Shawati' Issue 64

64 å/°

Shawati’ 64



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Le Temps des Rêves by Goutal Paris is composed of Moroccan orange blossom and neroli, and the Baccarat Rouge 540 by Maison Francis Kurkdjian Paris is composed of saffron and Egyptian jasmines. Recently, the institute has unveiled plans to establish a world-class “civilization and art museum” dedicated to Arab art, marking a distinguished milestone in the realm of cross-cultural exchange. The project has been enthused after the generous donation from the French-Lebanese dealer and collector Claude Lemand and his wife of 1,677 artworks by 148 artists. Lemand, previously a university professor with a passion for the arts, opened his art gallery in Paris in 1988 with the vision of showcasing Arab artists who had settled in the West. The donated works feature a constellation of renowned Arab artists, including Abdallah Benanteur from Algeria, Shafic Abboud from Lebanon, Dia Al-Azzawi from Iraq, Simone Fattal from Syria, Nasser Al-Aswadi from Yemen, the late Egyptian sculptor Adam Henein, and Kamel Yahiaoui from Algeria.

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[T-B] The Grand Mosque of Paris.

One of the institute’s signature programmes is a two- hour promenade in Paris that familiarises visitors with the many prominent cultural sites that have historical links to the Arab World. This tour begins at the Collège de France, founded in 1530 by the King of France François I to promote intellectual curiosity and knowledge seeking. The establishment was the first to offer Arabic-language courses on the European continent and subsequently, evolved into a pivotal epicenter for Oriental studies. The guide also shares many anecdotal stories about the many Arab intellectuals and creatives who lived in Paris during the 19 th century and onwards, spurring the establishment of the first batch of Arab printing presses, the first Arabic newspapers in France, and many of the Arab bookstores that remain in the city to this day. The tour ends with visiting a prominent tourist honeypot - the Grand Mosque of Paris, a magnificent and iconic religious and cultural institution located adjacent to the Arab World Institute and the botanical gardens in the Latin Quarter of the city. Already celebrating its 100- year anniversary since its establishment, its presence serves as a testament to the value of cultural exchange in fostering peaceful coexistence. Hailed as the largest mosque in France and the third largest in Europe, the mosque’s unique architecture is a blend of Moorish and Andalusian styles, a celebration of the cultural heritage and historical ties between France and the Arab World.

A view of 'Kawakaba: Highlights from the Barjeel Art Foundation" in collaboration with Christie's King Street. Image courtesy of Christie’s

The institute is at the forefront of leading a number of outstanding cultural projects. For instance, the “Arab Literature Prize” celebrates Arab literary works by awarding EUR10,000 to an Arab author who has penned a novel, a compilation of short stories, or poetry, written originally in French or translated from Arabic to French.

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The Great Mosque of Kairouan in Tunisia inspired the minaret in the Grand Mosque of Paris.

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