King's Business - 1969-06

o f our churches have the reputa­ tion of being “ the place in which to be married.” Everyone is wel­ come and a marriage occurs here for status reasons! Ministers are sometimes hesitant about insist­ ing upon pre-marital counseling for two main reasons. Many feel inadequate because of lack o f training and knowledge of re­ sources. They are fearful that a couple will leave the church and go elsewhere if they are told that they must complete pre-marital counseling before the ceremony takes place. A few even believe that if we unite a non-Christian with one believer, there is an ex­ cellent opportunity for the unbe­ liever to become involved with the church after the wedding. This type of thinking is tragic, for it does not happen this way! Most do not return and quite often the church loses the one who was in­ volved! For the church to unite a non-Christian with a Christian is contrary to the teaching of Scripture and there are no excep­ tions. For the church to allow a young couple to enter marriage without proper guidance and in­ struction — should there be ex­ ceptions here? Many churches are asking cou­ ples to attend several sessions of coun se lin g . Some even offer group-pre-marital counseling. At least 4-6 sessions are necessary. Some of the subjects covered in these educational meetings are: the couple’s personal relationship to Christ, scriptural teaching on the male-female role and family relationships, prayer and Bible study in the home, in-laws, fi­ nances, physical re la t ion sh ip s (this may be done by a physi­ cian), personality differences, and communication. This list is not exhaustive as many other subjects need to be discussed as well. It is best for the ceremony to be post­ poned, or even an engagement broken than to thrust an unpre­ pared couple into an ill-fated mar­ riage. Some who come for coun­ seling will not proceed with the marriage because of new insights

NORTH AMERICA INDIAN MISSION Formerly Marine Medical Mission, Inc., this interdenominational faith mission has evan­ gelized native Indians of Pacific Northwest since 1949 through resident missionaries. DVBS, summer camping, and itinerant coastal villages. Worked in 80 Indian com­ munities in 1968. Write for free publication. William W. Lottis, Director 2205 Fir Street, Dept. B., Vancouver 9, B.C. NORTHERN CANADA EVANGELICAL MISSION An interdenominational faith mission seeking to reach our Canadian Indians with the Gos­ pel . . . a mission field of 250,000 Indians. • Establishing Indian Indigenous Churches * Indian Bible Schools • Translating Scriptures in Indian Languages a 8 - 1 5 minute radio programs each week in Cree, Ojibwa and Chippewan. Head Office: SB - 18th St. East, Prince Albert, Sask. 0 M S Interdenominational faith mission specializ­ ing in the establishment of indigenous churches on eleven fields through evangelism, medicine, radio, and teaching ministries. The Oriental Missionary Society P.O. Box A Greenwood, Indiana 46142 Providing a strategic and effective minis­ try to our servicemen during critical months o f overseas duty. Centers located in Thailand, Viet Nam, Philippines, Taiwan, Okinawa, Japan, and Panama. Write for Directory. P.O. Box 19188 Denver, Colorado $0219 PACIFIC GARDEN MISSION The rescue mission where Billy Sunday and Mel Trotter and a host o f others got their start with Christ. Open around the clock, PGM not only reaches Skid Row but operates a Women’s and Children's Division, Service­ men's Center, and conducts a worldwide ministry through the "Unshackled!" radio program "Proclaiming the Good News since 1877" PARTNERSHIP MISSION, INC. Rochunga Pudaite, Executive Director Wheaton, Illinois 60187 Proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ through National Missionaries in India. Formerly Indo-Burma Pioneer Mission P.O. Box 805 POCKET TESTAMENT LEAGUE Intamhtional Headquarters 49 Honeck St., Englewood, New Jersey 07631 An aggressive missionary movement which combines mass evangelism using modern techniques and large scale Scripture distri­ bution. Currently conducting intensive cam­ paigns in Europe, South America, Asia, Africa and the United States. REGIONS BEYOND MISSIONARY UNION Redeeming The Time . . . in CONGO BORNEO INDIA NEW GUINEA NEPAL PERU 8102 Elberon Ave., Philadelphia Pa. 19111 SOUTH AMERICA INDIAN MISSION P.O. Box 769, Lake Worth, Florida 33460 O bjective : T o reach the wild, tribal, primi­ tive and mixed-blood peoples with God’s message of Redemption. Write for free copy of "Amazon Valley Indian” containing accounts of God’s mar­ velous dealings with these people. BOLIVIA BRAZIL COLOMBIA PERU OVERSEAS CHRISTIAN SERVICEMEN'S CENTERS

