Shawati' Issue 64

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Shawati’ 64


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Kahlil Gibran, author of The Prophet, one of the ten most translated books of all time. © Getty Images

was published in 1995. He was recognised in 1997 with France’s prestigious Knight of Arts and Belles Lettres medal. In 2010, the Mahmoud Darwish Square was inaugurated in the 6 th arrondissement in his honour, inspired by a location the poet was reportedly fond of, nestled alongside the Seine River in the Monnaie district. One of the Arab World’s most cherished poets and writers is Khalil Gibran, a Lebanese émigré to the United States in 1895. Gibran’s exquisite writing style and creative genius paved the way for an infusion of whimsical themes of love, nature, devotion to beauty, aesthetics, and emotions within Arabic literature during the initial decades of the 20 th century. His works reflected the profound feelings of nostalgia amongst many Arab immigrants at the time. Yet, it is this interaction with foreign cultures that had allowed Gibran’s skills to blossom and gain attention from appreciative audiences. At a chance meeting at Gibran’s first art exhibition in 1904, he met his soon-to-be friend and lifelong patron, Mary Elizabeth Haskell, who was a headmistress. Haskell’s early acknowledgment and patronage of Gibran, particularly her urging for him to write in English, her editorial assistance, and her financial assistance for his educational journey to Paris and New York City enabled Gibran to dedicate himself to his artistic endeavours. From 1908 to 1910, Haskell provided both encouragement and financial support for Gibran ’ s sojourn to Paris so he could refine his art skills. Enrolling at the Académie Julian, Gibran crossed paths with other notable artists, including Auguste Rodin, Claude Debussy, and William Butler Yeats. The works of other brilliant artists and writers also had an indelible influence on his style, such as William Blake’s poetry and Friedrich Nietzsche’s writings.

The Mayor of the 15 th arrondissement of Paris, Philippe Goujon inaugurated The Promenade Gibran Khalil Gibran, on 26 September 2017. Images courtesy of Mairie15

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