Volunteers needed! Intergenerational “Come SingWith Me” Choir The objective is to promote the sport and support area food banks (CV). SD&G horse tests positive for EEEV An unvaccinated horse i the U ited Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry has t st d positive for the Eastern quine encephalitis virus (EEEV). The virus is normally found in wild birds but can occasionally spread to horses and humans through the bite of infected mosquitoes. While a vaccine exists f r horses, there is none for humans. Therefore, the Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU) is issuing a re- minder to everyone to take precautions against mosquito bites. “Although there’s never been a reported human case of Eastern equine encephalitis in Ontario, it’s a very serious disease at all ages and can even cause death. For this reason, we urge all residents to protect themselves against mosquito bites,” said Dr. Paul Roumelio- tis, medical o#cer of health for EOHU. (FR) The Alzheimer Society of Cornwall and District is looking for seniors, students and individuals with dementia who love to sing. No experience needed! This bilingual choir will meet once per week from October until December and end with a Holiday performance. We invite you to take the time to be inspired working toward creating Dementia Friendly Communities. Please contact Natasha Roberge at the Alzheimer Society 613-932-4914 ext. 202 or alzheimeredcoord@one-mail.on.ca Bénévoles recherché(e)s! Chorale intergé- nérationnelle «Come SingWith Me» La Société Alzheimer de Cornwall et région est à la recherche de personnes âgées, d’étudiants et d’individus atteints d’une démence qui aiment chanter. Aucun talent musical nécessaire! Cette chorale bilingue se rencontrera une fois par semaine du mois d’octobre au mois de décembre et terminera avec un concert des temps des fêtes. Nous vous invitons à participer à ce franc succès a!n de créer une communauté inclusive. Veuillez SVP contacter Natasha Roberge à la Société Alzheimer au 613-932-4914 poste 202 ou alzheimeredcoord@one-mail.on.ca SNC awards grants The South Nation Conservation (SNC) Authority has awarded several small grants to local events promoting the river and watershed, including one in Casselman and one in Crysler. The Optimist Club Summer Children’s Camp at Crysler and the Local Bassholes Fishing Derby at Casselman will each receive $300. Ten projects were approved so far this year. The purpose is to promote conservation-minded use of rivers and streams in the 4200-square-km South Nation watershed.Crysler’s Optimist Club Summer Children’s Camp presents a di!erent theme each week, including Green Days to educate participants about natural resources and how they can help protect them. Local Bassholes used its grant to purchase prizes for the youth and children’s divisions in a "shing tournament at High Falls Conserva- tion Area, a popular and beautiful "shing spot on the South Nation in Casselman.
Kristina coupe sa longue chevelure
AUCTION SATURDAY, SEP 6, 2014 AT11:00 A.M. at Génier st, St-Albert On). For Mrs. Pauline Adam.. FOLLOW AUCTION SIGNS. TO BE SOLD : HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, DISHES, KNICK!KNACKS, FULL GARAGE OF TOOLS, GAS LAWNMOWER, ECT... Furniture, kitchen accessories & others: queen or double bedroom set, kitchen table with 3 ext. & 6 chairs, queen bed Kingsdown, colonial living room set, kitchen round table & 4 chairs, 3 piece bedroom set, 3 small living room tables, queen or double bed headboard with metal frame on wheels, antique dresser, Westinghouse freezer, beach refrigerator, few TV di"erent sizes, electric guitar Pro#le with case & stool, lots of bedding for single, double or queen beds, 8 stacking chairs, 2 living room lamps, 2 speakers Sony, Kenmore carpet washing machine, suitcases, man & woman’s coats, vacuum cleaner Tristar with accessories, $oor fan, 3 mirrors di"erent sizes, dehumidi#er Kenmore Kenmore, Hotpoint humidi#er, Brothers sewing machine, dish set 22 pieces, Oster mix master, 2 large pans, 12 cup co"ee maker, toaster oven, #replace accessories, glass plates & bowls, glassware, variety of vases, bean crock, turkey pan, thermos, 2 speaker stands, Tupperware, tablecloths, variety of picture & paintings, car boos old & modern& miniature models, race car poster, Tintin & Asterix books, Xmas tree (pine) & Xmas decorations, #xture globe, coat hanger, small lamp, colonial lamp for wall, ect…, wall decorations and many more items. Tools, work accessories & others: Craftsman 350 series compressor (25gal.