
police beat to stop. The man is also alleged to have fol- lowed the woman around and at one point prevented her from leaving her own home. The accused is scheduled to appear in provincial court in L’Orignal on Sept. 10 on the charges. Stalking case An Embrun man faces charges after po- lice answered a domestic disturbance call that turned into an investigation about an alleged stalking and harassment incident. The name of the 23-year-old man charged in the case has not been released. He is charged with two counts of criminal ha- rassment involving frequent and unwanted calls, watching and besetting the complain- ant, and displays of threatening conduct. He is also charged with forcible con!nement. The OPP brief states that the complainant had ended a relationship but her ex-partner kept on calling her even after he was told to stop. The man is also alleged to have fol- lowed the woman around and at one point prevented her from leaving her own home. The accused is scheduled to appear in provincial court in L’Orignal on Sept. 10 on the charges. Copper thief The price for salvaged copper continues to attract enterprising thieves. OPP have a commercial burglary case in Embrun that involves stolen copper. The Castor Heating and Cooling outlet on Notre-Dame Street had a break-in over the Aug. 9 weekend. One of the company vans parked outside was the target and “a con-

Missing man found Police have located a Crysler area man reported missing last week. OPP with the North Stormont detachment reported Aug. 22 that Douglas Guy Brown, 57, has been located in Kingston. Brown was !rst reported missing onWednesday, Aug. 20. He had left his home in Crysler to go to work that same morning. His vehicle was later seen back at his First Street residence later in the early afternoon. But there was no sign or any contact the rest of the day. A search for Brown began soon after the missing person report was !led and involved members of the OPP Emergency Response Team, the K9 unit, and the helicopter survey unit. The search was called o" after Kingston area police located Brown in that city late on the following Friday afternoon. The OPP thanks members of the public who provided information and other aid to help with the search Stalking case An Embrun man faces charges after po- lice answered a domestic disturbance call that turned into an investigation about an alleged stalking and harassment incident. The name of the 23-year-old man charged in the case has not been released. He is charged with two counts of crimi- nal harassment involving frequent and un- wanted calls, watching and besetting the complainant, and displays of threatening conduct. He is also charged with forcible con!nement. The OPP brief states that the complainant had ended a relationship but her ex-partner kept on calling her even after he was told

siderable amount” of copper was the prize. Anyone with information about the theft is asked to call Const. Michael Cunning at 443- 4499 or the CrimeStoppers con!dential tips line at 1-800-222-8477. Pizzeria break-in Milano’s Pizza on Principal Street in Cas- selman was broken into during the night Aug. 11. The would-be thieves forced their way inside. A cash register was later found stuck inside a rear window and a secu- rity camera pulled o" the wall inside the premises. Anyone with information on the break-in is asked to call Const. Éric Bruneau at 613-443-4499 or the CrimeStoppers toll- free con!dential tips line. House burgled A homeowner on Rembrandt Drive in Em- brun is missing a couple of portable com- puters and some money. Police received a call Aug. 5 about a home burglary. The homeowner returned home from work and noticed the front door had been

forced open. Inside the house the bedroom had been ransacked. Police did a sweep of the premises to make sure no one was still hiding inside. The homeowner con!rmed that a Macbook and an iPad Mini and some cash were missing. Anyone with information on the break- in can call Const. Fabiola Vietz at 443-4499 or the CrimeStoppers toll-free tips line at 1-800-222-8477. Drunk driving Police answered a late-night call Aug. 15 about a single-vehicle accident on County Road 22 in The Nation municipality. They ended up charging the driver, Terry Birch, 75, of Cornwall, with driving while having a blood-alcohol level exceeding 80 milli- grams. The OPP brief stated that Birch’s 2002 Mazda Protegé ended up in the ditch after he lost control. The driver su"ered no inju- ries and is scheduled for the Sept. 3 provin- cial court session in L’Orignal on the charge. Loi de 2001 sur les municipalités, article 379, partie XI VENTE DE BIEN-FONDS PUBLIQUE LA CORPORATION DE LA MUNICIPALITÉ DE LA NATION AVIS est donné qu’un appel d’offres est lancé relativement à l’achat du/des bien( s) décrit(s) ci-dessous et que les offres seront reçues jusqu’à 15 heures, heure locale le 19 septembre 2014, au bureau municipal , 958 route 500 ouest, Casselman, Ontario KOA 1MO. L’ouverture des offres aura lieu en public le même jour au bureau municipal ,958 route 500 Ouest, Casselman Ontario, KOA 1MO.

Municipalité de La Nation The Nation Municipality

Municipal Act, 2001 Section 379 part XI


TAKE NOTICE that sealed tenders are invited for the purchase of the lands described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on September 19th , 2014 , at the Municipal Office, 958 Route 500 West, Casselman, Ontario K0A 1M0. The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day at the Municipal Office,958 Route 500 West, Casselman Ontario K0A 1M0.

