

Goodbye is bitter sweet


all over the township. “At the arena there are exercise classes of every kind and descrip- tion,” quipped Renwick. “There are also the shows and fairs like Yes Women Can, and the Trade Show.” Renwick said it is with sadness as well as joy that she has decided to retire. “I’ve enjoyed it a lot,” smiled Renwick. “It’s been challenging at times.Things have constantly changed over the years. It started out very small, but after the town amalgamated in 1998, the municipality became four times larger.” Renwick’s father is a Vankleek Hill native. She moved to Vankleek Hill at the age of 10 when her father retired from the Armed Forces. As a military brat, Renwick’s family moved around a lot including living three years in Germany. “I love it here,” said Renwick of Vankleek Hill. Renwick attended the last graduating Grade 8 class of the Vankleek Hill Public School. The school was closed after that, making room for Pleasant Corners Public School (PCPS). Renwick later went on to Vankleek Hill Collegiate Institute (VCI), and took several courses at The University of Guelph once she began working. “I’ve enjoyed the opportunity tomeet so many people and be involved in the lives of so many children,” Renwick said. “I’ve seen them grow up in so many sports and activities and now I see thembringing their

Janice Renwick has been working as the director of recreation for the Champlain Township for almost 32 years. Now getting ready to retire, she welcomes newdirector Lisa Burroughs. Burroughs is originally fromOttawa, but moved to her husband’s hometown of Van- kleek Hill about 10 years ago. She attended the University of Ottawa and received a BA in Administration. “It is so far going to be my biggest challenge,” said Burroughs. “But I am excited to get going and build on what has already been set up, and come up with some new ideas as well.” Burroughs has two children and has worked in project management as well as event planning. Her latest role was working with the federal government in Ottawa. “I had to commute every day,” said Burroughs. “This commute is a definite bonus.” Burroughs has been working with Renwick since January 4 learning all there is to learn. “There is a lot that falls under this position,” explained Burroughs. “I have a lot to learn. I don’t think people realize what this position entails.” Taking care of recreation for Champlain involves a lot more than just looking after the arena. There are also the outdoor rinks, themarina, the campground, and the parks

Janice Renwick has been the director of recreation for the Champlain Township for almost 32 years. She said it is now time to have some recreation of her own.

own children here.” Renwick has two daughters and four granddaughters. “I am looking forward to spendingmore time withmy grandchildren,” she exclaimed, “and my husband.” Renwick said she has no specific plans but who knows what the future will bring. “I want to do a lot of the things around the house that I had limited time to do before,” explained Renwick. “Things like gardening and hobbies.”

“I am quite confident that the replace- ment they have chosen will do a great job,” said Renwick. “We get along quite well. We are like-minded. I think things will go well with her taking care of things.” Renwick’s last day as recreation director will be January 29. Burroughs is shadowing her for the time being until she takes over February 1. Renwick said it will be a big change, but one she is looking forward to.