-125PSI-120 volts), hammer drill DeWalt(20 volts battery- charger & 3 batteries), Tilt Jack, lawn mower 148cc-4.5 torque, electric grass cutter, 20 volts Mastercraft drill charger and 2 batteries, electric chain saw 100/120 volts, drill & impact Poster Cable 12 volts, portable generator Powermate 1850+, 18 gauge 60-100 PSI air stapler Mastercraft, brad #nishing nailer, electric vacuum blower with bag, wet/dry vacuum Shop-Vac, Mastercraft heat gun, Hydraulic trolley jack, portable work bench, multi-tool SoniCrafter, Mastercraft tap drill set, impact drill 5.0 Amp, 5”bench grinder, Professional series 85 pieces ¼ &3/8” drive set, 7 ¼” commercial circular saw, cordless screwdriver 4.8 volts-charger, ratchet screwdriver, jig saw Porter Cable, 2 speed jig saw, digital multimeter & tester, sawzall, 3/8”electric drill, 14”electric hedge trimmer, 60 watts heater, propane stove, aluminum stepladder 6’&other stepladders, 440 lbs Gambrel & hoist set, solar battery charger, socket set, 50 piece ratchet set, 5 tool mix boxes, retractable reel with compressor hose, air compressor, come along, portable fan heater, pressure washer, set of titanium wick, assorted pliers and vice grip, lots of pipe wrench, di"erent size extension cords, hitches and chains, 4 pc circuit & voltage testing kit-deluxe digital multimeter & other electric tools, saws, bigand small levels,axes, ratchettiedown,towstraps, lawn roller, solar lamps(4), sand #lter for #ltering pool, wheel barrow, boxes of nails-screws, plumbers materials, chimney pipe, golf balls, practice golf net, clock motor 125 volts, workers ‘belt, ceramics, automobile products, chain link fence, wood ramps, trailer tire, small chemical toilet, big umbrella and many more. TERMS/CONDITIONS: Cash or personal cheques with proper I.D. See internet for more details, very good stock. Cantine and toilets on site Bilingual auctioneer: Régent Ménard, Embrun, Ontario 613-443-2884 Owner and auctioneer not responsible for theft or accidents http;//encanmenardauction.com • A do not miss auction! Property is also for sale by owners. Nice bungalow house, see us day of auction. Doors open at 9 a.m. Kristina Legault, 13 ans, d’Embrun, se demandait bien ce qu’elle pouvait apporter dans la société pour faire une di!érence. Inspirée par sa coi!euse du Salon Love, l’adolescente a décidé de mettre les ciseaux dans sa longue chevelure frisée. Elle a donc fait couper sa tignasse de 25 centimètres (10 pouces) pour les o!rir aux enfants atteints de cancer ou ayant un problème médical. Kristina n’a pas fait couper ses cheveux pendant 15 mois dans le but d’avoir la longueur désirée. C’est avec enthousiasme qu’elle a fait parvenir ce don à l’organisation Locks of Love , organisme à but non lucratif, en Floride, qui donne la chance à des enfants de familles à faible revenu d’avoir de vrais cheveux suite à une perte importante. Elle lance le dé" à d’autres!
Photo Annie Lafortune
FIT DX 2 014 34 @
0 .
99 % $
62 @
1 .
99 % $
FROM7.1CITY / 5.7HWY (L/100 KM) '
FROM8.8CITY / 5.8HWY (L/100 KM) '
Limited time weekly lease offer available through Honda Financial Services Inc. (HFS), to qualified retail customers on approved credit. Weekly payment includes freight and PDI ($1,495), EHF tires ($28.45), EHF filters ($1), A/C levy ($100 except Fit DX models), and OMVIC fee ($5). Taxes, license, insurance and registration areextra. Ω Representativeweekly leaseexample:2014FitDXona60month termwith260weeklypaymentsat0.99% leaseAPR.Weeklypayment is$33.75with$0 down or equivalent trade-in, $2,450 total lease incentive included. Down payments, $0 security deposit and first weekly payment due at lease inception. Total lease obligation is$8,773.77.120,000 kilometre allowance; chargeof$0.12/km for excess kilometres.PPSA lien registration feeof$45.93 and lien registering agent’s fee of $5.65, due at time of delivery are not included. For all offers: license, insurance, other taxes (including HST) and excess wear and tear are extra. Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price. Offers only valid for Ontario residents at Ontario Honda Dealers. Dealer may lease for less. Dealer order/trade may be necessary. Vehicles and accessories are for illustration purposes only. Offers, prices and features subject to change without notice. See your Ontario Honda Dealer or visit HondaOntario.com for fulldetails. ∞ Basedon FuelConsumptionGuide ratings fromNaturalResourcesCanada.TransportCanada approved testmethodsused.Your actual fuel consumptionwill vary basedon drivinghabits andother factors – use for comparisononly.
