NY Student Handbook 2024-25

B. During official school breaks, the campus and dormitories close. Students are expected to arrange their own housing and transportation during those weeks.

C. Students are typically not permitted to leave or return early or late for official school breaks. In the case of extenuating circumstances, special permission is required from the Student Life Deans. Failure to obtain this may result in a zero grade for missed coursework. 1. If special permission is granted to leave early, coursework can be made up in one of the following ways: a. Complete the work ahead of time by viewing the previous year’s class on the campus intranet. b. Arrangements must then be made with the Academic Department to complete assignments and take quizzes and exams. 2. All make-up work must be completed by the deadline established by the Academic Department including all assignments, quizzes, or exams. Failure to do so will result in a zero grade for all missed assignments. 3. As per the standard stated elsewhere, no more than 20% of a semester may be made up. If illness or other factors result in a student missing more than 20% of the semester, they may be asked to withdraw and then to re-enroll when they are able to complete the program in the classroom. VIII. STUDENT COUNCIL OVERVIEW What is Student Council? Student Council is a group of students who represent and serve the entire student body. Student Council members will be elected for leadership positions and will serve in these positions as their service assignment. What does everyone do? All Student Council members act as representatives to the Student Life Department (Deans and Resident Directors). Student Council meets regularly with the Student Life Department to bring up issues concerning campus life. Student Council also serves the student body by creating and running campus activities and service projects.


A. Announcements 1. Your school email and Canvas are the main sources of communication. Check your communication daily. 2. Students are responsible for any important announcements or meeting requests sent to their email accounts or posted in Canvas by staff and faculty. B. Care of Buildings 1. Students collectively sign a “dorm contract” with their Dorm RA at the start of the year, which serves as a reference during room inspections at the end of the year. Damages may result in fines determined by the Student Life Deans. 2. Screens are not to be removed from windows. 3. Extension cords are not permitted in dorm rooms but power strips are. However, a power strip may not be connected to another power strip. 4. Hot oil poppers, toaster ovens, hot pots (unless a coil is built into the base), hot coils, halogen lamps, and sun lamps are not allowed in the dormitories due to being fire hazards. Hot air poppers are allowed. 5. Air conditioners are not permitted in student housing. 6. Students must not store items in the boiler room or enter it at any time. 7. Tampering with the temperature settings of water heaters and furnaces is not permitted. If there is a problem with furnaces or water heaters, contact your Dorm RA. Please do not attempt to make repairs. 8. It is a violation of New York State law to tamper with, cover, or in any way deface exit signs or fire extinguishers.



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