Shawati' Issue 64

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Shawati’ 64



with the design sector, visitors will be able to explore immersive public interventions made from materials such as loofah and sugar and repurposed bamboo, with many of the presentations being made from large-scale 3D printed architecture. Sustainability in architecture also appears in other areas of the event. Abwab , an annual feature of Dubai Design Week that spotlights regional architecture will be hosted inside a specially commissioned pavilion that explores the use of palm trees as a sustainable resource. Elsewhere, a presentation of student projects that propose environmental solutions from international and local institutions will be showcased as well as a graphic design activation that aims to document the Arab world ’ s visual culture. For, ‘Urban Commissions’, a design competition that highlights the UAE’s design-conscious urban development will be another key element of the event. The competition invited submissions for functional, outdoor furniture for the public domain, such as innovative street furniture or shading. The winners will be selected by a jury panel of experts in the design field and results will be unveiled at Dubai Design Week.

Dubai Design Week 2022, Once Upon a Forest installation. Image courtesy of Dubai Design Week

Abwab: India Pavilion Qissa Ghar by The Busride Studio, Dubai Design Week 2019. Image courtesy of Dubai Design Week

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F or the past nine years, over the course of a week in early November, Dubai Design District [d3] transforms into a hub of creativity. True to its name, the district is the location for Dubai Design Week, a festival that provides a platform for both emerging and established designers, architects, educators, companies, and all creative practitioners. In addition to attracting industry professionals, it is also something that engages the public with large-scale outdoor installations, exhibitions and public interventions – and it's free to attend, which means it’s something everyone can enjoy. This year’s edition - slated for 7 to 12 November 2023 - has a diverse range of items on show that highlight the crossover of design, science and technology and how these elements come together to reclaim materials of the past, as well as reimagine new forms. The year 2023 is dedicated to sustainability, with the government announcing it as the “Year of Sustainability”, under the title, “Today for Tomorrow”. Furthermore, with Dubai’s Expo City being the host of the annual COP28 summit, Dubai Design Week this year will shine a light on sustainable practices. Among the many opportunities to learn and engage

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Downtown Design 2022, House of Today. Image courtesy of Dubai Design Week

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