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Palestinian Authority President, Mahmoud Abbas and Paris Mayor, Bertrand Delanoe inaugurating the ‘Place Mahmoud Darwish’ in 6 th area of Paris, France, on 14 June 2010. © Alamy Photos
RETURN OF THE SPIRIT, the celebrated novel from pioneering Egyptian writer Tawfiq al-Hakim. Image courtesy of Penguin Classics
The exterior of the mosque blends the artistic heritage of North Africa and the Middle East, which is reflected in the geometric designs and tilework. The minaret, adorned with intricate motifs, elegantly adorns the Parisian skyline. The Edenic gardens are a delight to explore and offer a serene retreat from the hustle and bustle of the city, enveloped with playful, trailing flowers and fountains. The mosque also houses a library with a vast collection of books on Islamic culture, history, and theology, making it a valuable resource for scholars and researchers. Additionally, visitors can savor traditional Arabic cuisine whilst lounging at the mosque's restaurant and tearoom. During the 1920s, the city of Paris had evolved as a creative hub, attracting a milieu of artistic minds to its abode. The Arab communities were entranced and they found this vibrant spirit somewhat liberating to unleash their artistic visions. Many Arab intellectuals and culture enthusiasts established a flurry of Arabic magazines, newspapers, bookstores, and publishing houses. Moreover, its vibrant creative scene consisting of literary cafés, salons, and academic institutions fostered intellectual discussions and a fluid flow of cultural exchange between the cosmopolitan constellation of fellow writers, artists, and intellectuals in Paris. Tawfiq al-Hakim [1898 – 1987] was an Egyptian playwright, novelist, and prominent literary figure of the 20 th century, who had spent time in Paris between 1925 to 1928 to pursue a doctorate of Laws. The city soon bewitched him and exposed him to a dazzling cultural scene, subsequently refining and unleashing his literary imagination. It was during his time in Paris that he penned his famous work “Return of the Spirit”, which eventually got published in 1933 in Cairo, and was followed by many celebrated works of Arabic drama and literature.
Mahmoud Darwish a Palestinian national poet died on 9 August 2008 aged 67. © AFP - Gil Cohen Magen
Another literary luminary who was enchanted by Paris was the Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish [1941 – 2008]. Darwish primarily resided in Paris between 1982 to 1996 and whilst he composed many of his works in Arabic, he was also proficient in English, French, and Hebrew. His literary works have been translated into over 20 languages and has been one of France’s most illustrious cultural figures and bestselling poets. He fondly describes the city: “ Paris was more of a layover than a residence or dwelling, I don ’ t know, but what I do know is that my true poetic birth took place in Paris. And if I were to distinguish my poetry, I am very much attached to the poetry I wrote in Paris during the 1980s and beyond. There, I had the opportunity to contemplate and view my homeland, the world, and other aspects from a distance, a distance of light. When you see from afar, you see better, and you perceive the scene in its entirety. Moreover, Paris, aesthetically, spurs you towards poetry and creativity. Everything in it is beautiful, even its climate is beautiful. ” Some of Darwish’s unforgettable masterpieces were written during his Paris sojourn and include “Memory for Forgetfulness” and “Fewer Roses” which were both published in 1986, “Eleven Planets” which was published in 1992, and “Why Have You Left the Horse Alone” which
Safia Farhat [1924 - 2004, Rades] La Mariee [The Bride], part of Kawkaba: Highlights from the Barjeel Art Foundation exhibition. Image courtesy of Christie’s
[T-B] The garden of the Grand Mosque of Paris.
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