MEXICAN INDIAN MISSION, INC. Dr. John T. Dal«, Director Establishing the Church among the Indians of rural Mexico by evangelism, Bible corres­ pondence courses, laymen’s institutes, child evangelism, medical evangelism. Now work­ ing in six tribes. Needed — more mission­ aries; prayer partners to form prayer bands. Write for information and magazine 6018 Drexel Read, Philadelphia, Pa. 10181 MILLION TESTAMENTS CAMPAIGN, INC. Mrs. George T. B. Davis, Director Jews being saved in many lands through our Prophecy New Testaments in many lan­ guages. Our Hebrew Testaments reaching many Jews in the land of Israel. You can help by your prayers and gifts. News Bul­ letin and Prayer Card free upon request. 1505 Race Street Philadelphia Pa. 19102 MISSIONARY AVIATION FELLOWSHIP “ A Servant of Mieeione” Providing highways in the sky and bush radio-telephone service for your missionaries in the rural and forward areas of the mis­ sion field. Write for.- Informative literature Challenging sound-color films Gift annuity information Bex 2828, Fullerton, California 92638 THE MISSIONARY DENTIST, INC. Box.7002; Seattle, Washington 98133 A unique vforldwide evangelistic ministry It meets the physical and spiritual needs o f the nationals, and missionaries too, by providing modern dental care and a sound Bible teaching ministry from the heart of the jungles to populated cities through Dental Evangelism Team programs. Films and literature available. The Missionary Literature Foundation pro­ vides evangelical missionaries with devo­ tional literature for their personal and family use. It also provides contacts useful m meeting the emergency needs of mission­ aries returned from the fields. MISSIONARY LITERATURE FOUNDATION Box 374 Burbank, Calif. 91503 PRACTICAL ASSISTANCE TO EVANGELICAL MISSIONARIES NAVAJO GOSPEL MISSION **Is it nothing to you, all ye that pass by?*' (Lam. 1:12) Reaching some of our First Americans, Navajo Pastors, Bible Training Classes, Grade School, Radio Ministry, Outstations, Medical Ministry, Hogan Visitation, Camps and Con­ ferences, V.B.S. for all ages. Write for the publication: NAVAJO PRAYER CHALLENGE Oraibi, Arizona 86039 NEW YORK BIBLE SOCIETY New York, N.Y. 10017 A UNIQUE MISSIONARY MINISTRY Rev. Youngye R. Kindberg, General Secretary An evangelical missionary organization, dis­ tributing the Scriptures in over 70 languages about the harbor and within the City of New York. Divisions: Marine, Immigration, For­ eign, Jewish, Negro, Hotels, Hospitals, Blind, Scripture texts in subways. New York Mission to the Jews Since 1895 this Mission, founded by Rev. and Mrs. Bernhard Angel, has proclaimed the Gospel to the Jews of New York’s fabled East Side. There are more Jews in metropoli­ tan New. York, than in the State of Israel. MINISTRIES: Gospel services; open-air meet­ ings; hospital and home visitation; Scripture distribution. You can help by prayer and gift. 149 Ave. B, New York, N.Y. 10009. THOUSANDS OF MUSLIM STUDENTS are seriously studying the Bible N E E D E D : (1) "apostles’’ who like Paul will disciple these individually (2) prayer warriors who will strengthen both m issionary and new Christian. W rite t o ; NORTH AFRICA MISSION 47 Long Lano, Upper Darby, Ponna. 19082 205 Yonge Street, Toronto 1, Ontario, Canada 5 East 48th Street



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