Shawati' Issue 64

From the Editor

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“We have to strike a balance of responsibility between our duty to update other sources of energy, protecting our environment and ensuring a proper legacy for the next generation.”

HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan President of the United Arab Emirates and Ruler of Abu Dhabi

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T o say we are living in precarious times is a gross misinterpretation of current events. Recently, the global landscape has presented humanity with a blend of tumultuous events that exceptionally challenge our mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing. Now more than ever, we must tread gently during these heart-breaking times, we must collectively hold on to our strength and compassion. We must empathize with those who are suffering, while also holding space for ourselves to feel deeply and process everything going on in the world right now. May we strive for peace in our hearts and minds and believe on a fundamental level that a common thread of humanity, respect and decency will prevail. May we not be torn apart from within or lash out at those around us. Let us pray to ease the suffering for all of us who are affected by conflict and division, let us pray for a peaceful resolution. Most importantly, let us have faith that the days ahead restore love , tolerance , compassion , and kindness to one another. Our latest edition of Shawati’ is visually and editorially dedicated to Mother Earth and the ambitious goals and themes of COP28, from the cover artwork to the section breaker artworks, to most of the editorial themes. We have devoted this issue to environmental initiatives launched here in the UAE, and we have also cast a spotlight on the strides undertaken by the international community to effect positive change to restore and protect the planet. The Year of Sustainability has been the prominent focus in the UAE this year, the concern over the environment is evident across all economic, social, industrial, and cultural activities across the UAE, but it goes back much further than that. The preservation of the environment has always been a top priority in the Emirates, starting with the late Founding Father, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, and the indomitable strides he accomplished to serve that end, which became part of his formidable legacy, a legacy that has been passionately passed on to the current UAE leaders. With COP28 on the horizon, many environmental advocates believe that the preservation of the environment is the greatest means to achieve peace, and a habitable continuity

of our beautiful planet earth, as the impact of peace prevails all over the world and affects not only people but all living creatures and wildlife on earth through the harmonious and delicate balance created. The effects of climate change pose a great danger to the world, and it is no longer possible to turn a blind eye and imagine ‘someone’ else will tackle this situation. What needs to happen is for the global community to converge at COP28 to take the necessary steps in a series of serious and immediate measures, which includes lifestyle changes, preserving energy sources, reducing fossil fuel emissions, preserving precious water resources, and enacting high-scale implementation of strategies and policies to ensure the effectiveness of reaching COP goals by 2030. Climate change and global warming are a major concern locally, and internationally. What is the role of the UAE in increasing awareness within all segments of society and stimulating individual contributions to reduce this disturbing phenomenon? The wise leaders of the UAE have undertaken extensive initiatives to ensure that the environment is an important and urgent issue giving it high priority on its strategic agenda. HE Dr Al Jaber told delegates during the Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week 2023 earlier this year. “That’s why we’re determined to make COP28 a COP for all and a COP of action; a COP where the global North and global South really communicate and listen to each other; a COP where we move from goals to getting it done across mitigation, adaptation, and of course, loss and damage; and a COP where we deliver a new transformative deal on climate finance.” Before COP28 and beyond, the UAE has spearheaded many awareness initiatives, environmental education, and training programmes, which are critical factors to bring about the required behavioural changes and community habits and propagate environmental education, which breeds action. I hope you will enjoy reading our latest edition of Shawati’ , and slowly savour every page of it, and identify what you, as an individual, can do to further protect and restore your environment. We look forward to presenting our last edition of the year very soon, until then, our warm wishes to you, and your loved ones.

Sabah Al Abbasi

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