Limited time weekly lease offer available through Honda Financial Services Inc. (HFS), to qualified retail customers on approved credit. Weekly payment in- cludes freight and PDI ($1,695), EHF tires ($28.45), EHF filters ($1), A/C levy ($100) and OMVIC fee ($5). Taxes, license, insurance and registration are extra. Ω Representativeweekly lease example:2014AccordLXSedan6MTon a60month termwith260weeklypayments at1.99% leaseAPR.Weeklypayment is$62.00 with$0downor equivalent trade-in, and$1,350 total lease incentive included.Downpayments,$0 securitydeposit andfirstweeklypaymentdue at lease inception. Total leaseobligation is$16,120.73.120,000 kilometre allowance; chargeof$0.12/km for excess kilometres.PPSA lien registration feeof$45.93 and lien registering agent’s feeof$5.65,due at timeofdelivery arenot included. For alloffers: license, insurance,other taxes (includingHST) and excesswear and tear are extra.Taxes payableon fullamountofpurchaseprice.Offersonlyvalid forOntario residentsatOntarioHondaDealers.Dealermay lease for less.Dealerorder/trademaybeneces- sary.Vehicles and accessories are for illustrationpurposesonly.Offers,prices and features subject to changewithoutnotice.See yourOntarioHondaDealeror visit HondaOntario.com for fulldetails. ∞ Basedon FuelConsumptionGuide ratings fromNaturalResourcesCanada.TransportCanada approved testmethodsused.Your actual fuel consumptionwill vary based ondriving habits and other factors – use for comparisononly.
CR-V LX 2 014 67 @
CIVIC DX 2 0 1 4 39 @ 0 .
1 .
99 % $
99 % $
FROM9.0CITY / 6.4HWY (L/100 KM) '
FROM7.3CITY / 5.5HWY (L/100 KM) '
Limited time weekly lease offers available through Honda Financial Services Inc. (HFS), to qualified retail customers on approved credit. Weekly payment includes freight andPDI ($1,495),EHF tires ($28.45),EHFfilters ($1),A/C levy ($100 exceptCivicDXmodels), andOMVIC fee ($5).Taxes, license, insurance and registration are extra. Ω Representative weekly lease example: 2014 Civic DX Sedan on a 60 month term with 260 weekly payments at 0.99% lease APR. Weekly payment is $38.92 with $0 down or equivalent tradein, and $1,075 total lease incentive included. Down payments, $0 security deposit and first weekly payment due at lease inception.Total leaseobligation is$10,118.26.120,000 kilometre allowance; chargeof$0.12/km for excess kilometres.PPSA lien registration feeof$45.93 and lien registering agent’s fee of $5.65, due at time of delivery are not included. For all offers: license, insurance, other taxes (including HST) and excess wear and tear are extra. Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price.Offers only valid forOntario residents atOntarioHondaDealers.Dealermay lease for less.Dealer order/trade may be necessary. Vehicles and accessories are for illustration purposes only. Offers, prices and features subject to change without notice. See your Ontario Honda Dealeror visitHondaOntario.com for fulldetails. BasedonAssociationof InternationalAutomobileManufacturersofCanada (AIAMC)data reflecting salesbetween 1997 andDecember2013. ∞ Basedon FuelConsumptionGuide ratings fromNaturalResourcesCanada.TransportCanada approved testmethodsused.Your actual fuel consumption will vary based on driving habits and other factors – use for comparison only. All visitors 12 years of age and under are to be accompanied by an adultwhen entering andwhile on site.
VISITEZ NOTRE SITE WWW.HAWKESBURYHONDA.CA POUR TOUS NOS MODÈLES Limited time weekly lease offer available through Honda Financial Services Inc. (HFS), to qualified retail customers on approved credit. Weekly payment in- cludes freight and PDI ($1,695), EHF tires ($28.45), EHF filters ($1), A/C levy ($100), and OMVIC fee ($5). Taxes, license, insurance and registration are extra. Ω Representativeweekly lease example:2014CR-VLX2WDon a60month termwith260weeklypayments at1.99% leaseAPR.Weeklypayment is$66.85with$0 down or equivalent trade-in, and $1,625 total lease incentive included. Down payments, $0 security deposit and first weekly payment due at lease inception. Total lease obligation is $17,380.99. 120,000 kilometre allowance; charge of $0.12/km for excess kilometres. PPSA lien registration fee of $45.93 and lien registering agent’s feeof$5.65,due at timeofdelivery arenot included. For alloffers: license, insurance,other taxes (includingHST) and excesswear and tear are extra.Taxes payableon fullamountofpurchaseprice.Offersonlyvalid forOntario residentsatOntarioHondaDealers.Dealermay lease for less.Dealerorder/trademaybeneces- sary.Vehicles and accessories are for illustrationpurposesonly.Offers,prices and features subject to changewithoutnotice.See yourOntarioHondaDealeror visit HondaOntario.com for fulldetails. ∞ Basedon FuelConsumptionGuide ratings fromNaturalResourcesCanada.TransportCanada approved testmethodsused.Your actual fuel consumptionwill varybased on drivinghabits andother factors–use for comparison only.
FAN FRIDAY ! JULY "#, $%"&
Feel theexcitementof theHonda IndyTorontoduringFanFriday!Youradmission ispaidcourtesyof yourOntario HondaDealers inexchange for yourcashdonation toMake-a-Wish ® Canada ∆ .Wehope to see you trackside.
455, ROUTE 17, HAWKESBURY, ON • 613 632-5222 HEURES • LUNDI AU VENDREDI : 8H À 17H • SAMEDI : 9H À 15H
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