Shawati' Issue 64

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Shawati’ 64



With an agenda that comprises more than 120 items, the programme will commence with the World Climate Action Summit, a high-level meeting that will gather heads of state and government, alongside leaders from civil society, business, youth, science, indigenous peoples’ organisations, and other sectors, to discuss ways of scaling climate action.

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The programme will also feature the first-ever Health Day at a COP with the aim of boosting policies and investments that protect lives and livelihoods. Topics around relief, recovery, and peace will also be discussed on this day, with emphasis on addressing loss and damage in fragile and conflict-affected regions facing barriers to accessing climate finance. Health-focused climate action can bring considerable benefits to society and the planet. According to the Global Climate and Health Alliance, limiting temperature rise to 1.5°C could prevent up to 150 million premature deaths over the century. Moreover, the cost savings from climate-mitigation and adaptation policies would substantially offset the costs of climate action. “As we prepare for the groundbreaking Health Day at COP28, we are resolute in our determination to address the challenges posed to health by climate change and encourage ambitious investment in the health sector. Our goal is to build resilient, equitable health systems capable of withstanding the impact of climate change,” said Dr Al Jaber. Stakeholders are also set to articulate a vision to scale up climate finance where it is needed the most. Through meetings during the Finance, Trade, Gender Equality and Accountability

The UAE Minister for Climate Change and Environment, COP28 Food Systems Lead, HE Mariam bint Mohammed Almheiri speaking at the UN- organised World Food Day Conference in Rome. © WAM

Flash flood damage in Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler, Germany. © Shutterstock

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Slash and burn tactics, as seen in the Amazon rainforest in Brazil. © Alamy Stock

COP28 UAE. © Waleed Zein-Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

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Framed by the vision of the COP28 Presidency, it takes into account the Climate Action Pathways [a tool that outlines the sectoral visions for a 1.5°C climate-resilient world by 2050], the Breakthrough Agenda [an international clean technology plan to help keep 1.5°C in reach], and the Sharm El Sheikh Adaptation Agenda [a comprehensive plan to enhance adaptation and resilience for billions of people]. The overarching goal is to drive systematic transformations to fulfil the Paris Agreement. With an agenda that comprises more than 120 items, the programme will commence with the World Climate Action Summit, a high-level meeting that will gather heads of state and government, alongside leaders from civil society, business, youth, science, indigenous peoples’ organisations, and other sectors, to discuss ways of scaling climate action.

An aerial image showing flooded homes along the Arkansas River in Sand Springs , Oklahoma. © AP

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