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model for nature-based solutions. Last but not least, EAD is exploring the possibilities, while working with key local and national stakeholders, that exist in carbon markets and capping sector emissions. Moreover, to enhance cooperation with local and federal entities and coordinate efforts that ensure mitigation and adaptation to climate change in order to achieve national goals, EAD formed the Abu Dhabi Climate Change Taskforce in 2021, consisting of 26 members including government and semi-government entities. The taskforce provides a common platform to coordinate efforts related to climate change. We at EAD also want to lose our voices regarding the urgency of tackling climate change as we are the prime custodians of climate action in Abu Dhabi. We will do all that is required to curb this burdensome phenomenon and place Abu Dhabi on the global map as a leader in this regard. . Sheikha Al Mazrouei – Executive Director of Integrated Environment Policy and Planning Sector One of EAD’s most prominent achievements was the recent launch of the Abu Dhabi Climate Change Strategy in July of this year. Reflecting the Emirate’s ambition for effective climate action at various levels, the strategy promotes greater resilience in key sectors and makes adaptation to climate change part and parcel of government entities’ plans.
Kota Garut, Indonesia. © Dikaseva / Unsplash
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An aerial view of the mangroves. © Environment Agency Abu Dhabi
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It is based on two main pillars: adaptation to climate change, which will be achieved by enhancing the resilience of the four key vulnerable sectors [energy, health, infrastructure, and environment] in adapting to the expected risks of climate change. The second is mitigation of climate change by reducing emissions in key sectors and carbon capture, sequestration and storage. This is enabled by economic diversification through innovative, low-carbon solutions and identified opportunities. On adaptation, EAD is the custodian entity for protecting ecosystems and Abu Dhabi’s environment from the adverse impacts of climate change and has been active in protecting Abu Dhabi’s natural heritage and biodiversity. Through this strategy, EAD will ensure that climate change mitigations are embedded into its core conservation activities. EAD is leading the development of an Environment Adaptation plan, which aims to establish a comprehensive framework to increase resilience of the biodiversity, air, water and soil to climate change and to effectively adapt to climate change and protect Abu Dhabi’s ecosystem. To achieve this strategy, EAD is playing a key role working in close coordination with the key entities involved. On mitigation, EAD continues to monitor the Emirate’s greenhouse gases [GHG] and report on it periodically via Abu Dhabi’s GHG inventory. In addition, EAD seeks innovative climate technologies, and is exploring solutions to capture carbon emissions such as the use of olivine sand. The Agency’s ambitious projects on mangrove restoration and rehabilitation enhances the capacity of these important ecosystems for natural carbon sequestration and creating an Abu Dhabi
Bushfires below Stacks Bluff, Tasmania, Australia. © Matt Palmer / Unsplash
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