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wife before painting the morning’s sunrise on the newspaper’s front page. Concealing the print beneath a layer of acrylic paint, he finishes the piece with a deacidification spray to prevent the newspaper from yellowing. A selection of these compositions were showcased on the beachfront during the 2021 edition of Art Basel in Miami in an exhibition entitled 55 Sunrises at a pop-up gallery constructed by Saint Laurent, which had contacted Shibuya via Instagram. Curated by the French fashion brand’s creative director, Anthony Vaccarello, the presentation gave visitors to the art fair a chance to view his colourful images and meditate alongside a physical sunrise. He continued the series for Month , his first solo show with Unit London gallery last summer composed of 30 paintings and one sculpture, which harnessed the natural beauty of the sunrises he observed from January to May 2023, creating a visual record of each day in his interrogations of the meaning of time. Until the death of George Floyd when he was overcome with emotion after reading the news, each one of Shibuya’s paintings had depicted the morning sky. One week later, he decided to paint a black rectangle over The New York Times cover with the caption, “Black Lives Matter”. While his sunrises in April 2020 began as small rectangles in the middle of the day’s headlines, by May, Shibuya made the choice for the first time to fill the entire front page on the 24 th of that month under a headline reading, “U.S. Deaths Near 100,000, An Incalculable Loss”. He portrayed a sky progressing from dark blue to white over a long list of names of people who had passed away from the coronavirus spreading across the globe.
CASSEROLADES, 22 May 2023, stainless steel sheet. French protesters, known as “casserolades” after the French word for “saucepan,” have taken to banging pots and pans in the street to express their disagreement with President Emmanuel Macron’s pension policy, which shifted the official retirement age from 62 to 64. Image courtesy of the artist
Gradually, whenever Shibuya was especially moved by a story – fires, floods, hurricanes, manmade disasters, wars, shootings, election results, natural phenomena, significant global events or more light-hearted subjects – his painting would reflect how he felt on that particular day in an abstract, prismatic reflection of his emotions. On occasion, he leaves the day’s headlines exposed for particularly poignant crises in history such as the invasion of Ukraine or climate disasters. A journal intime of the sunrises and turmoil the world experienced over a certain amount of time, each work is labelled with the date of its creation, building a visual timeline that, when viewed in hindsight, evokes memories and impressions of past events. In his studio in Brooklyn, Shibuya inspects and dissects the issues of the moment, pondering the era in which he lives with his finger on the pulse of current affairs, taking a day to layer shades and gradations of colour onto The New York Times cover until they match that morning’s sky or specific news items that interest him. The concept is the most critical part of his process, taking precedent over the actual execution of the artwork. On 20 March, 2023, he paid a heartfelt tribute to the beloved “I Love NY” logo emblazoned on countless tourist
WE NYC, Monday, 20 March 2023. The Partnership for New York City, a private business and tourism group, reveals a new logo. It receives widespread critique. Image courtesy of the artist
[L-R] CLIMATE DISASTERS DAILY, 11 July 2023, across the globe, deadly weather disasters like extreme flooding and landslides have become so common they are the “new normal,” due to the influence of climate change. 100,000, Sunday, 24 May 2020, this was the day the severity of the pandemic set in: 100,000 deaths in the United States. Images courtesy of the artist
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