Shawati' Issue 64

64 å/°

Shawati’ 64



“It was a moment to recall the history of two families who, at different times, have been able to share values and passion, but it was also an opportunity to embrace, thank and pay homage to their long-standing collaborators,” the company stated in a press release. In the majestic 250,000 square meters area at the Italian port, stood the fleet of boats. In addition, over the three-day celebration, the company also hosted activities, such as sailing trials organised by the Antignano Sailing Club, and cultural activities including visits to the shipyard museum and the Shipyard Scenarios, a show held by the city’s Goldoni Theatre. The company’s long-standing employees received an award, while some of the youngest were offered a special training course for their professional growth, confirming their central role for the shipyard. Outside, the marina hosted some of Benetti’s most iconic yachts, creating a luminous landscape setting: the ‘Odissey’ – a 33-metre yacht from the Mediterraneo series, dated back to 1967, the ‘Stella Fiera’, which was the first unit of the Classic 115 series and from more recent times, the very latest of the B.Now and Oasis Deck™ series, which was also part of the show.

An aerial view of Cantiere Benetti Livorno shipyard. © Benetti Yachts

Benetti 150 years celebration Gala dinner. © Benetti Yachts


I n June 2023, Paolo Vitelli, founder of the Azimut|Benetti Group, his daughter Giovanna Vitelli, Chair of the group, and the CEO Marco Valle, together with company employees convened at Livorno Shipyard on Italy’s west coast. This, the largest shipyard in the Mediterranean and home to the Benetti shipbuilding and boat building company was the ideal venue to welcome the next phase of yacht making for the world’s leading manufacturer of high-end yachts. To commemorate the 150-year anniversary, there was a breath-taking display of Benetti yachts docked at the shipyard. Older yachts outfitted in deep mahogany were anchored side-by-side with bright, airy contemporary models; among them was the El Caran, a 128-foot superyacht once owned by David Bowie. Inside one of the warehouses, next to a yacht under construction, Belgian architect and set designer Charles Kaisin recalled the history of Benetti in an extraordinarily creative way and, more than 50 waiters, who were also actors, entertained the guests with touches of brilliance: dishes served under cloches in the shape of ancient vessels, ‘sound’ shells from which to hear sounds and voices of a yacht under construction, a ‘ flying ’ pianist and soprano, and hundreds of swaying lights.

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LP, The Miracle from the Queen, 1989. © Benetti Yachts

David Bowie onboard the Benetti El Caran, 1977. © Benetti Yachts

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