UNE OCCASION D’EXPLOITER UN MAGASIN-AGENCE S’OFFRE AUX COMMERÇANTS DE CRYSLER DEMANDE DE PROPOSITIONS LCBO DDP N° 2014-116 CRYSLER Une excellente occasion d’affaires s’offre aux détaillants de Crysler. La Régie des alcools de l’Ontario (LCBO) recherche un détaillant responsable et soucieux du service à la clientèle pour exploiter un magasin-agence de la LCBO à Crysler. Pour être admissible, vous devez exploiter un commerce de vente au détail déjà établi dans la localité et vous engager à respecter les lignes directrices de la LCBO. Pour faciliter la vente de boissons alcooliques, le candidat choisi pourrait avoir à conclure des ententes commerciales différentes avec la LCBO et avec les fournisseurs de bières canadiennes. Le candidat retenu devra également suivre un programme de formation spécial de la LCBO qui a trait à la responsabilité reliée à la vente des boissons alcooliques. Depuis l962, la LCBO a autorisé plus de 200 magasins-agences qui desservent les localités TXLRQWGHPDQGpXQVHUYLFHGHYHQWHG¶DOFRROPDLVGRQWODSRSXODWLRQHVWLQVXI¿VDQWHSRXU\ établir une succursale régulière de la LCBO ou un magasin de bière. Les magasins-agences VRQWFRQ¿pVjGHVGpWDLOODQWVORFDX[HWV¶DQQH[HQWjXQFRPPHUFHGHGpWDLOH[LVWDQW/HFRQWUDW d’un magasin-agence est normalement d’une durée de cinq ans. Au cours de la cinquième année d’exploitation d’un magasin-agence, la LCBO tient compte des nouveaux commerces établis dans la localité et donne à tous la chance de présenter leur candidature pour le prochain terme de cinq ans. Un détaillant qui exploite un magasin-agence a la possibilité d’augmenter ses revenus en attirant une clientèle additionnelle tout en offrant aux citoyens de sa localité les produits et services de la LCBO. Un magasin-agence contribue également à l’économie de la localité souvent par la création de nouveaux emplois et par l’augmentation de l’achalandage chez les autres marchands locaux. Les commerçants intéressés sont invités à faire la demande du dossier de soumission pour ce concours par la poste avant 17 h, le vendredi 5 septembre 2014 . La demande doit être adressée de la façon suivante : DDP N° 2014-116 Crysler Demande du dossier de soumission NB : Des frais de soumission de 100 $ sont exigés au moment où vous faites votre demande de dossier de soumission. Veuillez acquitter ces frais en joignant à votre demande un mandat ou un chèque fait à l’ordre de la LCBO. Les candidats doivent soumettre leur formulaire de proposition complet et dans les normes au Service des achats de la LCBO avant 15 h (heure locale) le vendredi 19 septembre 2014 . Les propositions reçues en retard ne seront pas acceptées. Elles seront retournées à l’expéditeur sans être lues. Directeur des achats, LCBO 1, rue Yonge, bureau 1404 Toronto (Ontario) M5E 1E5

Description of Lands

Minimum Tender Amount Montant minimal de l’offre

Description du/des bien(s)-fonds

Roll No. 0212 001 001 02050 FILE – TR-2-2013 PT LT 7 CON 1 CAMBRIDGE AS IN RR40280; THE NATION MUNICIPALITY PIN:69031-0015 (LT)

$ 5,126.59

Roll No. 0212 026 014 07900 FILE – TR-3-2013 E ½ LT 16 CON 14 SOUTH PLANTAGENET EXCEPT SP16047,SP16069, S/T SP12646,SP12702; NATION PIN: 54117-0109 (LT)

$ 6,408.97

Les offres doivent être rédigées selon la formule prescrite et accompagnées d’un dépôt d’au moins 20 pour cent de leur montant, sous forme de mandat, de traite bancaire ou un chèque visé par une banque ou une société de fiducie, fait à l’ordre de la Municipalité de La Nation. Exception faite de ce qui suit, la municipalité ne fait aucune déclaration à l’égard du bien-fonds faisant l’objet de la vente, notamment en ce qui concerne le titre, incluant mais non limité au potentiel existant de l’état environnemental du site. Il incombe aux acheteurs éventuels de faire les vérifications nécessaires. La Loi de 2001 sur les municipalités articles 379 partie XI et les Règles concernant les ventes pour non paiement des impôts municipaux adoptées en application de cette loi régissent la vente. L’adjudicataire est tenu de payer le montant de son offre, les impôts accumulés et les droits de cession immobilière applicable ainsi que la TVH si applicable.

Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompanied by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank draft or cheque certified by a bank, trust corporation payable to the municipality and representing at least 20 per cent of the tender amount. The municipality makes no representation regarding the title to or any other matters relating to the land to be sold, including but not limited to the potential existence of environmental contamination. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers. This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001Section 379 Part XI and the Municipal Tax Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be required to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes, relevant land transfer tax and HST if applicable. The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the successful purchaser. For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the prescribed form of tender, contact:

La municipalité n’est pas tenue d’offrir la libre possession à l’adjudicataire.

Pour obtenir des renseignements supplémentaires sur la vente et une copie de la formule d’offre prescrite, s’adresser à:

Mme Cécile Lortie—Treasurer /Trésorière Municipality of The Nation / Municipalité de La Nation 958 Route 500 West / ouest, Casselman, On KOA 1MO (613) 764-5444 ext /poste 224

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