Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the numbers 1 through 9 only once. Each 3x3 box is outlined with a darker line. You already have a few numbers to get you started. Remember: You must not repeat the numbers 1 through 9 in the same line, column, or 3x3 box.

The Journal Cornwall


Wednesday, February 8, 2017





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Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 8 février 2017

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