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linguistic, religious, and cultural heritage while interacting with and contributing to foreign societies. At the same time, the diverse cultures orchestrated together in varying melodious epiphanies to contribute to a global exchange of ideas and many playful fusions. To many newly settled Arabs in foreign countries, culture was by no means an afterthought, but rather, was a way to preserve, recreate, and celebrate their identities at home, away from home. Notably, cultural institutions play an influential role in cementing bridges of interconnectivity and understanding between Arab and foreign cultures by bringing together creative communities and securing financing to carry out impactful cultural projects. Paris has always been a creative powerhouse, drawing in travelling Arab artists, intellectuals and a smattering of luminaries in various artistic fields. The Institut du Monde Arabe, or Arab World Institute, based in Paris, is a distinguished cultural institution that has implemented many successful cultural projects revolving around Arab cultural understanding. Inaugurated in 1987, the building is an architectural marvel – shiny, modern, industrial – embellished by the oriental façade of intricate latticework, or mashrabiyas . A homage to the bon viveurs, aesthetes, and cultural savants of this world, its impressive collections comprise works related to antique and medieval archaeology, art and craftsmanship, ethnography, and contemporary art. Within its library, comprehensive and diverse collections focused
The Arab World Institute is the reflection of a dual conceptual framework, at the interface between tradition and modernarchitectural design. Its iconic architecture of glass and steel and its contemporary and innovating interpretation of the traditional mashrabiyya have turned it into one of the most prestigious buildings in the world. © French Moment
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[T-B] The Arab World Institute. Image courtesy of Architecture Studio
T here is a wistful feeling that accompanies wanderlust spirits when, in foreign lands, they come across a masterpiece dreamt by a fellow Arab. It slowly turns into an appreciative smile, recognising the sheer beauty and magic when one stumbles upon bountiful treasures. Throughout history, Arabs have cherished a nomadic lifestyle, traversing between nations and regions in pursuit of enlightenment, cultural connections, trade prospects, and discovery. This dynamic has nurtured their creative souls to boundless horizons, reflecting them in the rich tapestries and trails that portray Arab culture within the global cultural landscape. From art, literature, and cuisine, to performing arts, music, and jewellery-making – Arabs cultures have enchanted global communities with their splendorous and compelling expressions, time and time again. When Arabs settled in various countries across the globe – from Europe, Africa, and Australia to Latin America and North America – they enriched the local cultural scenes with their unique dispositions. Throughout various epochs, the Arab diaspora maintained a strong connection to its
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Painting the Gulf : Abdul Qader Al Rais at Institut du Monde Arabe. Image courtesy of the artist
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