GDP Key Achievements 2020





ENCOURAGE APPROPRIATE INTAKE OF NUTRIENT-RICH DAIRY GDP works to shape the dialogue surrounding global sustainable food systems and diets, as well as advance dairy’s protein advantage.

CFS Voluntary Guidelines on Food Systems and Nutrition | Working with the Private Sector Mechanism, GDP has been involved in the development and negotiations of the CFS voluntary guidelines on food systems and nutrition for the last two years. The guidelines are intended as a reference document for governments and other stakeholders regarding policies, investments and institutional arrangements for addressing the key causes of malnutrition. GDP and IDF have been emphasizing science-based evidence, the importance of livestock in sustainable food systems and dairy’s role in a healthy diet throughout the process, which is expected to be completed early in 2021. Protein Quality | GDP and IDF have been leading a global, multi-center research effort to develop a method that more accurately rates the quality of protein-containing foods. Project Proteos, sponsored by more than a dozen companies and organizations in the animal- and plant-based nutrition industries, is developing a data set to support the adoption of the Digestible Indispensable Amino Acid Score (DIAAS). DIASS has been cited by global agencies like FAO as the most biologically accurate way to measure protein quality. The research also highlights the importance of high-protein quality foods like dairy in global health and nutrition. Phase 1 (method development) is complete and the data have been published in a scientific journal.

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Phase 2, which includes building a data set of 100 foods, is underway now and will run from 2020 - 2022.

Dairy Research Consortium (DRC) | GDP is the secretariat for the DRC, a group of nutrition science experts representing dairy organizations in six countries. They meet quarterly to discuss research and nutrition science issues impacting the sector. DRC collaborates on pre-competitive research around four strategic pillars: milkfat, protein, bone health and sustainability. R&D Tech Directors | For the last two years, GDP has been coordinating the pre- competitive collaboration of research and development leaders from seven of the leading commercial dairy companies located in Europe, North America, Oceania and Japan. The group meets quarterly to discuss technical issues impacting the sector.

A World Without Cows | An article written by GDP’s Dr. Mitch Kanter was published in the November/December 2020 issue of Nutrition Today, a peer-reviewed journal of the American Society for Nutrition. The article, “A World Without Cows,” examines what would happen if cows no longer inhabited the earth, while exploring the intended and unintended consequences of such an occurrence. GDP is developing a presentation based on the article that can be delivered to lay and technical audiences in 2021.

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