Shawati' Issue 64

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Shawati’ 64



Q & A with Mette Degn-Christensen, Director of Downtown Design

How has DXBDW contributed to the growth of the local design scene over the years? The growth that we have seen the across the creative industry, and particularly in the design industry and overall ecosystem, has been substantial - with new studios and retail spaces opening constantly in the city, and in Dubai Design District [d3]. The evolution of design within Dubai has been thoughtfully refined through the lens of Downtown Design, the annual anchor event of Dubai Design Week, and the fair consistently produces a dynamic environment where design meets opportunity and forges foundational relationships between brands & designers and the AID community, relevant end consumers; HNWIs, collectors and design enthusiasts alike. The evolution of design within Dubai has been thoughtfully refined through the lens of our fair. Downtown Design offers a dialogue to the Middle East’s creative ground through connection, relevance, and quality. Now in its 10 th edition, Downtown Design proves to be a catalyst for growth in the

Mette Degn-Christensen, Director - Downtown Design. Image courtesy of Dubai Design Week

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Silent Call, Lasvit Design, Khaled Shafar, Dubai Design Week 2017. Image courtesy of Dubai Design Week

HousEmotion by Tabanlioglu Architects installation, Dubai Design Week. Image courtesy of Dubai Design Week

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Fatma Al Mahmoud, director of 1971, Sharjah’s experimental design space. has been appointed as the curator of this year’s UAE Designer Exhibition , which is themed around the future of living spaces, with a focus on materiality and social impact. A tailored line-up of creative installations, pop-up features and bespoke concepts will be staged throughout the fair, from special commissions to cultural pop-up exhibitions. The week is complemented with talks and panel discussions at The Forum which hosts a series of live events, active panel discussions and industry masterclasses featuring regional and international thought- leaders, promoting interaction and dialogue. One of the headline speakers announced for this year is internationally prominent forecaster, publisher and educator, Lidewij Edelkoort. So, whether you are a design novice, or seasoned pro, there is something to spark your interest and inspire your creativity streak.

Points in Common installation, Dubai Design Week 2020. Image courtesy of Dubai Design Week

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