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Throughout its history, the shipyard has achieved numerous remarkable milestones including the launch of the ‘Brigantino San Giorgio’ in 1921. In the 1960s, under the guidance of Lorenzo Benetti, the shipyard revolutionised the yachting world by transitioning from wood to steel construction. This also marked the birth of the modern mega-yacht concept. These large and luxurious yachts evoked the allure of the aristocracy and the international jet set during the era of ‘la dolce vita’. Renowned figures like Rainier of Monaco and David Bowie, enjoyed their holidays on their respective Benetti yachts and the British legendary pop band The Beatles were frequent guests of their manager’s Delfino Benetti. In 1979 Benetti built the largest motor yacht in the world at that time - the 83-metre Nabila . Luigi Sturchio was responsible for the interior of the yacht, the production of the vessel started in 1977. Firstly, she was built for Saudi Arabian businessman Adnan Khashoggi who named the superyacht after his daughter Nabila Khashoggi. Then, in 1988, she was sold to Sultan of Brunei and after that to billionaire Donald Trump for USD29 million. And Trump renamed her ‘Trump Princess’. In 1991, Trump sold it to the Saudi billionaire Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, and he renamed her Kingdom 5R . It was such an iconic vessel that it even starred in the James Bond’s film ‘Never Say Never’.
Giovanna Vitelli, Chair of Azimut|Benetti Group speaking at the event. © Benetti Yachts
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Paolo Vitelli, founder of the Azimut|Benetti Group, his daughter Giovanna Vitelli, Chair, and CEO Marco Valle. © Benetti Yachts
[T-B] The Nabila became such an icon that it was immortalised in James Bond’s film ‘Never Say Never’. Azimut|Benetti Viareggio Shipyard. © Benetti Yachts
Guest at the Benetti 150 th Anniversary Gala Dinner. © Benetti Yachts
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