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Shawati’ 64
many people as possible to participate and covered expenses such as return economy airfare to Abu Dhabi and hotel accommodation. In addition, the congress organised a gala dinner at the Emirates Palace and a tour of the most iconic places in Abu Dhabi. Overall, the hosting of the ICA Congress in Abu Dhabi was of immense importance for the UAE as it represented the largest global gathering dedicated to the preservation of the world’s archival heritage. Following the conclusion of this successful event, Shawati’ sat down with HE Dr Abdulla Al Raisi and Hamad Al Mutairi to talk about their experience at the Congress and the future of archiving. We’re creating something like a time machine, which allows you to understand what has happened in the past to understand the present and plan for the future. So, we preserve those connections to provide societies with the right knowledge, be it students, decision-makers, researchers, or anyone who wants to learn about the past.
Part of the audience looks at Congressional programme brochures. © UAE National Library and Archives
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HE Dr Abdulla Al Raisi along with members of the UAE National Library and Archives team pictured with the winning teams in the ICA Hackathon. © UAE National Library and Archive
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The sub-themes of the conference reflected the expanding role of archives in driving the development of knowledge societies and economies. Dr Al Raisi explained, “When we thought about these five themes, we thought about implementing something that is of importance to the UAE, such as archives and climate change. For example, in November, one month after the ICA Congress Abu Dhabi, the UAE is hosting COP28.” “Climate change is expected to severely affect the archival sector and the memory of countries, so it’s important to understand how to preserve records in such an environment – when climate change is attacking you from all sides, whether through heat, flooding, hurricanes, or earthquakes. You could lose a lot of archives and very important government records.” More than 300 speakers from over 95 countries participated in the ICA Congress conference, with session interpretations provided for the six UN languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish. An archives hackathon also took place over three days during the congress. The competitive event encouraged students in the UAE to come up with innovative, out-of-the-box archiving solutions, and gave them the opportunity to analyse and derive impactful knowledge. Led by archiving and records- management experts and mentors, the hackathon awarded a USD 20,000 prize for the winning university team and a USD 10,000 prize for the winning high-school team. Meanwhile, a unique bursary programme provided funding assistance for up to 300 individuals to travel to Abu Dhabi and attend the ICA Congress. The initiative sought to enable as
Hamad Al Mutairi
Student side discussions during the Hackathon competition. © UAE National Library and Archives
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