L’HGH est un hôpital communautaire bilingue, à vocaƟon régionale, axé sur le paƟent et sa famille. Notre équipe de plus de 100 médecins et 600 employés est dévouée à l’excellence en soins de santé et mise sur le travail d’équipe, l’innovaƟon et le leadership. L’HGH deviendra un centre hospitalier régional à service complet d’ici 2018 et oīrira plus de services spécialisés, plus près du domicile. RECRUTEMENT—CONSEIL D’ADMINISTRATION Représentez votre communauté en siégeant au conseil d’administraƟon de l’Hôpital Général de Hawkesbury & District (HGH)  Leconseild’administraƟondel’HGHestuneenƟtéforméede17membres,dont12membresnomméset 5membresd’oĸce.AĮndecomblerdespostesàvenir,noussommesàlarecherchedecandidatsqui:  x désirents’impliqueràtitredereprésentantsdelacommunautédesservieparl’HGH; x possèdentunecompréhensiondesbesoinsensantédesrésidentsdePrescottetRussell; x démontrentunengagementcommunautairesoutenu; x ontacquisdel’expérienceengouvernanceauseind’autresconseils.  Lesmembresduconseild’administraƟondel’HGHdoiventêtrerésidentsdesComtésunisdePrescoƩet Russell, du canton de Glengarry Nord ou demeurer dans la grande région de Champlain tel que déĮni danslaLoide2006surl’intégraƟondusystèmedesantélocal.  Sivous rencontrezlescritèresdesélecƟonénumérésciͲhautetqu’unpostedebénévoleauseind’un conseil d’administraƟon engagé à bien représenter sa communauté vous intéresse, veuillez nous faire parvenirvotrecurriculumvitaeà: Jo-anne Laviolette Présidente,ComitédescandidaturesetdelaformaƟon HôpitalGénéraldeHawkesbury&District 1111,rueGhislain,Hawkesbury,(Ont.)K6A3G5  VousêtesinvitésàsoumeƩrevotrecandidature avant 16 h le 5 février 2016. PourtoutequesƟon,vous pouvezcommuniqueravecJoͲanneLavioleƩeau613298Ͳ  Avant de m’engager à Ɵtre de membre du CA de l’HGH, je connaissais très peu du milieu de la santé. Aujourd’hui, après trois années au conseil de l’HGH, je réalise toute la contribuƟon qu’une personne peut apporter à l’amélioraƟon des services de santé de la région en siégeant au conseil d’administraƟon de l’HGH. JoͲanne LavioleƩe, résidente du village de Casselman Membre du CA—novembre 2012 à ce jour LeComitédescandidaturesetdelaformaƟonestàlarecherche depersonnespoursiégerauconseild’administraƟondel’HGH. 

HGH is a family and paƟentͲcentred bilingual community hospital with a regional focus. Our team of more than 100 physicians and 600 employees is commiƩed to excellence in healthcare and relies on teamwork, innovaƟon and leadership. HGH will become a fullͲservice regional hospital by 2018 and provide more specialty services, closer to home. RECRUITMENT—BOARD OF DIRECTORS Represent your community as a member of the Board of Directors of the Hawkesbury & District General Hospital (HGH)  TheNominaƟngandEducaƟonCommiƩee isseekingmemberstoserveontheHGHBoardofDirectors.  TheHGHBoardofDirectorsisanenƟtycomprisedof17members,namely12appointedmembersand5 exoĸciomembers.TheBoardisseekingcandidatestoĮllvacantposiƟons.Thesuccessfulcandidates:  x wanttobeinvolvedinrepresenƟngtheinterestsofthecommunityservedbyHGH; x understandthehealthcareneedsoftheresidentsofPrescoƩandRussell; x demonstrateongoingcommunityengagement; x havegovernanceexperienceonotherboards;  HGHBoardmembersmustresideintheUnitedCounƟesofPrescoƩandRussell,theTownshipofNorth GlengarryorresideinthebroaderChamplainregionasdeĮnedbytheLocalHealthSystemIntegraƟon Act,2006.  If you meet the above criteria and you are interested in a volunteer posiƟon on a dynamic Board of DirectorscommiƩedtorepresentitscommunity,pleaseforwardyourcurriculumvitaeto:  Jo-anne Laviolette Chair,NominaƟngandEducaƟonCommiƩee Hawkesbury&DistrictGeneralHospital 1111GhislainStreet,Hawkesbury,ONK6A3G5  YourcandidacymustbesubmiƩed before 4:00 p.m. on February 5 th , 2016. ForquesƟons,pleasecontactJoͲanneLavioleƩeat613298Ͳ  Prior to becoming a member of the HGH Board of Directors, I knew very liƩle of the health system. Today, aŌer three years on the HGH Board, I realize the many contribuƟons that a person can make to improve health services in the region by serving on the HGH Board. JoͲanne LavioleƩe, Resident of the Village of Casselman Member of the HGH Board of Directors—November 2012 to date

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