Shawati' Issue 64

64 å/°



Shawati’ 64

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a huge scale. During the Eid holidays, the airports are full of local travellers leaving to new or favourite destinations. Of course, during the searing summer months, many can also be found abroad in cooler climes. Knightsbridge in London is a much-frequented venue for part of the summer for Emiratis that can afford it. The cooler summers in London are similar in temperature to winters in the UAE and, of course, there is definitely the chance of rain! Perhaps because of, or as a result of, this propensity to travel, two of the world’s great airlines were founded in and belong to the UAE – Etihad Airlines and Emirates Airlines. This, in my opinion, is no coincidence. It is part of the inbuilt wanderlust that is still truly ingrained in the Emiratis’ genes and helps to satisfy their continued wish to move, to see new places, to experience new things and to meet new people. In reality, the means and the comfort levels have changed over the intervening sixty years since oil was first exported, but it would appear to me that this is nothing more than a modern transition of the Bedu from a nomadic person

A night view of modern day Abu Dhabi Corniche. © Victor Romero

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seeking sustenance to one borne with a natural inquisitiveness and restlessness to see and seek new pastures. This is one identity of the modern Emirati that has stood the test of time and is a fundamental part of today’s society in the UAE. Long may it continue – travel and experiencing new cultures adds to the individuals’ experiences and makes for greater tolerance and sympathy with other nationalities and people. While mingling with foreigners in your home country is interesting, it has nothing like the educational value of immersing yourself in another country’s culture and amidst its people. In such a situation, one has to live by someone else’s standards and to learn their ways so as not to offend. By doing so, one can at least learn to understand why a people are the way that they are. On encountering a person from that country near to home, having experienced their homeland, it is possible at least to understand why they behave in the way that they do and it makes it all the easier to accept their ways. The propensity of Emiratis to travel, I feel sure, partly accounts for the UAE being one of the world’s truly tolerant and friendly nations and will keep it so – attitudes that are in extremely short supply these days in a world of political divide. Long live the modern day Bedu! .

A view of Sha settlement among the Liwa group of settlements. Note the Arish huts of the settlement are built higher up on the dunes to catch the breeze while the palm trees, and well, are lower down nearer the water table, March 1953. Ronald Codrai © DCT Abu Dhabi

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