Shawati' Issue 64

64 å/°

Shawati’ 64



among younger generations. Great Arab poets have showed an immense love and admiration for the natural world, and a spiritual bond that places nature at the core of our consciousness. The exquisite images Abu Al-Qasim Al- Shabbi painted with words in his poems demonstrate these deep feelings inspired by nature. He sang of joyful birds in the early morning in springtime, of tall pine trees and winding freshwater streams. He sang of the subtle interactions within nature, and between nature and man. We also see the impression made by nature on the Iraqi poet Badr Shakir Al-Sayyab, especially as we read his poems about the rain and the moon. Human feelings for our natural environment has been a recurring theme not only for Al-Shabbi, Al-Sayyab, and many other poets, but they also feature in old folk songs and classical music throughout the world, from Sayed Darwish’s popular folk songs and ballads to Vivaldi’s immortal Four Seasons composition. The appreciation and preservation of nature and its resources has been celebrated in all art forms by people all over the world, whether in words, tunes, or colours. These works have brought home the importance of sustainability long before climate change became a global threat.

“The Art of Nature” exhibition highlighted the exceptional species and habitats unique to the UAE and celebrated the nation’s striking landscapes and spectacular flora and fauna, paying tribute to the role that the natural environment plays in contemporary arts practice. © ADMAF.


I n the UAE, the year 2023 has been dedicated to sustainability under the banner ‘Today for Tomorrow’, culminating in the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, also known as COP28. The conference will take place from 30 November to 12 December. The Year of Sustainability was declared by the UAE President, HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan; a clear sign of his and the nation’s commitment to prioritising sustainability. This reflects the UAE’s pioneering role in seeking to ingrain sustainability in innovation, thought leadership and the expansion of knowledge. As the Emirates continue to pursue prosperity and the advancement of civilisation, its dynamic cultural scene has propelled Abu Dhabi into the global limelight as a capital of art, music, and culture. A true global city of innovation. Now the world is looking to the UAE and COP28 in hope that the event will yield new commitments that will ultimately protect planet Earth, and preserve it to give coming generations a brighter future. Effective action from the public and private sectors is needed, in line with the vision and legacy of our first true environmentalist, our founding father, the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan. Arts and literature are strong contributors to fostering a culture of sustainability and an appreciation of nature

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HE Huda Alkhamis-Kanoo speaking at the Abu Dhabi Festival. © ADMAF.

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Held at Umm Al Emarat Park, ‘The Art of Nature’ exhibition welcomed more than 5,577 visitors throughout the month. © ADMAF.

Visitors viewing Wave by Michael Rice. © ADMAF.

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